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Posts posted by puporing

  1. 21 minutes ago, OBEler said:

    How do you come to this conclusion, what was your spiritual journey so far?

    What other way do you think for a human will get you to the highest state

    I've surpassed everyone here and all the public teachers.

    If you're interested please message me because I will not teach trolls on this forum.

    In short it's a narrow path of transformation through a series of teachings from heaven.

  2. He probably doesn't understand what that Supermind is like coz he hasn't reached it.

    I have and am in it all the time now. This is the highest state one can reach before leaving the body. Problem is you're just gonna think I'm making stuff up.

    All the past (fully) enlightened beings are in there and I've communed with some of them. 

    And it's going to be alot less than "10000 people". The state I'm talking about. 

    But consider that when you reach this state you're most likely not going to be very public about it. It's not safe for one.

  3. 3 hours ago, MellowEd said:

    How does darknes become one with pure light? What does evil got to do with good? If I put one drop of sewage in your cup of water it is no longer clean. 

    You become the pure light. It's a return of what you were. The darkness was a miscreation from what was once pure light.  So now the return, hence spiritual teachers/messengers.

  4. Depends, it helps if you have allies and survival situation mostly figured out already, at the bare minimum things like shelter though even that can be minimized a great deal if necessary. I don't have to eat much these days nor have much appetite for food.  

    Other than that "issues" concern mainly with the collective mind rather than "your own" though it is still your own :D. It is because my mind is split off into this universe and has a natural inclination to re-awaken the people here.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    I don't know what attacks you're talking about, maybe you are imagining. I spoke about openness to the reality that we are, that's non conceptual.

    That's not it. I am pointing out your consciousness/mind overall is not yet out of all traps like you said, it has an attack orientation you are not aware. So the "no one can teach you anything" is another trap. 

    And I am not trying to teach you, I am simply dragged into your attacking mind and now just wish to end the conversation.

  6. 5 minutes ago, An young being said:

    Unfortunately, many such teachers ( in general, not referring to you) either have too much spiritual ego or they want to earn money. ( not some, for survival, but lots and lots) So, clinging to a single teacher without knowing him is never good for us. Also, there is no proper metric to judge whether they are above us or below us. This forum, along with other internet sources can be a good source of spiritual knowledge, if the noise is filtered. Also, trying different Spiritual gurus' ideas is also a good thing to do. But clinging to a single teacher is very dangerous, in my opinion. If you can open your mind, the whole universe can literally be the best teacher.

    Of course which is part of the issue here. Most people here have been clinging to a single teacher. ;)

    And no teacher can force themselves on you, you were open to them because you were already at a similar level.

    They will find each other in accord with the natural evolution. 

    I am just doing my part to make myself known with the amount of limitations I already have.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    There comes a time, and quite soon, when no one can teach you anything for the simple reason that you do not function at a conceptual level, words are nothing, you only share for the pleasure of doing so. Of course I am self-taught, once you leave the conceptual level, only you are left. I don't say it in the sense that others don't exist, but that you are reality, you can only open yourself and see. what others say about the absolute reality is completely indifferent. Could be interesting what others say about the traps of the mind, but ultimately is you who have to realize those traps

    How you gonna realize them if nobody ever point it out to you? Coz, you are definitely not out of mind traps. Your mind is still full of attack thoughts and lack of recognition I am you. You talk to yourself still like some other to be attacked. 

    I have no interest targeting you, but do notice that you cannot simply let me say what I have to say on this forum without first an attack thought.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Im not looking for teachers, just to talk with people who think by themselves and who are serious in the intention of opening themselves to the reality

    If someone (doesn't have to be a human) is further along than you by definition they're a "teacher", coz they will be sharing things you are not yet aware, until such a time it becomes unnecessary. And everyone has been taught by someone. I could only now consider myself a teacher because I have been a good student. Nobody is self taught. And you have been teaching also.

    If you're just talking to people on the same level then your progress will be much slower. Nothing wrong with it though just pointing it out.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    I don't think so, if it were here it would be easily recognizable. It is true that he was a bit repetitive but perhaps it would have evolved. I understand that it is frustrating that there are people who are not at all open to new ideas, but maybe they will change, and in any case, there is little to choose from, there are very few people who are serious about spirituality

    It's not so simple. Because someone awakened further than everyone here will not be recognized at first, coz there's no one else yet! So they're likely going to become a target and shot down more than anything, for having disagreements.

    If I tell you right now I am more awake than everyone here, I have just made myself a target for banning and/or attack from people here. See what I mean?

    All I'm saying is it's not a free for all place for teaching awakening. And so how then are you going to find those teacher(s)? That's a serious question for someone serious about this work.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Ajax said:

    Hmm, do you mean heaven as a state, condition, emotions, paradise, clouds in the sky, infinity...


    Your mind.... then what are you?

    You could call it a state, a "world", infinity (though that also gets applied to this place), your original Self before the "split off" to this world. 

    I am Heaven ;). I am just controlling this character with my mind, the in-between stage before my full transitioning/return.