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Everything posted by Girzo

  1. Making it easier to access forums doesn't necessarily sound like a good idea. Also, apps cost, have their own problems and require maintenance. And on top I already feel like I am spending to much time on the visiting it daily. And I believe I am not the only one who feels that way. Idea of making it more convenient doesn't appeal to me, mainly because it's already convenient enough.
  2. Two weeks in. No masturbation, no wet dreams. I didn't even plan to do a nofap, it just came out spontanouesly as a result of physical exercising 6 times a week. No real desire to do that, but I already was clean from porn for a long time, so maybe that's why it's so easy. I almost started to worry if I am not overtraining, but I stil wake up with a tent im my room every morning, so I guess eveything's good. The main difference that I noticed during those two weeks is that girls started to look prettier. I won't talk about other possible benefits, because I am also cleaning up my diet and believe that factor has more impact on things like energy levels, mood, etc. So can't really judge wheter nofap affects them or not.
  3. You know what? I am not an authority to say that, but I believe that Leo would be 10x happier hearing that someone watches his videos once a week, or even once a month on a carefully selected topic that's important in one's life at that given moment and takes action on what have been said every-fcking-day, than hearing someone is doing mental masturbation daily listening to Leo's opinions and doesn't actually take any serious action on personal development. What most of us need is more practice, not more theory. Sorry for being a little bit rantish here. For 18 months, I've been missusing the information that Leo gives, by not applying it in my life.
  4. This. Knowing where you are and what you want makes you good enough to have sex. Basically you don't need any mad skills, because in the end a girl chooses you to fuck, not your skills. The two most important factors in pick up: knowing what you're doing with your life AND taking action. So, I would just make sure that my life is not like a sinking Titanic and invite a girl to it. Be lazy, be straightforward, if that's what you feel. You will be amazed how effective this approach can be (I was amazed that it works at all ). But you need to be authentic, passionate, so a girl has something to be attracted to. Wow, that's pretty huge number. In that case I would stick to meditation too, but are you sure there is no room for some social interactions? Like on a way to work, gym, school, etc. You said that you have approach anxiety and I think it's great. With such powerful meditation habit you can approach a lot and create a lot of anxiety, that can be later dissolved during meditation and used to grow, to get rid of neurosis. BTW, how long do you practice your meditation habit?
  5. But are you putting this time into meditation right now? You see, it's better to do pickup than procrastinate. Don't assume it will be wasted time and don't worry about the future, just do what feels right to do at the present moment. Choose that one thing, focus on it solely (it can be pick up) and start hardcore self-actualizing already!
  6. I've seen someone on the forum mentioning Jodorowsky's Dune (2013) as an inspiration, motivation for finding a life purpose. I agree, it's a great movie about creating movies and interesting director. Can really give you an idea of what living a life purpose is. In my opinion Bakuman manga is very similar to that movie. It's a manga about creating a manga and mastering this field. Extremly motivating, especially if one wants to pursue his life purpose in art. Or at least I felt that way. You can buy it on Amazon or probably find it for free on some manga reading website in your language if you are not English speaking. What are your favourite works of art that inspire the journey? Can you come up with some good examples?
  7. To become a hacker, learn cybersecurity first. EdX is a great place to start.
  8. @Lou7 What's the name of the festival you have been to? I am really curious.
  9. Choose and focus on one habit that you feel like is going to make a biggest change in your life right now and focus solely on that. Other changes will start to come after that. For example, I started exercising. Then for your exercising to have a positive effect you need a proper diet and a lot of sleep, so two more habits are emerging on your path at their own. Then when you have a solid foundation, i.e you exercise daily, you can choose to start having a meditataion before or after training. That's like 3 extra good habits coming from incorporating just one.
  10. Benefits of not fapping, that I am sure of, are better skin and less acne. You can start to see the effects as soon as the next day. I try to hesitate from fapping, mainly because it's easy for it to become an addiction. I guess that's where the most benefits of no-fapping come from, you are simply removing another addiction that's fucking up your brain with instant gratification. I've heard the opposite to be true. But I do believe, that some people can have imagination so vivid, that they feel like having a real intercourse. For me it's not a case. I certainly can feel a difference between having a sex with somebody and masturbation by myself.
