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Posts posted by Jacobsrw

  1. @ivankiss Firstly, we have a very warped and limited view of history from which we have unstable ground to judge it. Secondly, problems do not arise from repeating history, they arise from the inability to perceive what IS and mistakenly perceive what ego wants to perceive.

    One could have no recall of history, be in a state of transient no mind and still operate more consciously than any predecessor. The answer is pure consciousness not the fragmented memory of a historic past.

  2. It’s apparent many here have misconstrued the power of what Leo explicated. 

    Ultimate Love is not simply a doing that fulfils the patriotism of an agenda, it is to love all as it IS. That’s not to say nothing can be done but to understand that the action which follows is always tainted with limitation. It must, as it is self deriving from a finite self.

    The love people here seem to be espousing, is a very self-aggrandising love which upholds survival in the name of human rights.

    Human rights is not the act of love, it is the act of survival. And a democratic moralist one at that. That’s not to say it’s not useful or applicable. But realise it’s extremely conditional and limited. Not applying to anything beyond a western human construct for that matter.

    The love Leo is pointing to supersedes human rights and the action and change which proceeds on behalf of survival. These are nothing more than merely stage green utilities. Stage green can be acted from for the purpose of a conditional love but understand, this is a limited skewed version of love, over aggrandising a human-species bias.

    Love is universal and surpasses any agenda which prioritises the human.

  3. On 09/06/2020 at 8:17 PM, Leo Gura said:

    And this is the key: your Love must be so strong and meta that you fully embrace everyone's unwillingness to unite and desire to slit each other's throats out of selfishness and fear.

    Once you grasp that, you're seeing it properly, from the eyes of God.

    If Love cannot love hate, then it isn't Love.

    Agreed. And so that was my point I was attempting to insinuate. We must seek to understand and serve those we despise just as those we revere. However, this must not come at cost of our ignorance. We must apply diligent action where it is most required.

    Relative reason may not trump Truth, nevertheless, Truth must still account for relative reason since reason is stemmed from it.

  4. 2 hours ago, Tim Gardner said:

    I'm curious about the power of imagination. If reality is infinite, it seems to me that

    the human body could be unimagined and you could instead switch from a human to a cat

    or a bird?  Could you ever do this permanently or only temporarily

    due to the trouble of sustaining such high levels of consciousness? 



    The mind and all it’s contents. It is is by definition, the only this that can be unimagined since it is the only thing that has been imagined in the first place.

    In other words, “you” and the entire existence of a self could be unimagined.

    The problem is, the mind tries to use the mind to eliminate the mind. This cannot be done. To dissolve the mind one must start to experience and perceive reality beyond the mind. It’s illusion can then begin to fade and Being can be indefinitely experienced. 

    Your analogy of a cat is but merely another construct of mind. The mind imagines a cat, therefore it could by all means imagine itself to be one. However, this is just more circulatory delusion.

    The most powerful thing one could do is unimagine them self.

  5. 1 hour ago, kireet said:

    are there any limits to human consciousness? if yes , then what are they ?

    Only one: The illusions of mind of which are projected onto it.

    Consciousness is so incredibly and ineffably powerful the mind is threatened by its utter impenetrable nature. So it projects onto it in an effort to obscure it, only to realise everything it projects stems from the same consciousness it denies.

  6. On 09/06/2020 at 8:29 AM, andyjohnsonman said:

    I feel Rupert beautifully sums the situation up.


    "It is our sacred duty to love everybody equally. The appropriate response to this situation must be informed by the understanding of our shared being (love) - If it doesn’t come from this and instead comes from only seeing their conditioning then the prejudice and the division which caused the injustice in the first place will be present to a degree in our response, and although our response may be effective (to a degree) in the short term, in the long term it won’t put an end to the injustice because it has not uprooted the cause of the injustice -that is that we don't love each other equally. Our response should be informed by the love for these 2 people (George Floyd and Derek Chauvin) If we feel the love for these 2 people equally in our hearts we are then in a position to respond appropriately and take whatever action necessary. I am not implying we shouldn’t take action, sometimes very firm action is required - this is one such case. If it doesn’t come from love it won’t have the power to effect the change in society for which so many people deeply long."


    As always, Rupert formulates eloquent wisdom.

