boyfriend not intersted

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I've been dating a guy for a year and we were friends for a year prior to that. He is wonderful and we get along great, but I'm wondering if he's not attracted to me, we've only had sex 4 times.....ever. We do have unique living situations, we both have our parents in our homes along with kids, so we don't have a lot of alone time. However, even when we do have time for ourselves, he doesn't seen interested. He's not super affectionate.....I don't know...I just need advice.

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No need to make excuses why he doesn't have sex with. A man who is into you will plan the logistics and make it happen. This guy either isn't into you, or is weak (especially if it took a whole damn year for y'all to date).

Move on. This dud isn't worth any investment.

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Yeah you can usually tell who of the two of you has sexual blockages. Does he get very tense in bed or do you? Or maybe both. In any case, you can work through sexual blockages by doing meditation, yoga, breathing excersises etc. Or maybe you just don't have any sexual chemistry, in which case I would say move on. 

But sounds like there is just some weird stuff going on with him. And maybe because he is distant you really want his approval and love etc because now your self-image depends on it. If this is the case I would say move on. 

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Probably he has some ideas preventing enjoyment and sexual ideas or you're not his type at all/he is gay

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@CAW  He is gay.

Does he know or is he in true denial/unawareness?


Anyway, find a new one. A better one.

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Yeah, he is gay or just not that into you. Imo try to speak with him about this issue openly.

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He's living with his parents? And you in the same house? 

Seems like life is just about safety and security which means lack of everything else ?

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Mmm...maybe he's got some problems?  May be it's something psychological? Try to increase his libido with special food like dark chocolate, banana, oysters or watermelon. Try to make him a massage. If nothing helps, ask him directly why is he not interested in you as a woman. May be he's just afraid of something or the problem is in his parents or whatever. If nothing helps, it's better not to date him.

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