  11. Do inner work: meditate, self-inquiry and you will see how many of these things will fall off.
  12. Taking notes seems like an obvious thing. You don't want to watch 60 minutes of material every time you need to revise something. Notes are much faster to read. And the more you revise, the better you remember the content, so watching video once and then reading the notes few times is in my opinion more beneficial than watching a video twice, while in both cases it takes the same amount of time. But, as Christian said: You should do whatever the fuck you want.
  13. This. There's so much free content on the Internet, not only from RSD, but many others too. I would suggest learning about the idea of calibration and reading a few articles on the topic of how a proper date should look like. Also, the problem is not being nervous around the girl, but not being ok with that. Leo's "How To Be A Man - Part 2" talks exactly about that issue. So don't freak out when you run out of topics to talk about or she tests you hard. Being natural always pay off, even if she will reject you, you will learn something about your true self, because you weren't faking anything.
  14. What is the problem with someone touching your girl's ass in the first place? Is she your own property? She should know how to react in this kind of situation, but let us assume that she doesn't know and she needs your help. What you do should be based on who you are dealing with, why this person is doing what he's doing and also what is your position in that certain situation. And while I agree that aggression might be the answer sometimes, I think in most cases it's totally not appropriate. Making aggression a default position in any situation is a pure chimp behaviour. It only shows your own low conciousness. Remember that one of the traits of the self-actualized person is that she or he reacts minimally to insults and others' behaviour.
  15. Awareness is a space where all phenomena happen (I call it a space although it's not really a space). So anything you can be aware of is not it - including your sense of awareness correlated with the body. Feeling position of your body and visuals that you see are all phenomena that happen in field of awareness which doesn't ever move, it's a canvas of reality that's totally empty. If you want to get rid of that feeling then self-inquiry focused on what you are actually feeling surely will help. Try to disassemble everything and see it for what it really is. That's the best that I can recommend based on my own modest experience.
  16. Sometimes fiction stories are much more True than those based on facts. Myths, Homer's "Odyssey" are fiction and can bring a lot of value to one's life. What if stories of Buddha or Jesus were fake, does that take value from them? In fact there are spiritual stroies which we know are fake, yet we still benefit from reading them. More modern examples of "good" fiction books would be "Prophet" by Khalil Gibran or "The Book of Mirdad" by Mikhail Naimy. Yes, I know it's not exactly what you meant, but it also falls under label of fiction.
  17. Eckhart Tolle recommends listening to from where sounds arise and where they disappear in 'The Power of Now'. So maybe that's the answer, if you have read it.
  18. I totally get what you mean. I was walking on the street and saw a women in the car performing a stupid maneuver. When I caught myself bashing her for that in my mind, aware of that useless negativity, I couldn't resist, but just laugh. It for sure had that "prank" vibe to it.
  19. Sounds more like magic than real solution. Wouldn't setting up a bussiness goal and working towards it daily be a better thing? Of course it would. Subconcious mind is not some magic wand that fixes all your external problems by doing internal work. I believe people oversimplify and confuse how it works.
  20. No one will tell you if it's wise, because no one knows your situation better than you. It looks like you're looking for someone to take responsibility for your choices. Overall I get a vibe that watching Leo's "How to Stop Being a Victim" will help you very, very much. It also looks like you're looking for a reason for not taking an action, by seeking more knowledge. That's wrong. But if you are looking for that one course that will cover everything, then I recommend getting "The Natural" by RSDMax. Whether by buying or downloading from torrents. If you know the basics already, then I would recommend to take action, then write down what you did right and wrong, learn skills that you lack, repeat. Take action. Learn. Repeat. Take action, learn, repeat... <<< That's what I am doing and it works pretty well. I wish you the best luck on your journey!
  21. I would say the best option is to be serious and dedicated about achieving enlightment and at the same time to be fully aware of pointlessness of all these efforts. Sounds paradoxical at first, but it's totally attainable. These are the conditions in which I fell growth the most. And yeah, Osho's teachings are very much in that style, so if someone likes this perspective, I recommend reading some of his books.
  22. 19 Watching for 2.5 years.