Kalki Avatar

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Everything posted by Kalki Avatar

  1. @Frenk I was possesed by life (Holy Spirit) AKA Infinity conciousness/oneness was realized. It was so many things at the same time to describe. Which also felt like Stillness of steel. I was listening to this in my last trip. I think it helped me get more emotional and surrendered. I saw the divinity of her voice.
  2. @Spence94 The only thing I can do is either Cry or laugh. But is it normal even with weed? Is weed that potent? Or does that depends on people genetics and sensitivity to psychedelics?
  3. People used to be more conscious and intelligent here when their reputation was at stake with the rank mode thing. It was better that way. Even enligthened gurus still have to respect status and survival to be in society.
  4. Everytime I wash my clothes I can feel a subtle but drastic change in the energy it carried before. Including what type of clothes is and its color.Anyone else notice this? Any idea of what to be aware about clothes and its negative or positive effects on us?
  5. @Gabith Just do it to experiment, out of curiousty. Get excited for the experience waiting on you. Be a tourist in your own area for 1 week. Its just that you have to much of the same layers of energy. They repeat too much and you see no escape. With this approach your mind will open up again and at least free you for a while.
  6. You are jerking off alot because you are not doing enough things that you like. If you were out of your house, at least out of your bedroom and not in bed, that wouldn't happen. Try adventuring for 1 week. Go out hiking, ride a bike, explore unknown areas like rooftops or a skycrapper. Walk down in the City in áreas you have not walked. Break your routines for 1 week. Go out to club in week days. Do random stuff like that and watch the magic occur. It will help you reset your memory from that habit to weaken its effect on you as you get back to your routine.
  7. If its a break down you will be mostly playing defense. So what you basically need is a big pair of balls, war mindset and stuff to kill. The rest is addition.
  8. Quality over quantity. Let the man take his time, lol. The more ppl Push him the more his mind will resist. Let him act freely and he will come.
  9. @Samsonov Dont overcomplicate the matter philosophising about what you know you want. In this case its simply better to be alone so you can have more control of your life and enviornment. You cant control other people. So dont think some of their problems will not come to you. Things that you didnt even thought about. While you get your new apartment, you need to have alone time at the rooftop if you have, get a chair there. Dont let them know you are there when you go out. Stay in the car at some alone spot to meditate. Or just find some spot alone in a beach, park or forest.
  10. It is risky asf. Be careful. Spiritual teachers dont want you to know all the risk involved. They just sell you the good stuff. I have got into many problems before and had to stop spirituality. Doing spirituality is almost like being a bomb technician. Thats how risky it is.
  11. It has a price and it is becoming somewhat fake. Its a fake it until you make it process, then it becomes normal, part of you and even genuine. You have to tought it up and force yourself and situations until they also become normal, then feel genuine. Its a freaking painful process of changing your inner structure. At best, try to find female friends that are spiritual and hot. Closer you a higher vibration. That would be the ideal case, but its hard to manifest.
  12. Just before you are falling asleep, watch some porn or pics of girls you like while feeling horny, but at the same time be tired enough not to jerk off. This desire will come in the dream. I have many Wet dreams and trust me they can even be better than real life. Everything is perfect. The only down side is when I cannot even make a distinction of it being a dream, making me cum in my sheets.
  13. A series explaining how to do spirituality properly, strategically and effectively. The right order of things.
  14. Thats why I see all these entrepeneurs and traders having stand up computers. Definitely being on the move is always better. And I discovered not only that working in a stand up position not only improve productivity, but it instantly raises your mood.
