
What if Consciousness is literally empty Bliss?

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Posted (edited)

I dont mean conceptually saying "yeah is bliss, is love, blabla".

I mean actually. Like that literally It is the quality of It, an Empty Bliss that Exists. Just for no fucking reason. Because It is literally THAT (Bliss).

With this possibility, there is no question of what happens after death or where consciousness goes.

Of course nothing happens.

The Bliss remains BUT without the forms AND without the Thoughts.

The theory of It is right now the Bliss quality of consciousness (consciousness at is purest Form/untouched by any fluctuation) right now It is veiled by Thoughts. 

This Thoughts veil or cloud heavily the true quality of consciousness.

When "death" happens no Thought IS there, therefore Pure Consciousness remains, which turns out to be Empty Bliss (Bliss is not a simple label, It is the "material" or "form" of Consciousness).

It is very real. It is not a label, It is not a simple peaceful state. It is literally Awakening To the purest Form of Consciousness. Empty Bliss.

This changes everything. Death might not be actually real. 

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Great Post. 

But you know ..nothing new under the sun ..this was discovered thousands years ago ..

The Hindu 🕉️ tradition calls consciousness "Sat-Chit-Ananda". Meaning existence..awareness..bliss .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Posted (edited)

What if you stop asking "what if"?

What if you stop fantasizing about death and Bliss and instead embrace life with all that it entails?

What if you realize that everything is already perfect, divine, whole, complete?

WHAT IF, indeed!



Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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The way I picture it is pretend we are all blades of grass standing tall we cannot see or experience anything we are just being grass in a void with no experience. Then randomly after being this way forever a rainbow sprinkler comes our way its shooting colour and light out of it and we are drenched in the rainbow light and then we start to see and experience and when the rainbow water is gone to another part of the grass the colour washes off us and we are left again in a void standing there until the sprinkler comes back to wash us in rainbow light.

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3 minutes ago, Hojo said:

The way I picture it is pretend we are all blades of grass standing tall we cannot see or experience anything we are just being grass in a void with no experience. Then randomly after being this way forever a rainbow sprinkler comes our way its shooting colour and light out of it and we are drenched in the rainbow light and then we start to see and experience and when the rainbow water is gone to another part of the grass the colour washes off us and we are left again in a void standing there until the sprinkler comes back to wash us in rainbow light.

You must have like a very wild, vivid imagination. You must be great at like phone sex, or like fantasy imagery. Lol. Your posts are always like whacked and out there. I feel like I'm reading a sci-fi, scary, spiritual, religious mormonic, demonic, angelic book sometimes when I read your posts. Very entertaining. 

Know thyself....

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What if the cow really jumped over the moon.😶‍🌫️

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

@Princess Arabia ty :). There is a lesson to the story. You aren't the blade of grass you are the rainbow light when gods sprinkler turns away from you you can disidentify with the blade of grass and reidentify with the rainbow light and go into the sprinkler and never experience void again.

Edited by Hojo

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The clumsy way I see it is:
We are the impossible which is both extra bliss and suffering.

Both suffering and extra perfection are impossible, nobody/nothing would ever choose to suffer or would ever choose more than perfection, you cannot be more than perfect.

Time seems to be intertwined/created by these impossibilities because we cannot and do not need to exist more than or as more than perfection, a single perfect moment is indeed utter perfection for those who have had some experience, the opposite for those who have felt true horror.

We exist because we are that which survives both perfect bliss and suffering which can't exist by themselves because they are both perfect and infinitely realized, that is, suffering never exists/never existed and bliss has and will always exist and it's so perfect it doesn't even need to exist, at least within time, it's that powerful.

That said after typing and deleting a huge amount of confused text I guess we too can't exist outside suffering/bliss either, I guess we are not even just time, we are connected quantities which when connected to bliss form time which generates extra bliss/suffering or whatever order you want, maybe, we are more than what we need to be, we are greed and ignorance if put into story like concepts but also the formidable and unfathomable, more than ONE kind of beings, quantity/type.


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Posted (edited)

10 hours ago, Someone here said:

Great Post. 

But you know ..nothing new under the sun ..this was discovered thousands years ago ..

The Hindu 🕉️ tradition calls consciousness "Sat-Chit-Ananda". Meaning existence..awareness..bliss .

@Someone here holy shit dude

Look at wikipedia says:

" ānanda signifies eternal bliss which accompanies the ending of the rebirth cycle. Those who renounce the fruits of their actions and submit themselves completely to the divine will, arrive at the final termination of the cyclical life process (saṃsāra) to enjoy eternal bliss (ānanda) in perfect union with the godhead. "

Literally yesterday i had the same idea. Before reading that wikipedia Page. I had the intuition, reincarnation process ends when consciousness realizes itself as Pure Bliss (its own nature/ purest quality).

And until that happen the consciousness keeps reincarnating in bodies in order to be able to consciously Awaken.

9 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


What if you stop fantasizing about death and Bliss and instead embrace life with all that it entails?


Im not fantasizing.

Are you jealous of me i get to experience true Bliss?

You shouldnt, this didnt come free. Ive invested about 500 hours or more in current yoga process which delivers this kind of realizations.

And even, this does not come each day. 


""What if you realize that everything is already perfect, divine, whole, complete?""

