A way to Actualize

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Posts posted by A way to Actualize

  1. I heard Matt Kahn speak about when you are an integrated soul 'I am' and 'that' melt together to one in the 'now'. You become very in touch with the body that you still experience enlightenment in the idea of peronal experience (not the same as ego character). In his last video he mentions that in the first enlightenment experience, you believed so much in you character that there is a shift and there is an other extreme (being 'that'). After that the soul wants to return to the body and integrating means that the realization of 'that' and personal experience blend together: oneness.

    Eckhart Tolle talks much about being only 'that', I never hear from Eckhart that it blends together with 'I am' in the now. I think he says enlightenment is only realizing 'that'. 

    The idea comes to mind that these two beings are sort of different in awakening. Both are very enlightened. Is there a difference in the sort of permanent realization there is in these two beings or not? 

    Bentinho Massaro covered some similair model to the Graves model called 'the seven densities', maybe it can be answered by that?

    I also heard that eventually you would have to leave the body in such a way, when you get really far in spiritual enlightenment, that the physical body dies, any perspective on this? Like Eckhart Tolle who lives way up there I suppose (I really like his teachings, great guy) and is in a deep stage of awakening (you can not call it a stage even).


  2. Within enlightenment there is a great passion present. Only I am asking if what you feel passionate about in the present moment (not goal oriënted), will actually be a passion of yours in the deepest stages of awakening. Many will say yes I think, but your vibration will be much higher; it could be that the passion is too dense?

    example (not in my experience): 

    One is really passionate about the beauty of dancing. He/she is passionate about it while doing it in the present moment, just to enjoy the beauty and see what the creativity is capable of. When the person becomes in a really deep stage of awakening like Eckhart Tolle, would that still be a passion? 

    Not long ago, I played something I created in stillness for the first time to some people officially. There was great beauty and after it I was enjoying the present moment again. Only when there would be a really deep stage of being, could that still exist? 

    A while ago I asked some question similair like this and there was a sort of nasty reaction I made to Ayla, so if you read this Ayla, I did not act from my highest wisdom. I wish you all good luck and have fun celebrating life!

  3. To be relaxed, superfocused and productive. What are good tips and strategies? 

    Could be meant for people in school etc. 

    It will not be a thing like: oh, enlightened people are not productive so people on a spiritual path do not need this etc......

    This is for everyone! This is for people to get their life straight, to take full responsability!

    I would love to hear Leo his perspective on this.


  4. 7 hours ago, Lorelle said:

    @A way to Actualize Thank you! I think thats the point. When you first start that journey, you must be selfish to find out what you truly want. This is nessecary to turn off the logical, what society wants, voice in your head. But basically I started with an impact statement that means a little to me. My mind is not used to thinking in terms of "what I want to see in the world" so I start to get it used to it. Maybe the impact, I want to have will change over the time. But I need to get used to worldthinking. 


    I appreciate you all and this forum. 

    I enjoy your question too.

    last note: having a call of what You want To see in the World can Be a egoïc thing if You think the World 'needs your help'. Not that is not possible to help then, but it is really healthy when You have those desires, only it does not het in the way of other things.

    that impact statement that You do not have at the moment is Just as cool as having it. When You have it, it Will be more of a Natural thing or an Idea that You just do, instead of an end goal where You have a clear sense of what You are impacting and knowing that because of You, there are many People being helped.

    what I describe there is more when it is in a more healthy state.

    I had once that: oh, I am going to help People and it is so selfless. But that is more really egoïc and self-deceptiv. Those ideas change of what You want To achieve or have an impact on. The better focus is to get in tune and see if something comes your path You want To create, You are doing yourself also a pleasure.

  5. 15 hours ago, Philip said:

    @A way to Actualize I'm not close to enlightenment at all, but I have done many hours of mindfulness work and meditation, sometimes focused on observing the self.

    My conclusion : Equanimity feels good.

    And what you have sounds more like emotional repression or a subtle depressive state. You sound like you're losing equanimity instead of gaining some.

    Your post itself seems to contradict the fact that you're advancing on the spiritual path.

    But maybe the path is more rocky than I thought it was. Maybe your concerns come from the tension in a part of your ego that's about to break off.

    But personally, at this point, I would be strategically revisiting my method of enlightenment work, just in case.

    It is good now, this topic doesn't apply anymore. There was just a leetting go of old beliefs and world view. Dark night of the soul. It is okay now.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @A way to Actualize What you're missing is the part about enlightenment being just a BEGINNING, not an end state. It will take a decade for your psychology to fully adapt to the revelations of truth. And you'll have much deeper enlightenments in the future too!

