Hero in progress

You Need To Do The Work!

8 posts in this topic

If there is a genuine Seeker of truth out there I want to give you some advice.

The advice is, do the work, what I mean by that is you need to be meditating, contamplating, reading The best books! 

You should be doing formal meditation at least 2/ 3 hours a day. And being mindful all the time. ALL the time.

The more you contemplate, the better at contemplation you get. The more you practice your skills of discernment, the better your discernment will get.

Its like building muscles, the more you train your muscles the stronger & bigger they get. And its the same for a seeker of truth. 

If all people do is spend time talking about this stuff but never taking action, then they wont be enlightened in this lifetime, and that's okay too, not everyone will, but if you feel in your heart that this is for you, that you want truth at all cost then take action. 

What does it mean to be truely enlightened, that's simple its this-

Freedom from Self Survival. It is to die before you die. And don't underestimate the full scope of self survival, it is a very tenacious drive. But it is possible. Life will be so light, so joyful. It may take decades of contemplation to be fully enlightened, fully free, but boy you won't regret it.

If you have fear, this is good, here's why I used to have a silly idea about enlightenment & freedom, I would picture it as just being blissed out and joyful all the time, but that is not what true freedom is, that is basically what all humans are trying to attain anyway, moving away from negative, and pushing toward positive. That is a Selfs job in a nutshell.

That is not freedom, freedom is to be in the most terrible hell and still be free. Everyone can be happy in heaven, but not everyone can be happy in hell.

To be happy in hell is true freedom, to be free and bold in the face of fear, boy there's nothing like it, if you can face fear, tremble, and not know what is going to happen, to go into the unknown and be centered in your being is too be free.

Anyone can be loving & blissful in a good situation, it is to be loving and blissful in all situations, to all people is the real freedom, the real love of the transendent Great One.

You as a human can't do it, But you as the infinite can.


Edited by Hero in progress

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Depends on where you want to go.  All work is contingent on purpose.  And purpose is not existentially groundable.  In other words, Reality has no concern about how we choose to live and work.  

You gotta get clear about what your unique purpose is in your life, then your work becomes clear.  You will then know what it is you need to do when you have an end in mind, YOUR UNIQUE end in mind -- that you worked hard to discover and half-dreamed up for yourself by doing life-purpose work.  And this purpose ain't never gonna be the same for everybody.  We're all unique little hair-roots searching for the Sun.  Get to understand your little hair-root so that you can take care of it properly.  So you can nurture and grow that little bugger into whatever you fancy, whatever your half-discovered, half-created life-purpose dictates.  Bonsai tree? Huge redwood tree?  It's all up to you.  You are the music-maker, and you are the dreamer of your own dream-life.  Don't give that away to ideology or cling too tightly to beliefs, unless that is what you should be doing pursuant to YOUR purpose in a moment. I only know my life and purpose.  And you only know your life and purpose.

This perspective might resonate with you, but it's only a story that resonates with you or not at the end of the day.  Same with your story.  We ain't truth-tellers so much as storytellers.  But stories are highly useful scaffolding, depending on what your purpose is in a given moment.  So work hinges on purpose and purpose ain't the same for everyone, and goals and situations change with passing moments. 

I notice your attitude is common with people too attached to the enlightenment stories.  Stories aren't existentially true.  Do the stories don't let the stories do you.  Enlightenment ain't about belief so much as it is about being.  But this is a story too.  See?  Reality just is.  It duddn't have a word to say about how "you" or "I" should live or what we should determine our life-purpose to be.  That would be bringing in "should statements" and trying to augment reality with these beliefs.  That's a massive trap!  A common trap I see. Need to know, need to find right answer, and need to be right -- is the underlying problem.  This is where enlightenment is turned into ideology to satisfy these "needs".  What you might investigate is a permanent solution to the underlying problem of clinging to those illusory "needs" in the first place.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Hero in progress You Need To Do The Work!

Yes, that is so until you understand that it is no longer required. Much like needing a person with dangerously low self-esteem required to work on themselves to build up their self-esteem. But if they keep going, they will realize that they no longer need it. Because they have transcended reliance on self (false-self) to Self (true-self). They become soft, gentle and efficient in a life of truth. They no longer have to struggle (work) so much to become truthful to themselves. They appear to be not struggling (having to do the work).

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@Hero in progress

What I got from your post : 

  1. Meditation 2-3 hours a day
  2. More contemplation everyday
  3. Contemplation like building muscle
  4. Be Mindful all the time
  5. Freedom from self survival
  6. True Freedom = Happiness in Hell. 
  7. Experience real love of the Transcendent one 
  8. Do the work


One question : 

Should I be the seeker of what I want aka freedom or  should I seek the Truth ? 


Edited by Loreena

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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