
Progress is like a YO YO

34 posts in this topic

37 minutes ago, LRyan said:

@Nahm   Awe thanks for the support!  It is so helpful when I hear such good tips to help me to get to where I want to be!  And, I'm looking for things that I can implement practically and immediately so I am making a commitment to being void of stimulation upon waking.  I really think that will help because usually my mind starts running in loops before I'm even out of bed.  A conscious effort is needed here!   I'm a work in progress at the moment which is fine.  Everything is fine actually.................Except I can't figure out how to post a picture for my avatar and I would like to have an inspirational quote under my posts!! lol!




Profile....touch or click the picture and choose a new one. 

Account add some wisdom to you posts. ?



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@dorg I think what I should have said is that my awareness goes into monkey mind far too often.  Pure awareness/consciousness is always there and doesn't go away but the insane mind takes over and then awareness is absent for periods of time.  Everyday life issues and requirements is the trigger that pulls me away from my awareness.  Mostly when I am speaking to other people I find that it is extremely difficult to maintain awareness.  Like getting sucked into a black hole and wrapped up in nonsense.  Then a space opens up where I become aware that I have drifted off into never never land again......over and over.

My goal is to be aware for longer periods of time and to realize when the mind and thought patterns are running wild and then boom, back into the pure joy and peace of total awareness.  Until I can do this more often, I feel like a yo yo....up down, up, down......In and out of awareness...constantly.

I am grateful that I know what awareness is.  Years ago, my mind was the world to me and I believed everything my thoughts told me.

Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.

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@Nahm Thanks! :)

Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.

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15 hours ago, LRyan said:

@Faceless   I feel like people around me are evolving and I am finally getting the information that I need.  Reinforcement that having a glimpse or an experience of enlightenment is not the end but rather the beginning?  Is this what you are getting at?

I do understand that Psychological time is a man made idea so we can reference certain points of a day.  Even the term day is made up and doesn't exist either.  I get what you mean that saying, in time...I will understand and "get there".  There is no where to get and there is no such thing as the past or the future everything happens right now in this second ...then it's gone, then again, then it's gone...I get that for sure.

I like what you said about liberation can take a day or a lifetime...could even take a second.  

I truly can understand now that my expectation of and enlightened experience does not change the habits and ways of the self without further effort to integrate the two.  But my question is...can they be successfully integrated??  Some spiritual teachers seem to have sort of done it but I'm not sure.  Moojoi seems to have, Eckhart Tolle and Rupert Spira and a few others maybe but it seems to elude most.  Hmm.  Thanks for the input! Its great to have something for my self to work on ;)




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2 hours ago, LRyan said:

@Saumaya Have you gone through this questioning of your assumptions and beliefs?  I'm wondering how you go beyond what you already thought you have gone beyond?  I know the layers are deep.  I might need to take a more directed approach to go further.  I'm not sure how to delve deeper without possible attending a retreat or secluding myself from life for a period of time.  

When I say source energy or God or Universal Energy, I don't mean that I am talking about any thing or religious notion.  I'm actually talking about no thing..... Nothingness, Maybe energy isn't the word I mean.......when I say a piece of the universe, i don't mean that it is separate.  I might not be able to express it in words what I mean.  

Yes I have.

Everything is a belief. Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. You gotta question everything, till all questions disappear. No belief is true. When all your beliefs crumble away, you ll find truth. Nothingness is also a belief, unless you have a direct consciousness experience of these things, you gotta question them. Everything held dear and precious about "you" must be questioned. Question everything till no more question remain.

BUT....remember to take it easy too, there is no hurry.

Hope this is helpful:D

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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23 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's very rare that one becomes as enlightened as Jesus or the Buddha. And even rarer that it happens in one shot.

Whatever glimpses you've had, they were probably not that deep.

The trick is that even a small glimpse will feel mindblowing and deep, which tends to obscure that fact that it's only the tip of the iceberg.

It seems rather obvious that liberation from duality/fragmentation becomes an ongoing process of prepetual strife because most depend on others to guide them. People depend on ‘the known’ knowledge and never learn about themselves very deeply. People get caught in the mechanical pattern of thought as means of ending thought. This is a futile attempt. 

Again one who understands the self/thought  very very deeply will tell you that liberation is not the result of the cultivation of time. When this is seen actually freedom is instantaneous. 

To ask how to, or what method, systems, techniques to ‘become’ liberated is inviting time as means to the timeless. This is why liberation takes so long for these so called ‘advanced’...If you ever meet someone and they say they are a ‘advanced yogi’ or a ‘master in the ways of liberation’ walk the other way. These people are caught in the realm of measure and have cultivated time as means to the timeless. Which is an impossibility. 