    We must love both the perpetrator and the victim. Since both victim and perpetrator stem from the same source and ultimately, are self created. We must love the racist just as equally as the one discriminated by it.

    Unfortunately, the recent protest and campaigns have not reflected this. They have only ensued more division. We require cohesive togetherness and this has only and will only ever come from the depths unconditional being. 

    Our world operates on a very limited compass of morality good/bad. A toxic duality which requires ultimately collapsing.

  7. On 07/06/2020 at 7:26 PM, Aquarius said:

    We cannot know what is real, because the only thing that's real is coming through our senses. Even the colour on the apple isn't "real", your brain translates the lighwaves reflecting from it into the colour red. How do we know what is everything, or anything is? Or if it exists at all.?

    Or even the shape of the Earth. You haven't ever seen the world, just get told by the media how it looks like and you trust that. But you never saw the earth. I'm not starting a conspiracy theory here, just doing a thought experiment. ;) I hope you guys get the insight. :) 




    We do not experience the world, we experience our perception of the it, and the world is pure perception and perception is pure imagination.

  8. 5 minutes ago, JosephKnecht said:

    @Jacobsrw Thanks. I should have prefixed my question with the fact that I have done psychedelics and have had many insights from my trips. They have been useful in untangling my self.

    I have also achieved psychedelic states from contemplation only. I've been meditating daily for a few years also. My problem is that the "highs" that I have achieved through work felt much more genuine than the "highs" that I've achieved from psychedelics.

    Somehow I feel unworthy of achieving these peak states just by taking a pill. The bliss is too much and I feel I am not deserving of it. Also, the peak states of psychedelics wear off much faster than the ones done with other methods.  

    Well that’s great to hear. A good start as well. Many here criticise psychedelics without even having done them. I’ve done them only once before but had a truly powerful first experience full of many insights.

    Of course you are worthy of them. You are existence itself after all. The question should be is the psychedelic worthy of you? xD

    Maybe it’s more a question of whether you have properly primed yourself for the psychedelic experience. Sometimes psychedelic experiences require having done plenty of practices prior to them. They can be difficult to integrate without the proper preparation and dedication. 

    The lacked feeling of genuine “high” you speak of I haven’t experienced perse. But it could be that you are not use to the psychedelic state. Most of our time is spent sober after all. Try very small doses this should help with stabilising a more palpable experience.

  9. 1 hour ago, JosephKnecht said:

    If all power is projected from You as God, aren't You projecting your power unto psychedelics?

    If this assumption is true, aren't You using psychedelics as a trigger to access God state? 

    What makes psychedelics such powerful triggers compared to all the other methods? I know psychedelics work for many people and they are faster when compared to meditation. My question is why they work? I understand the biological effect on brain receptors, so I am looking for a metaphysical explanation. 

    I know people who have access to psychedelic states only through meditation, so I am curious what makes psychedelics so special? 

    You’re thinking of this way too limited. Psychedelics are far beyond biology and psychology. They supersede every known territory of the ordinary state you could imagine, reaching levels of awareness which are unfathomable.

    The power of the psychedelic is that it allows you to access forms of imagination the mind is usually unable to access. You enter a state of heightened imagination. Hence why, there is a huge proliferation of imagery and insight.

    It is not merely you projecting onto the psychedelic. It is more the psychedelic unpacking the entire construction of reality you have created. Every flaw, inadequacy, fallacy is seen for what is. The psychedelic is doing a rigorous experimentation on you and revealing every aspect of the design you got wrong. It is rather a process of deconstruction. To the point you may deconstruct down to the essence you really are, infinite awareness.

    Psychedelic states are accessible through contemplation, mediation or self inquiry. However, this very unlikely for the ordinary being since the mind has a monopoly on every segment of your experience. Every aspect of your experience is mind dominated so the psychedelic reveals this to you quite glaringly.

    If you are open to this, the process of realisation can begin.

  10. 8 hours ago, JessiChell said:

    @Jacobsrw Yeah, I can see how I isolate myself from social interactions a lot because of this feeling but that's probably why I'm feeling this way. 

    Its annoying that the answer is to do it more lol. But I see the relevance. 

