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I have noticed that during my cycle, ahem, period, I'm more emotional... not like requiring medicine, but the usual moodiness... I have noticed that I find myself challenging the ego or giving in to it... I am aware yet seems like everything makes me feel empty and sad... or question human nature... how do you handle or deal?










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@Baby I eat a pound of chocolate. xD Just kidding, in all seriousness I have the same issues. Birth control makes my emotions better, but I don't like taking it so I choose not to. I went and got all of my hormones and vitamin levels checked. I was low in vitamin D and since I got those levels up it seems better. I also take a lot of supplements including MACA so I think that helps. :D

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Maca definitely helps, as well as DIM. Those are herbs that balance hormones and also protect from cancer. Natural, safe, and effective, no side-affects :)

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From lots of stuff that I've read my researching my own health issues, it seems that if your PMS is excessively bad, it's not normal. It's due to improper diet or toxins, which then create all kinds of imbalances in the body.

A lot of women report that various supplements help.

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I agree with Leo that improper diet and toxins may contribute to the condition. Chlorella + cilantro is an effective way to detox safe at home (see link above). Use organic cilantro and organic broken cell wall chlorella. I use Chlorella Manna by HealthForce Superfoods (Amazon, around $30 for 10.58 oz), put 1 tbsp in my morning green smoothies.

Also, Calcium D-Glucarate is good for flushing out excess estrogen. Try to consume only organic, hormone-free meat, dairy and eggs.   


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@Leo Gura and all of you ladies, I have checked checked with my doctor and relatively eat healthy, have done plenty of detoxification both physical and emotional. I will look into some of the ideas you shared too... But the reason I asked was because I find it that during "that" time my ego becomes a bit more intense. "I'm more emotional, I'm more defensive, I'm more sensitive, Me! Me! Me!" not in the "bitchy, you are hormonal" just that I am aware of the slight change and the ego's need to be fed or get a hold of being. Working on becoming more enlightened or at least brilliant my ego sure gets the best of me during that period then again maybe I just like being bitchy and blame hormones... JK ;)

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9 hours ago, Sarah_Flagg said:

You can also do a Yoni steam. 

Ah thanks, no.... But i'll.. Maybe try chocolate...v Steaming??? Lol ;)

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Yogi Bhajan (founder and master yogi of Kundalini yoga) teaches that PMS symptoms on women, especially if they are bad ones, are mostly due to the overconsumption of sugar. You should stop eating any sugar and lessen the amount of fruit to couple a fruit a day and see if your symptoms get better. Also meat and other animal products make PMS worse, but sugar is the worst.

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Eckhart Tolle actually addresses this in The Power Of Now. When I first read it I thought it was so strange that he would talk about women's cycles but now I can see that it is something that should be addressed. As for diet I found that cutting out dairy and cutting back on meat made a big difference for me, but mostly just in reducing pain. I do think that no amount of diet chance and supplements can change the fact that it's a challenging time. Every time you are sick, don't get enough sleep etc, it's going to be much harder to stay present. Hormones do affect the way your brain works.  It's a challenge but challenges make you stronger. At the moment I'm 9 months pregnant and sick with a cold so it's super challenging to stay present and not identify with the ego or my current situation. :)  I find that accepting it and being aware of the fact that I need to spend extra effort taking care of myself and watching my emotions and reactions, and realizing that's all they are... BEFORE they result in unconscious behavior is all I can do.

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I used to have the same issues: lot's of pain, lack of will to live. I cried a lot over nothing... I also felt very uncomfortable during my menstruation, like repulse and heavy belly. 

As for my eating habits, I had a very bad diet, based on carbon hidrates and sugar. I used to eat bread in every meal, even the main ones and I used to drink a lot of cow milk. I changed that several months ago, and it makes a huge diference, 

Also, I have tried some techniques and habits from here --> My Tiny Secrets My orgasms increased a lot in quality, as well as my self esteem and self acceptance.

So, by trying all of this I've lost that "disgusts" feeling about my periods and I've started being a lot more comfortable. The pain decreased a lot, to the point of being almost painless. My mood got a lot better also, although I feel a little blue during my period. 

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You guys... Awesome! Not by diet, not by hormones running a mock unchecked, not feeling or unfeeling  feelings  (boys--- periods are so way out of your ability to truly appreciate or understand, and child birth). I just tend to be really aware of my body, the weather, other people.... And I've noticed that I am much more aware of things, thoughts, changing my mood ... In a way one might ask "why do man cheat? Genes? Hormones? Or just idiots? But I'm not really addressing that. :) my awareness comes from having had complications with an illness... Once you feel pain in such a way, you are left very aware of just about anything :( and again, been cleared by my specialists. 

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Birth-control pills are the son of EVIL.
When I got my first one, I had random breakdowns, I remember I was crying at work about A HAND SANITISER. Im not sure if you take the pills, but if you do not, then there is a hormone problem caused by something else.

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@SenshiAna thank you, that was a tiny secret not so secret or tiny, I think orgasms makes everything so much better too. ? @Rosie a hand sanitiser? It's ok. I'm sure most of us, at some point or another have had our moments. I'm starting to think that is not so unusual or bad or weird. Just look at all the ideas, sugestions posted here. Yes, PMS can be sucky and should always be checked out by a professional... but it's totally interesting what you gals come up with. ? 

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@Baby Totally understand what you're saying, I'm kind of the same. Not each month is the same but how to deal with it, well, I try to be aware of what's happening and not lose my mind, try to be rational (not saying it works all the time but at least I'm trying ;) ) Awareness is key.

I absolutely agree with @Rosie and if you're on birth control you should look into that as part of the issue as well.

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