Yes and no. Because as wikipedia says, much probably the work is making those states of being a reality, more than conceptually telling Yourself is all perfect and bliss while not quite true feeling perfect and bliss 

Cycle of reincarnation Will Keep repeating if not handling this properly. You have been warned! 🫢

There is a difference between concepts and reality.

Is very different to conceptually telling Yourself is all bliss vs actually Being That. The difference might be stopping the cycle of reincarnation or not.

So, the stakes are high. Your perspective of just fuck everything probably wont cut It. But...you do you. Lets see Who bet most wisely.

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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22 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Are you jealous of me i get to experience true Bliss?

Should I be jealous of someone who seemingly hates is earthly existence so much that he seemingly spends all of his waking hours trying to escape it?

That really doesn't sound all too blissful to me.

22 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

There is a difference between concepts and reality.

Exactly. So why get lost in conceptual stories about "death" and "empty bliss" and "breaking the cycle of reincarnation" instead of just living in the moment and appreciating the Here and Now as it is?

All that there is is THIS. So you either embrace it, or you suffer.

22 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Your perspective of just fuck everything probably wont cut It.

xD I didn't say "just fuck everything", I said "just love everything". Slight difference.

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1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Should I be jealous of someone who seemingly hates is earthly existence so much that he seemingly spends all of his waking hours trying to escape it?

That really doesn't sound all too blissful to me.

Exactly. So why get lost in conceptual stories about "death" and "empty bliss" and "breaking the cycle of reincarnation" instead of just living in the moment and appreciating the Here and Now as it is?

All that there is is THIS. So you either embrace it, or you suffer.

xD I didn't say "just fuck everything", I said "just love everything". Slight difference.

Well, well, well, if It isnt Mr passive agressive 🤣🤣 To be the one that i say  hate my earthy existence, You almost are exhaling fire to me in between those words. 

Poor Guy, nobody Tells you actually is pretty sad what you do around here. Covering behind a screen to proyect all the shit and limiting beliefs you have about Yourself and the world to the others which necesarily are not in your "path" or limited way of understanding what is Life.

But you do you. Just saying, is pretty concerning that you go about doing this on a internet forum every 3 days, when you are so Alive and Life Embracing.

Something doesn't add Up, dont see the Aliveness and Joyfulness of your ideology, more a toxic way of pathetically trying to put topics down which does not match your limited ideology of Life. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Posted (edited)

Any emotional state is infinite. I wouldn't advise seeking a wider spiritual experience with other emotions unless you are very well grounded.

I've experienced:

Infinite Nothingness. Infinite bliss. Infinite sorrow. 

All of them were me.

Edited by BlueOak

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, BlueOak said:

Any emotional state is infinite. I wouldn't advise seeking a wider spiritual experience with other emotions unless you are very well grounded.

I've experienced:

Infinite Nothingness. Infinite bliss. Infinite sorrow. 

All of them were me.

Im not talking about an emotional state.

Everytime i mention the Word Bliss in this forum there some people that came up saying things like that. Bliss is not an emotional state or a psychological state.

Even more, what im implying is Bliss is not a state but the form and quality itself of Consciousness. 


2 hours ago, BlueOak said:

All of them were me.

Wrong. Sorrow is an aberration and distortion of Consciousness. Is Consciousness Being kidnapped by the Mind and ego. 


2 hours ago, BlueOak said:

I wouldn't advise seeking a wider spiritual experience with other emotions unless you are very well grounded.

It does not work like that.

Bliss comes to me, i dont seek It. What fault do i have if i do the right things internally? Just sharing the discoveries as they come. 

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Posted (edited)

19 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Im not talking about an emotional state.

Everytime i mention the Word Bliss in this forum there some people that came up saying things like that. Bliss is not an emotional state or a psychological state.

I can only tell you my experience.

I've been infinite bliss before. (White light environment - Divine love)
I've been infinite space before (No dimensions)
I've touched infinite sorrow before. (An Ocean of suffering, I didn't immerse myself in it fully)

Nothing else existed in those moments. I still observed them happening, but the reality became them, and they were without end. I call them states because I can look at/feel/experience them individually. We don't have to call it states, we can call it everything that existed in that moment.

*We can look at this way instead

An apple is infinity if that's all which is in focus. It's not all the potential infinity could be. It's the same with anything, and emotions.

Edited by BlueOak

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Delightful. Spreading bliss and love like nobody's business, lol.

Feeling better now?

11 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

To be the one that i say  hate my earthy existence, You almost are exhaling fire to me in between those words.

Well, kindly allow me quote what you wrote earlier:

On 20.4.2024 at 7:50 AM, Javfly33 said:

Cycle of reincarnation Will Keep repeating if not handling this properly. You have been warned! 🫢


Is very different to conceptually telling Yourself is all bliss vs actually Being That. The difference might be stopping the cycle of reincarnation or not.

So, the stakes are high.

Yeah, that kind of sounds like you are trying to stop the so-called "cycle of reincarnation", wouldn't you say so?

Which begs the question: Why do you think that it is necessary to stop something which God has set in motion? Do you think that God is a fucking idiot who doesn't know what he's doing, and now it's up to you to clean up the mess he has created?

And what the fuck would be the alternative? You do realize that without form there can be no experience of reality, right?

(And please, just stick to answering the questions. Your petulant hissy fits are getting tiresome.)

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