    For the truly wise, the spiritual path NEVER ends! Only a fool has an enlightenment experience or two and thinks he's arrived.

    Indeed, it are really no experiences anymore. Now it is mostly a constant state from which there is no turning back. It is indeed not the end and still a 'light' version or beginning of what is coming eventually. But is a bit of the thing that the journey till now was a bit fast and felt that I did not yet had fully explored stages in the evolution of my life.

    In your case you had explored every stage till now extensively. Till a point where now is the conclusion that enlightenment is really the only thing.

    In this case it was more of just like being rushed trough the stage of wanting to achieve things (making albums, playing at big stages). You need some years to fully develop that. And I went a that journey and before achieving those things, my perspective and percieving completely changed. And it repeated with another stage. It is not a bad thing. But it feels like skipping parts of the movie.

    Leo, do all enlightened people become teachers of truth or living somewhere secluded? Or are they able to be musicians? I do not know.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


    Just look at this bald-faced lie!

    Hint: confusion is only a feature of the ego. Without ego there cannot be confusion.

    It is self-deceptive and indeed there is a transition. I experience great portions of my day of my day without a self. I do not feel confused, but there is this like notion that things have changed and I need to get accostumed to it. Confusion is not the right word to use, more 'change'.

    Still I wish you success of becoming a yogi.

  8. Just now, The Son said:

    @A way to Actualize Feel free :D from what I have read on the forums earlier it's not that uncommon to find a girl in WoW. Quite a lot of people write stories how they find their mate there. Some even are married now.

    More of joke, I struggled with quitting game addiction too half a year ago (bfme2, when there are just 1000 players, you become pro very easily). The trick was to delete accounts, uninstall everything, delete all files and throw away the CDs. You will regret it for sure, but that will be beneficial to you in the end.

    Or if you game, try intentions. Matt Kahn had a video on it.

  9. @Lorelle Yes, here is advice from my perspective. You could go about several ways to find a passion. I had no deep passion at first. When I started meditating I eventually became more interesting in creating music, and that expanded.

    When You are fully in tune with yourself you are more authentic and there are things you want to create. I would not advise to look what you like when you were younger or logically finding it out. You change a lot, and what you were half a year ago, you are not now.

    You do not have to be ashamed of being egoïc, if you are. When you are still in a social structure and are new to develloping, it becomes a good thing. Going to the gym, meditating, pickup (in a compassionate way), discivering hobby's are a good way to start.

    When you are becoming more and more in tune with yourself your values will change and more things to impact the world cross your path.

    But honestly I am no expert at this zone, only at my perspective. Leos Life Purpose Course will grand you a much wider range of content and ways to know more about yourself.


    On ‎12‎-‎3‎-‎2016 at 8:11 PM, Soulbass said:

    Yes, this course is great !

    If you are interested in spiritual enlightment, you don't need this course.

    But if you are interested in living a great life, this course is for you (you will learn a lot about yourself, and "how to" in details).

    So it is not recommended for people who are further in their spiritual journey or for beings that are enlightened? Or people who already have a vision? Maybe to check their values?

  11. it seems to be that my process can't be undone. I am here, mostly without ego (80% of my). I am transitioning, and it deels comfortable yet uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable to not feel such a wide range of emotions. I keep asking myself: won't I feel that divers range of emotions anymore? To be constantly in love is amazing, but I like diversity too much.

    I have some questions from which I hope you could answer me.

    1 do enlightenment not experience a wide range of emotions? Like adventures, or you feel hyped up in a concert.

    2 do enlightenment people not experience the fullfilment from contibution? Since they are not identified with the material they make. When I make something on guitar, I do not feel that enthousiasm, it is just empty expression.

    That stage of peace I acquired is different. That feeling of walking alone in a city at evening with music in (that is somewhat dense music), is not there anymore.

    For all PUA guys, god mode is not there anymore.

    It is so easy to say goodbye to shallow stuff and feelings of not being creative, feeling stuck, hated or tired by circumstances.

    But it is hard to say goodbye to things you enjoyed, the emotional ups. With emotional ups I mean more how you feel after being with friends, who you have a deep connection with; or making a program (Life Purpose Course for example), and not feel the sense of contribution. To listen to music that represents negative emotions, and not feel the roughness from hate in that.

    To not experience the crying Leo has in his videos he has every week. I had that also for a while, to not experience that would be a bit awful. To not feel the excitement of playing a show, to never experience the excitement of standing at Rock Am Ring.

