
Alcohol & weed for personal development

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Anyone here try it? I've gotten some good insights about life from these two substances. My hypothesis is that you can do consciousness work from them 

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I’ve had good insights from these substances. Alcohol has shown me the confidence level I want to be at permanently. Weed has helped me work on emotional issues. Now I just need to change my behavior from these insights. I don’t feel like they have the power to take you super far though but I don’t really know tbh. Maybe it is possible to have ego death on these substances?  I want to try psychedelics for personal development and consciousness work instead. Also alcohol is not good for you biologically and it possible that weed can have effects on the brain. Also here is a good video. There seems to be some truth in this perspective. 


Edited by Chrissy j

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I always like bashar's explanation of cannabis and psychedelics as he speaks exactly as i understand the universe and its laws. Not so sure about alcohol though. Its very toxic to our bodies and psyche although there could be a way around it but there are far better alternatives IMHO.

Here is another good but slightly different way to see it although i agree with Bashar more than anyone else. He is direct and pure without all the spiritualists mumbo jumbo unnecessary long explanations. Osho was also great for being direct and getting to the core of things.



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@d0ornokey are you talking about using them together, or separately? 

Just like anything, they should be tools, not crutches. 

Weed gives me insights too. Usually ones that have to do with empathy and love, although sometimes some really deep shit too.  The trick is to see if they still make sense or resonate the next day, while sober. That's  more of a chance it's a good insight and not  stupified by being high.  It really has changed my life though, I've made so many life changes due to insights that effect my every day life, like how I  treat others and how to not let myself dip into a bad mood, which was a constant problem from way before I started trying weed. 

Just be careful though. Even though its not chemically addictive, it's is very much psychologically addictive. Especially once you get to the point where you feel like you can't be in a good mood without it.  You should let it show you the road map to happiness, not depend on it always taking you there. 



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