    Don’t be hard on yourself when you notice these felt inadequacies. Love them, nurture them and strive to understand them. One thing the mind enjoys is self criticism because it is then well entertained. You should watch Leo’s Self Love video. Provides some pretty fundamental approaches to these type of situations.

    Another thing, try to always do the very thing you least want to. If you least want to socialise, go do it. If you least want to be caring to yourself, do it. If you least want to mediate, go do it. If you least want to prepare a healthy meal, go do it. You will be surprised how much this will help to breach the inflection point of resistance.

  11. 3 hours ago, LastThursday said:

    I appreciate your all comments.

    It's not so much the artistic products I was interested in, as you say there are other threads for that.

    It's tricky for me to articulate what I was trying to say.

    There's a lot of judgement and criticism on the forum and a lot of "trying to fix" other people by providing opinions. I wanted to point out that there is a way to counterbalance the negativity when interacting with people. This also applies to people in everyday life.

    I was using beauty as an example of an experience that viscerally connects oneself to the world - a transcendant experience. Some of my personal preferences I posted above. I think we often lead our lives in a way that is emotionally disconected from reality - and this comes off in the way we deal with people. One way to re-connect is through beauty (it's not the only way though).

    When someone produces a thing of beauty such as a song or a kimono - our immediate response is one of love.  We love the beautiful art, but by extension we also love the person or people that created it. By love I mean admiration or appreciation or respect or such like. But I also mean a visceral emotional reaction that connects you with the art and the person. It's hard to hate a person who produces beautiful things.

    But should we love a person before they've created a work of art? Yes most definitely. Because every person has the potential to produce beauty in the world. Every person has the potential to induce in us a transcendant experience and reconnect us to the world and each other. It's hard to hate that potential.

    It also helps us recognise that we too have that same potential and we should love ourselves for that - no matter how "broken" we feel we are.

    This is indeed true. Art should be loved for the artistry it exemplifies. The artist loved equally for who they are regardless of what they have created. The problem in our world is that it is built off competition rather than collaboration. Hence why, authentic appreciation is hard to come by. One who loves something for what it is unconditionally, is one who is operating beyond what they can get out of it. This is the real beauty of art.

    As an artist myself, this is my deepest wish.


  12. 15 minutes ago, JessiChell said:

    I'll ask the forum this because I need to understand quickly. 

    Is it normal to feel lonely after socializing? 

    I've realized after social interactions, group interactions or being around someone I'm not completely comfortable with (like a partner), I get the feeling of loneliness. 

    It's so strange because I'm alone a lot. I have been working on loneliness feeling but I generally feel great or happy by myself. 

    Does anyone else feel drained or lonely after group interactions? Or being a round one person who you dont necessarily enjoy their company as much as being alone? 

    Thank you. 

    Hey there Jessi,

    I can relate at times. I’ve found that socialisation is a complicated activity. It fluctuates and can feel different depending on our moods.

    I would say our discomforts can arise when spending excessive time alone, as this further increases our inability to have competence or comfort around others. You could say it’s due to a lack of proximity (as in, lack of interacting often enough) this can reduce our capacities to feel adequate in social situations. Less time around people can produce declines in our confidence.

    Socialising and solitude must be struct with a fine balance. Solitude is important but it must not saturate our ability to meet and encounter others gracefully. Take it upon yourself to track your future encounters and how they unfold. Journal this at the conclusion of each day. It may help you gain some clarity and awareness when rebalancing is required.

  13. 2 hours ago, billiesimon said:

    Now I understand why we love ignorance and living in autopilot.


    This is too much.

    We need to escape into fantasyland, because our deep existential nature is TOO MUCH!!!!


    It's just a story!!! My life is just a story!!! A screenplay!!!


    I am not the movie character, I AM and that's it!!!

    I need the story because the story gives me contrast, it gives me the ILLUSION of separation in order for me to OBSERVE MYSELF!!!!


    I am IGNORANT about my own existential nature, thus I unconsciously project A STORY, a human life, to find myself and to discover my nature.


    There's no meditation, no self inquiry and no psychedelics.


    IT'S ALL A STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I am already awakened, but this is also a HUGE PARADOX because I realize that the story is necessary for me to awaken,




    Humans are just a story.

    Being male is just a story.

    Chakras are just a story.

