
Astral projection

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After a lucid dream/astral projection Last year i have been able to astral project more and more easily. Mostly i have just been having a good time flyong around on earth, in space and so on. Does anyone have tips on beneficial use of this? Other than understanding we all create our «reality»

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Then I would ask what is your goal? I know Leo would say something like what good is astral projection if you don't get real growth out of it. So to that I would say keep practicing and go inward, go to the inner, higher dimensions, higher levels of consciousness. Some people go to the sun and use it as a portal to higher dimensions. Some people find portals. The portals just help facilitate your own journey inward to other dimensions and places. You can even command yourself to go inward and it should help a lot. Say to yourself "higher self now" or similar while going inward. Famous astral projector William Buhlman talks about doing this. 

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My goal so far has just been to get good at it and enjoy the ride but im ready to put it to good use. Will try what you said and read up on it. Ill check out Buhlman 


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Next time you achieve such state, sit in meditation within your lucid dream 



🌟  The  🌟 Logos 🌟


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Have you visited Inner-Earth? >.< or when you go in space do you feel the pressure?


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Pasting a answer to a pm below?

i fell into a lucid dream spontainiously during a afternoon nap. After that i have been able to «pierce trough the vail» if that makes sense.. if i wake up tired in the morning and set a goal of doing it, i lay on my back and consentrate on just seeing something while letting my body fall asleep (hard to explain but sort of intentionally leaving here to go there) after a while i see patterns wich becomes clearer and then i intentionally go through like looking out a window and im there.. you could argue its a lucid dream and not astral projection scince i dont get up by the bed sort to speak. But im looking at it more like climbing out the vindow? Plus its intentional. i have no contact with my physical body what so ever but still have a different physical body and can do whatever i want. Flying into space looking down on earth and such

i have yet to do anything else than flying around going to places around the world but meditating in space, going through mirrors to other dimensions and such is on the list now?

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@Dodo Why :D

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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2 hours ago, Berjohansen said:


Pasting a answer to a pm below?

i fell into a lucid dream spontainiously during a afternoon nap. After that i have been able to «pierce trough the vail» if that makes sense.. if i wake up tired in the morning and set a goal of doing it, i lay on my back and consentrate on just seeing something while letting my body fall asleep (hard to explain but sort of intentionally leaving here to go there) after a while i see patterns wich becomes clearer and then i intentionally go through like looking out a window and im there.. you could argue its a lucid dream and not astral projection scince i dont get up by the bed sort to speak. But im looking at it more like climbing out the vindow? Plus its intentional. i have no contact with my physical body what so ever but still have a different physical body and can do whatever i want. Flying into space looking down on earth and such

i have yet to do anything else than flying around going to places around the world but meditating in space, going through mirrors to other dimensions and such is on the list now?

If you can fly around earth and see all kinds of things people do, then how come you talking like its no big deal? Arent you gonna get amazing life benefits from this? Like discovering secrets of other people lol

Edited by Raymondo

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?im not sure it works exactly like that. In that case everyone capable of it would be a lottery millionaire long time ago? and as i said im only in the early stage working on it?

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