
How to stop being hyper sensitive?

8 posts in this topic

Hi all, I haven't visited in a while, so forgive me if I'm digging up a topic that's been resolved and buried multiple times, but I haven't been able to find sufficient and practical advice anywhere online on how to stop being overly sensitive. I know Leo has videos on how to deal with and filter emotions and how to stop worrying about what people think of you. But I'm sure there're more techniques out there.

So how do you stop reacting and getting insulted by what you can't change? I'm referring to people's shitty actions in general that are out of your control. Has anyone been able to find some practical strategies that work for you?

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I'd think hypersensitivity can have to do with too open chakras. Not sure at all, but it might be something to look into.

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The moment in my life where suddenly people couldn't trigger me anymore was after I started using Teal Swans Completion Process. Which means that most of the time when you react very sensitively it is due to past trauma.
Real sensitivity is different, it is not getting triggered by things people say. Real sensitivity means to be very engaged in all of your surrounding and to be very emotional about those things, you can get very emotional without getting triggered.

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From my experience a small circle of concerns makes you overly sensitive. My guess is you're not pursuing things your passionate about, or you wouldn't have time to get sensitive. So quite simply find a way to unleash your creativity. 

From climbing, to fighting or painting. You need to engage your mind, its trying to tell you something. 

All the best, 



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I am also very sensitive, and what minimized this are 

1) realise that people's actions that trigger u have no value

2) meditate and self-inquiry, once done properly u start to see ur ego, and it will be harder for u to be hurted by someone

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I must mention it is wise to know the different types of sensitivity. Sometimes hyper-sensitivity is a good thing and could actually be linked to hyper-awareness that shows your purity and more directly connected to universal flow. I understand due to the need to ask the question this may not be the case but it is good to share for others to be aware.

Chakra work was a good answer though.

All the best :)

Edited by pluto


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