    @Leo Gura is just a story!!! this one actually made me feel REALLY ALONE, because I have decided my own awakening WITHOUT my conscious consent!!!!

    This is both awesome and HORRIBLE!!!! Because now I can feel how I am all alone, without answers, without another one beside me, and in this eternal seeking forever. Yet I don't want to get back to ignorance, because I feel free, I feel happier, I feel like now I am authentic. 


    But..... everything is collapsing.


    It's just a story........... a movie......... perfectly written.


    My ego is so sad and depressed now.



    It's just a story. It's just a story.


    The only reason to exist is to find that "WHY?".


    I AM here to look for that why.

    But this life is just a story.

    I was never unconscious. The past does not exist. Yet I was unconscious. And yet I've always been awake. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Exactly right my friend. Some months back I had a mystical experience that illuminated this very realisation to me. It left me in fits of laughter I could not comprehend. Existence is so irreducible simple had we just see it for what it is, but this is far too threatening for the ego-mind.

    The mind cannot help but to create dualities to entertain itself. It cannot exist without a story. Even just heading to the fridge must pertain to a story. I must get there to feed the “me”, the “me” is in need of comfort etc. It all collapses when the mind is seen for the utter amusement park it has constructed.

    Without story, the mind and self dissolve. No story = no context from which to place the “me”.

  14. Agree with your idea here, in needing to appreciate these elements of life.

    Just as a pointer, there are two threads on the forum: one called ‘Art Never Ceases to Amaze Me’ and ‘Show Us Your Art’. A lot  of people discussing the beauty of life and human eccentricity. It’s here you just have look for it. Also there are many various threads stipulating these kinds of topics.

    Just as a side note, consider the art and beauty in what is maybe assumed cold. There’s an indiscriminate profundity in the darkness we shun.

  15. 33 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

    For me that doesn't make any sense.

    See, I see it like this. Imagine I am in my room and I suddenly start acting like my water bottle is actually a sentient being. And I start having a communication with the water bottle.

    Why do that? Why do the whole illusion and not just talk to myself directly?



    Because you only know yourself relatively. You exist as one but must differentiate in order to know it. Infinite consciousness doesn’t know itself because it is itself with no contrast, that is why a seperate self exists - to know infinite awareness.

    A bottle that is communicated with is a different aspect of yourself communicating with its self. This provides you a “relative” self knowledge. Meaning, you become aware of your own infinite awareness through realising different aspects of it.

  16. 1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

    If reality is imagination, does reality change when you are conscious that you are God?

    For example let's say you are talking over the phone with someone, if you are conscious in that moment you are God, then it wouldn't make any sense that you talk with anybody over the phone, because the "other one" would be you.

    However there are supposed to be enlightened beings but they seem to live a very normal life.

    See being enlightened doesn't mean that in that moment you are conscious that you are God, right? Only that sometime you did.

    So my question is, if you are conscious that you are God, imagination will change, right? For example on the example of the phone the other person should suddenly dissapear or etc... because there wouldn't be any point since you are fully consciouss there's nobody at the end of the line.

    Reality remains the same however your interpretation of it becomes completely recontextualised. The is no longer a “you” navigating reality, there is just reality navigating itself. Almost as if you were a spectator.

    You become depersonified, acting on behalf of reality rather than a finite self. Your processing and actions are much more elaborate and sophisticated, they stretch far more richely than an individual being could ever exert. You move fluidly and adaptively. If you’ve ever had a state of no-mind, it would be almost reminiscent of this type of experience.

    Hence why, many who have awaken initiate bold moves, often for the greater good of existence not some limited human ideology.

  17. On 05/06/2020 at 8:18 PM, Max_V said:

    Lately I’ve been thinking about this a lot.

    When we come into this world, everyone seems to have a certain baseline of abilities and capacities. One is better at this, the other has more feel for that.

    What I’m really interested to discuss and talk about in this topic is how this understanding functions existentially, and if there are objective limitations to how far one can go. Can anyone become a Genius at anything? 

    Existentially speaking, each person is limited in specific abilities. What one is deficient at another is competent, what one is competent at another is great, what one is great at another is impeccable. We all range in skills and abilities not because there exists a rigid hierarchy but because each being compensates for what another lacks and vice versa. This feature allows for greater innovation, complexity and collaboration. Because think about it, if all were good identically equal we would be limited to the one skill and ability, getting absolutely nowhere. We need varying skills and abilities so a multitude of perspectives can evolve the sentient existence. 