The mechanical nature of thought is time bound. That which is mechanical, therefore Finite, can not move to the infinite through cultivation.  Cultivation implies time which is finite. Is this clear??? 

Thought, being mechanical/finite must cease in order for insight/perception/ the infinite, to come into being. And if we are using the finite which is of time how can time cease. Therfore inviting time ‘years of practiced disipline, experience and then we will a reach our goal of liberation’,, by means of participation of methods, systems, and techniques accompanied with our demand, effort,motive,desire, and volition. All finite/mechanical. 

And as I have said many times before the finite can never be cultivated ‘integrated’ to the infinite. 

But it doesn’t matter what I say because you have to go through all of this yourself. To take another’s word is finite/limited at best.

Go this inquiry by yourself and stop depending on another and a how to approach.

 Learn about yourself. Freedom from the belief that anohter can help you is a start. Freedom to inquire is a necessity. 

Edited by Faceless

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4 hours ago, LRyan said:

@dorg I think what I should have said is that my awareness goes into monkey mind far too often.  Pure awareness/consciousness is always there and doesn't go away but the insane mind takes over and then awareness is absent for periods of time.  Everyday life issues and requirements is the trigger that pulls me away from my awareness.  Mostly when I am speaking to other people I find that it is extremely difficult to maintain awareness.  Like getting sucked into a black hole and wrapped up in nonsense.  Then a space opens up where I become aware that I have drifted off into never never land again......over and over.

My goal is to be aware for longer periods of time and to realize when the mind and thought patterns are running wild and then boom, back into the pure joy and peace of total awareness.  Until I can do this more often, I feel like a yo yo....up down, up, down......In and out of awareness...constantly.

I am grateful that I know what awareness is.  Years ago, my mind was the world to me and I believed everything my thoughts told me.

@LRyan Appreciated.

"Everyday life issues and requirements is the trigger that pulls me away from my awareness" is just an example of a type of thought that pops up from time to time and talks about such things; just as the 'I' thought does. Nothing to be concerned about. And if a concerned thought pops up, that is just another example.... And on thought goes, or not.



Edited by dorg

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17 hours ago, Faceless said:

very very deeply will tell you that liberation is not the result of the cultivation of time.

Then by definition this advice is useless.

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Just now, Hsinav said:

Then by definition this advice is useless.

That’s for you to consider. That needs to be inquired into. See for yourself. Not very rational to dismiss somthing before you even understand it. This is a defense and result of the self. One does this when there memory, knowledge, and personal experience that has built there self image is challenged. They depend on that ‘knowing’ that gives them a sense of security psychologically. If anohter comes and questions there methods, techniques, and systems they feel as if they are being personaly attacked. 

 Some people just don’t want to face what is. Where there is fear there is resistance??‍♂️

Go about thought/self dialectically. Or don’t.

It’s your life lol 


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8 minutes ago, Faceless said:


19 minutes ago, Hsinav said:

Then by definition this advice is useless.

That’s for you to consider. That needs to be inquired into. See for yourself. Not very rational to dismiss somthing before you even understand it. This is a defense and result of the self. One does this when there memory, knowledge, and personal experience that has built there self image is challenged. They depend on that ‘knowing’ that gives them a sense of security psychologically. If anohter comes and questions there methods, techniques, and systems they feel as if they are being personaly attacked. 

 Some people just don’t want to face what is. Where there is fear there is resistance??‍♂️

Go about thought/self dialectically. Or don’t.

It’s your life lol 


I´m not dismissing anything and I understand what you are saying, I really do, just want you to be aware of the problems that occur using the terminology your using. 

Peace and love.

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6 minutes ago, Hsinav said:

I´m not dismissing anything and I understand what you are saying, I really do, just want you to be aware of the problems that occur using the terminology your using. 

Peace and love.

I’m aware. That’s good that you understand?


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This is on point. Recently uploaded. Synchronicity at its finest.


Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it 

- A Course in Miracles

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@Timotheus Thanks so much for putting this up!  Rupert is a fantastic teacher.

This clip of his talk just answered my questions as to why I keep taking two steps forward and one step back.  It makes sense to me that the mind has to sink down and down and down into awareness.  Most people will not experience the instant enlightenment as he said so I see why it has to be this way.  

I will never ever give up trying to find absolute peace and happiness in my everyday life.  This video gives me renewed energy and hope to keep going on my journey.  

Thanks bud!! :)

Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.

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@LRyan You're welcome :)

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it 

- A Course in Miracles

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