    Why would I let it go, or you. It already happened, it peeled away automatically for me. Like just for almost a year experienced the exploration of personal egoïc freedom and to strive for success. Than instantly going to see everything as art and relationships (to everything in the world). That was just for 2 months and now I am transitioning into the no-self. I am on the edge of two phases.

    As Charlie Chaplin said: 'Do not be sad that it is over, but be happy it happened.' That does apply here. But it all happened too soon. The new information are teachings that were needed were handled to me and my progression sky-rocketed.

    This is not something out of thoughts, I feel like it is automatically written and realized.

    It kind of feels like being in free roam mode in a game like Skyrim, the adventure is over, (I played games long time ago). Every stage of the adventure is fun, but the end is empty. It was fun while it lasted, but now there is nothing. It is a analogy with enlightenment. There is still an adventure, but it is mor a moment to moment thing than achieving or creating something specactular

    Also what I would like to hear, next to answers of the two questions and general reaction,why would you leave this behind? I never understood why people were excited about enlightenment, it is more true, with selflessness. It is not you are completely selfless, only there is a 'we' instead of 'me, me, me, me!'

    I feel authentic as never before, that is gift. I left the coolest thing of life: the wide range of feelings and vibes for one state that keeps being the same and empty. Why? Why would you want leave that? I did not want to leave that, but it happened, and keeps grounding in my reality.

    All this happened without me: I could not prevent it. I do not know what to say. I am not lost, but there some confusion that is not felt of the fact that my reality had changed and it may not be completely a better thing.

  12. Wouldn't it be fun if 10,000 reputation grants you enlightenment state. 

    It is possibly to keep the forum more alive, because the chimpery effects would still work. But I would agree to stop the reputation thing, because it is distraction from the real value people have here (that is much bigger than a reputation).

  13. Funny Shakespeare reference in the titel, lol.

    Not fapping can give you more lifeforce, but after some months it can become a little depressive. Be aware if no-fapping becomes a thing you depend on, like 'when I fap, I am wasting my life'. Not that it becomes a way to measure your development.

    Not masturbating gives you like a life glitch I think. There is more interest in life. Definitely I would recommend to do when you want to be without distraction to focus more on the things that matter more to you. The effects of no fapping feels like you are a man. I do not know if this is only the case in ego. Half a year ago I have done it for a few months, there felt something 'off' at the end. 

    I may try it again

  14. 21 hours ago, Alytheyogi said:

    How to talk to people when you are more spiritual than them?

    This is something I've wanted to hear from Leo for a while.  I've noticed that as I grow it becomes harder to talk with some people who are not practising spirituality and are very defensive.

    Is there a way of being yourself and honest here or is it better to keep what you know to yourself and just smile and be mostly quiet?

    With most people, it is that they have a spiritual ego. That they are better or more wise than people who do not know anything about spirituality. When you become more heart-centered, you are interested in everyone (even in topics you are not interested in). The ego dissolves and it is basically you talking to yourself, and every word is interesting. 

    Spirituality is a social practice, not only a sit-at-home practice.

    This is a very good toping, thank you.

  15. On 15-2-2016 at 10:28 PM, Ida said:

    I was looking for some inspirational words.

    If you were not to get socially afraid surrounded by people who are with their friends. Where you yourself are arriving alone. How would you put your mindset, so you could get most out of the festival? I'm thinking about improving personal growth. Maybe I should make some sort of plan for the week (If I decide to go).

    It's a private festival about creativity. A little hippieish; I'm sure people are wonderful. 

    Any advice? 

    Going alone can be really fun. To speak to people who have the same interest in things as you do is a cool experience. Not really any adice I could give other than enjoy yourself.

