Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. This is a Threshold Guardian on the Hero's Journey for you paradoxically.  Don't quit.  Be a man and dust yourself off friend.  Get back up and just cool off for a while.  Realize you're shooken up right now and you're gonna be looking for an outlet for that energy.  What you need is for people to tell you how much they appreciate you on here.  We should all give you 5 reasons that we appreciate you and you'll melt like an ice cream cone.

    1. You're smart
    2. You got great Dragon-energy to use one of Zzenn's terms
    3. You got good courage
    4. You've got a purpose that you're trying to actualize
    5. You got at least some knowledge of which you speak

  2. Start living your life now by working on practically improving your life and improving the lives of other human beings.  No more hiding away from life in philosophy -- it's time to go live this one life you have today.  It's time to do and speak instead of just speak.  Integrate Karma Yoga with your Jnana Yoga.  Apply the Paradox of Action and Truth.  Truth without action is a bore; and action without truth is a fool.

  3. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Wall Street and giant banks are allowed to be breeding grounds for devils. It's utterly corrupt and exploitative. No conscious society would allow such a thing. Most people do not fully understand how corrupt these systems are. And Trump only adds fuel to the fire by appointing these devils to his administration.

    It's interesting that you cling so hard to being the righteous restorer.  Righteousness is a such a characteristically Stage Blue trait.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    The moralistic one is you because you believe in good and bad, right and wrong, and you judge your own wickedness.

    But what I'm saying Leo is that you do too and I don't think you see this in yourself.  You have a very moralistic, judgmental, absolute truth-ish, almost puritanical energy.  It's almost like you're teaching your own Shadow.

  5. @Leo Gura I'm just curious about one thing Leo.  Why are you so moralistic, absolute truth-ish, almost puritanical in your energy, yet you preach in words the importance of not clinging to 'shoulds'?  How does that work out?  You sound like a very Orthodox religious man.  That's the energy that comes off.  Very Stage Blue.   Very absolute truth-ish.  It's like Mohammad, everybody's job is to copy his words and deeds because he was right by God; he alone was the source of the Absolute Truth.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    What's wrong is that they behave like shameless devils while pretending they are equal to Democrats. They are not.

    Truth is not neutral. The midpoint between bullshit and truth is still bullshit.

    "Republican" is just a word and a concept that human beings are more or less resonant with.  That's all it is.  It's a linear label.  Every person is a mix between Conserativism (Yang) and Progressivism (Yin).  Apply the Paradox of Conservativism and Progressivism.  In that case, you'll see that the word/concept "Republican" has pros and cons, and you can integrate the pros and leave behind the cons of the word/concept "Republican".  Don't judge it, use it, see.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @winterknight Wow, cool! I like her too. But her track record is a bit worse than Bernie. She was a fucking Republican! I'm sure she's evolved a lot. But there are still a couple of issues where she's not as strong as Bernie. For example, she still waffles a bit on Medicare For All and her foreign policy is somewhat uncertain.

    She'd still be a great president of course compared to most other candidates.

    I hope she and Bernie beat out Joe Biden. She would also make a great VP, setting her up for the future.

    Joe Biden is terrible.

    Now, what's wrong with Republicans?  This looks like a lock.

  8. Are you addicted to being smart in life?  Believe it or not this does have pros and cons.  You wanna apply the Paradox of Knowing and Not Knowing.  You create a lock when you white-knuckle cling to the Knowing side of this paradox.  Ditto for white-knuckle clinging to the Not Knowing side of this paradox.

  9. Ultimately, Personal/ Interpersonal Development Work should be thought of as a career that has the best kick-back benefits.  If you can think that way about this work, you'll be so far ahead of most people.  But this is only for the very advanced and very motivated in this work.  This is the teacher path, the Brahman path if you will.  Brahmans make a career out of teaching and doing Personal/Interpersonal Development Work.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You can do all that.

    But when you chase 4 rabbits you may end up catching none.

    You only use what benefits your life and the relationship connections you choose to create and develop for yourself, but those relationship connections can become very large, as in a community or even way beyond that.  But it all starts from you being highly-developed, knowing what you want, taking massive action, and that spreading outward more and more as time goes on.  You're getting a kiss back from reality due to what you put into reality.  It's what I call an Upward Spiral.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Joseph Maynor In practice your action will all be co-opted by ego and survival, thus perpetuating Maya.

    The most important thing is changing your state of consciousness. Without that, all actions stems from a fundamentally deluded state.

    Actually, you wanna integrate (integrate the pros but leave behind the cons of) Jnana, Kriya, Karma, and Bhakti Yogas, along with all other teachings available in the Collective Conscious and the Collective Unconscious.