    This is the very equilibrium and multiplicity of reality. All parts must be finite, limited and specialised differently in order to equate to entire the whole. The reason one is equipped more skill than another in a specific field is not a mistake. It is the space that allows all individuals to complement one another. This is the profound balance of finality.

    Leave behind the illusory notion that all can exercise equal competency. This is a highly limited perspective. We need diversity in skills for the central purpose of ascendence. Hence why, multiculturalism is a powerful force.

  18. 23 hours ago, Anderz said:

    A huge impact on society I now realized, if the model turns out to be correct, is that it will change how we perceive accidents, risks, randomness, errors and mistakes, even in our everyday personal lives. One amazing thing Stephen Wolfram has discovered is that many processes are unpredictable yet still deterministic. Wolfram explained in a recent live stream that the model is completely deterministic. Apparent randomness is a result of the impossibility of being able to predict beforehand what the future will be for what he calls computationally irreducible processes.

    It's NOT the kind of mechanical determinism that Laplace described centuries ago, where he believed that a being who knew all the particles in the universe would be able to fully predict the future. The remarkable thing Wolfram discovered is that even for many very simple processes it's impossible to predict the outcome even when they are deterministic. The outcome of the model then is that there aren't in an absolute sense any accidents, randomness or mistakes in nature or even in any human activities. It may be similar to how Leo has described reality.


    Interesting points you’ve made.

    I am open to the possibility that this conception of physics could provided some implications in the relative domain of human existence. However, in the Absolute domain this is all redundant. Because fundamentally all distinctions collapse, dogmatic physics and non-dogmatic physics would invariably dissolve. Nonetheless this could be a use of tool in a dualistic sense. 

    My question is to what extent is this useful in the relative sense? What implications would this have for a “living” human being?

    On 04/06/2020 at 9:26 PM, Anderz said:

    How can we know that the difference exists? It's similar to how 2+2 = 4 is a timeless existence. The notion "2 + 2 = 4" is not made of anything. It's a platonic Form:

    Mathematics is completely arbitrary, this is one of my biggest sticks with the mathematical sciences. They assume mathematics is a quantitative measure inherent in reality. Yet they undermine the fact that the mind projects mathematics onto reality and assumes it absolute. No mind = no mathematics. It’s the minds language in numbers. All math is relative and dependent on the context, that context turns out to be the mind.

  19. 13 hours ago, QandC said:


    I’ve followed this guy previously and known of his social media fanatics. He was extremely consumed by a public figure ego. However, I still doubt he is actually enlightened. He seems far more interested in the conceptual semantics of enlightenment than “it” in itself.

    Couod he be enlightened? Possibly, but I highly doubt it. Besides, who has authority to measure ones awakeness? No one. It’s a subjective matter. This dude could be more deluded than any typical civilian or the contrary could be true. It’s all approximate speculation.

    Nonethless, thank you for sharing he had some interesting words to share.

  20. 11 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

    Maybe all this charade is fear from gap closure. Boils down to it. 

    All this charade is nothing but a story to entertain the mind. The mind uses itself to entertain itself, not realising it must ultimately dissipate into the void of nothing’s from which it arose.

    Over conceptualising is the ego’s most central self defence mechanism. It uses it to substantiate all its absurdity, which of course cannot be any more validated than by the thought that first created it.


  21. 8 minutes ago, Galyna said:

    Think positive and it will :) 

    Good luck.

    We will see, thank you :)

    52 minutes ago, Galyna said:

    I just can not get it, how a paper ticket can be handed to an cartoon character. I am struggling because they are made of different substances. 

    Just to refer to your earlier point.

    Simply because they are one in the same. The paper ticket is as real as the character receiving it. Hence the synonymous relationship. They only appear divided until the ticket is received from which they then become one again.

    Consciousness is nothingness and so is a psychedelic experience. However, the mind has obscured this singularity by ascribing them different values since they appear relative and different through the lens of mind. Once the mind, the “I” realises its categories are illusory the “self” creating the division will dissolve and the psychedelic state becomes just as synonymous to the nothingness of consciousness.