  16. Hi all. I do not know how to properly say this. I followed a teaching that got me really far in the spiritual journey. I understand the turqouise stage now. I am at the turquoise stage actually. When I write this, there not really an 'I' writing this, all identification is gone. It is shocking for me, I am seventeen currently. I began this journey a year ago were I would be considered stage blue. In a year I went trough an intense journey, all the way trough each stage. For a while now, I experience reality as all presence. I could describe it as that all what is sight of the eyes, is basically you, not as an identification. My ego was young, it wanted to explore the world more, many 'first experiences' I did not experience. I wanted to make an album, I was identified with the music I made, it gave a sense of worth and reason for living, I was passionate. There is no ambition now, just presence. I did not want enlightenment, while some people badly wanted it. To be already at a stage were 'I' becomes everything or 'we', is kind of an extreme shift, while my life keeps going on. I feel like I was not ready for it, I had much to explore, I would be considered to be still in puberty. I wanted to create so badly, now you are not depended on it; it is not your 'main' focus anymore, that is hard. I wanted to experience more of how it felt to create guitar music my main focus. On free days from school I would enjoy it so much, it was an emotional up. I wanted to experience that for a year when I would left school. I would not mind enlightenment if there was not an intent of creating music, but I genuinely want to create art. I can create art, that is beautiful. The difference is that feeling on being on the edge on things. It could be compared to what Leo felt when he gets respect and create beautiful things and feels that sense of abundance. Schools gets fun now, every interaction flows like water, there comes such beautiful loving conversations. Won't there ever be that feeling to perform on stage as Matthew Bellamy feels while performing? I do not know if it is an ego thing. Being empty in love is not as fun as people think, it feels like depression, but it is totally not the same. It feels like life has no reason, it is simple. On the whole thing of 'why not leave the park' thing, there is some understanding. To go from an 'I' experience to a 'we' experience trough your eyes is radical. I see other people very differently, it feels like gender does not exist, but only the expression of 'we' in a man or woman. There is a genuine interest in every human being, even if you were in ego not interested in what they would talk about. It is being selfless, I firstly did not believe it would exist, but I experience it. But I am honest, I am playing a battle of the bands that will be fun for me. Just to play live for the second time of my life in a band is so much fun. Everyone who thinks people think you are weird by being enlightenment is something I want to talk about next few lines. It feels like there is only one thing I can say to them, there is no personal will playing in it. I mean, I could say something different, but it is really like you do not feel like acting on it and it would feel unnatural. I would compare it to: why not walk naked on street?  I speak different, there is a more relaxing way a more high quality of speaking. People are more interested in the words and will have more laughter. There is no anxiety, when you would speak to the hottest girl in the world, you could speak the very same. The funny thing is: you actually do not want to have sex as goal. It will seem very superficial, there is not really physical attraction. People who were called ugly are not ugly anymore. 

    Many things unfold really weird and awesome. Synchronisities are insane. When I need to talk to someone, the person will appear in my reality in just a few seconds mostly.

    As far as relating goes to people at other levels of the spiral dynamics system, it is really easy to relate now, but it is really different. There is not that same 'oh cool, we went to the same thing and that makes our bond special'. What there is, is just an interest in their story. When they talk it feels like you are talking to yourself, it is the same in a weird way. As far as deep friendships goes: that bond won't change that much. I still very like them and there is a complimentary vibe. Vibes of every inhabitant of a body still resonate different, but you can go along with all in a loving way. I do not experience life as a serious anymore. People are not reality, but more like the same thing as you, but living in an other world than you do. It becomes a playground. It feels as if another person just lives in another dimension or something. 

    I won't call it full realization yet, though there no identification with anything anymore. Every description with the 'turquoise stage' actually fits. I still need to get accostumed to it. It is very shocking (without feeling the shock or realizing it) to dissolve the ego. It is hard to be the ocean, then I feel like it came too early. When the waves are high, then it is burning love for life and being passionate. I felt like writing this because there is no one I have spoken about this in my life and to be alone on a journey that you did not have the desire for is not best thing to do. Only because I stumbled on the enlightenment video from Leo this all happened, you can not leave enlightenment. Once you know about enlightenment, even if you hate it and not want it, it will hunt you down. I wanted self-worth, then Freedom, then making a really cool expressive album, then there is nothing to want. I still 'want to create the album', but it comes from a other place or it is secondary. It could not have gone another way. I am not interested in being an enlightened teacher. A teacher of 'thoughts' I would say. 

    Leave any comments if you want, it still is a bit extreme for me that such a shift happened. I do not really know how or what or who. It feels not lonely, but to just not to express this will not feel good for me.

  17. All enlightened beings are passive? Not all. I quoted this from the site: http://www.bentinhomassaro.com/about/ Bentinho is a enlightened teacher. 

    Quote from bio Bentinho:

    'Today, at 27, he is an internationally recognized spiritual teacher and empowerment speaker. On a personal level, he embodies the fully passionate lifestyle that he teaches--including “free-solo” rock-climbing (no ropes) and free-diving to great depths on a single breath. Currently he is exploring new roles as entrepreneur, CEO, inventor, and investor, adding to previous skills as Reiki master, telekinetic, yogi, and polyphasic sleeper. He also occasionally enjoys a fine whiskey with a Cuban cigar! '

    If anyone has more of these examples, react here below!