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I used to play video games A LOT, nowadays i play here and there for 30-1hour max and have a lot more fun then i did before because you aren't emotionally attached anymore so you couldn't care less what happens because you know its only a game, hell i treat life like a game most of the time :P


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Hello @Scarwolf !  Video games are definitely a big time waster and are made to be addicting...If I were you I would delete all my games and probably unplug my computer...I was addicted to league of legends for a while and I played about 2000 hours...quitting is a gradual process but I think that some radical action is also necessary.  DELETE ALL YOUR GAMES.  If you want to quit video games what's the point of having games on your computer?  Go COLD TURKEY and if it doesn't work do it again and again and again and again.  That worked for me, I still play video games occasionally but I only play about 1-2 hours a week now (with my brother) after many cold-turkey attempts.  Deleting games works for me and I hope it works for you too.

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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@Scarwolf I have played video games since I was a little kid. I would say that video games aren't in and of itself good or bad. When you're young you learn by playing.

You can actually grow yourself mentally by playing games. I remember playing the original Diablo back in 1996 being scared to death in the later levels where you walk around in hell.

When I got older I would only play games for fun. Sometimes I re-play old games trying to get that feeling back I had when playing them for the first time. Or I would play games with a big ego component like competition or RPG's where you can max-out your character infinitely, where the developers keep adding content once in a while.

That's were it got self-destructive. Over the last 3 years i've gradually stopped playing video games.

I would suggest to you to try to ingrain positive habits like exercise, meditation, reading, journalling, etc. And the urge to play video games will naturally fade.

And good for you finding this out at your age, I was 25 when I realized playing video games (and watching too much porn) was very destructive to me.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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I used to play a lot of games while young because my life was complete garbage and I needed a distraction from it.

This isn't the core problem : start doing slowly some inner work and doing little upgrades.

You avoide reality because you feel to weak to enjoy life and face reality. You're not just distracting yourself for the sake of it, you're basically avoiding life.

Stop being harsh on yourself because it's a preservation mechanism and take baby steps to feel better and slowly build up and clean up your life.

Ask yourself : is this really making me happy ? Contemplate this question a lot.

This is just a symptom and focus on fixing the bigger problem. If you use all your willpower to stop playing video games well you're just gonna distract yourself by doing some other pointless shit.

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