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Posts posted by actualizing25

  1. Wanting to understand the Truth and wanting to escape suffering/experience heaven/peace are both coming from the ego. Leo is always saying that this work isnt about liberating oneself from the ego or about experiencing heaven/deep peace,but rather it is about wanting to understand the Truth for its own sake. But in the end all desires are coming from the ego. So in that sense it doesnt matter what your motivation for this work is because in both cases you are operating from the ego. It will all lead to the same place- enlightenment/God/Love.

  2. Im trying to show you guys the big picture of the two paths that people on this forum and in spirituality in general are pursuing. I know that it is a black and white kind of thinking, but nevertheless I try to illustrate what is going on.

    So as you guys know Leo is not only about the classic enlightenment pursuit. Maybe he was in the beginning of his spiritual journey, but it is pretty obvious now that he is not your classic spiritual guru type of guy. Leos path is quite differnet.

    The path of enlightenment is the path, which is mainly presented by the gurus you see in the media like Rupert Spira or Eckart Tolle. This path is about the realization of your true self/higher self, about liberation, about happiness, peace, killing the ego, coming home, escaping suffering etc. Of course there is understanding here, but this understanding isnt the end and can be a lot deeper. The techniques on this path are mainly meditation, self-inquiry and Yoga. These are the things, which the gurus are presenting for the main purpose of enlightenment.

    Then there ist he path of understanding. This path is much more about the existential questions and less about liberation, peace, happiness. Its about satisfying the thirst for understanding or knowing. Deep questions about reality, love, god and their answers are the main motivation on this path. The person on this path is seeking understanding just for the sake of understanding and not for any ego-benefits like peace or happiness: His Her/understanding and knowing should be as deep as possible, only then he/she will be satisfied. The spiritual techniques are mainly contemplation and psychedelics.

    I have noticed that most people on this forum and on the spiritual path in general are pursuing the enlightenment path. I think that there are far less people out there, who are pursuing understanding just fort he sake of understanding.

    I just wanted to show a big picture and wanted to show that Leos channel is for people who are seeking understanding. If you only want to pusure enlightenment then you should follow other gurus like Rupert Spira or Eckart Tolle.


    Thanks for reading.