  15. Update your style. Dress well, clean and look good. New fresh different haircut. Exercise.Go to the beach. Get a bike (The one that helped me the most since it forces you to be present, alive with adrenaline. It breaks the thought pattern habits by doing a constant masculine effort to survive). I would say getting a bike (learn first with a scooter) and playing some sport you like are like the two first things you must do to force your psychology to change and get out from your present thought pattern. Those two will automatically upload your self image in addition to your new style (get temporary tattoos and earrings at least). Then take alot of action and rest at the same time. And set a practice just as meditation to think positive thoughts mostly about what you like and want (ask and it is given book). If you are out of home like work, you need to create a strategy were something like a photo can trigger a positive thought so you can keep attracting more positive thoughts so you feel better and better while you are there most of the time, so you dont create negative thought patterns. You have to be extremely careful of what you think at work and home specially. Man, the bike is just magic. It will give you a sense of freedom and aventure, were you dont need to wait for traveling in order to break free from your ego cocoon. Stay like these by creating a new active positive loop lifestyle of thoughts and habits. You are what you do (experience), think and eat. (self Image is not static. It has to be constantly mantained by alot of positive feed back and experience. Getting positive friends in some activities like sports can be helpful to keep it alive). The importance of looking good and powerful, masculine is to feel like these and get good feedback from others. The feedback others give you is crucial for your self image. You need to defend it or run from those enviorments if its negative. Self image is mostly about action/experience. You need to get away from not natural habits like being at home all day in bed, using phone and media. Your life style. should be like a grown kid. You need to wake up excited about creating whatever you want. Learning new skills will make you feel very good,like dancing. Doing parkour or going to dangerous heights. Watching movies and playing games after working on what you like. (But you will also need self control through yoga, meditation and stoicism to have some control of your present experience and thoughts). Its just that most of us got used to this new digital lifestyle and forgot what it feels to live again. If you stay like these, there wont even be an inch of space to think negativity or suffer. Lastly, if you ever feel bad. Standing up alone will raise your mood. Better than nothing.
  16. Does anyone here knows anything going on with the astros? I have been feeling alot of affliction in my psyche since 2 days ago. I wonder If anyone is feeling something too.
  17. His compassion
  18. Girls have a ridiculous level of subtle indirect manipulative skills. They would have stop gasligthing if you didnt let them get used to manipulate yourself into supression. Punish reward method... Goddamn, trust, Honesty and authentic friendships these days is more scarce and valuable than billions. People are getting more and more annyoingly needy greedy. I remember when I was a kid wondering and dreaming about adult hood. How much I would enjoy doing big things with amazing people. How cool it would be to be all together having fun without limits. Holy fuck what is this.
  19. @Jenkins Stop hanging out with them gradually for them to start to get used to seen you less out. Dont rush it completely. At one point you will get to almost not hanging out with them. Then stop for a while. Then once in a while you hang out with them again and then stop again. Its a process of recontextualizing their perception of you. I recommend you to be patient, since you might miss them and even need them later. When they ask you whats going on, dont tell them you are improving, etc. Just say you are busy with simple things like work, family, chores and need rest.
  20. Just saw Leo last post on doing things that are right for you. And I most say that for those of you here that think you should only do what feels good, positive and in aligned to your core vibration, watch out for this trap. Im seeing my life changing after im literally forcing my own will against my self. Feel bad, then good. Not good, then bad.
  21. Be careful with this one.
  22. @hyruga Indeed. Sometimes doing the very thing I love feels like bliss. Other times it feels like hell. Its tricky to keep the right psychological associations positive. Sometimes you might need discipline but that will change your frame of mind associated to that task to hell, which is something you might need at that moment to keep moving before turning it into bliss again. But again, too much bliss without awareness will make you crash.
  23. Being in Flow and core vibration state all the time is the ideal. Yet, it is very risky and you should be aware of its consequences due to the world we live. In fact, one needs to calculate the risk reward ratio of any action you take in the spiritual path just like trading. Trading is one of the most spiritual careers beside acting.
  24. Funny enough, since Im into crypto, I found a guy who is considered a genie and poses as one on his avatar. The guy is enligthened and a pro rich crypto trader. Tell me what more could you wish from that.
  25. I love the metaverse idea. It just depends what uses one gives it, just like a knife. And even then its not the problem, Its people irresponsability for not controlling themselves and then blaming technology as fckng them up. Crypto, metaverse, nft, defi and virtual real state is the future. Dont get fooled around here. This advanced technology has massive benefits short, but specially long term. I dont usually come to the forum because of how bias it is in here. Its toxic. Still with all the dark evil forces, the future is looking golden!