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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Elysian A conversation, so far in person, looking to try skype too. The feedback has been great. Only one person did ‘inner work’, prior to the convo. The majority are blue, and are not familiar with the stuff actualized folks are.
  2. @Elysian @luckieluuke @nightrider1435 Sorry, I should have been more clear - I have been having awakening conversations one on one with people, and it is ‘working’. I haven’t tried this as a recipient, or with / from Ramaji. Sorry again if I was misleading, I was referring to the topic by and large.
  3. I have been doing this for months, and years ago i never would have said this, but it totally works. Remember, all there is, is you. It doesn’t matter if you still see “others” or not, what’s true, is true. Try not to strangle how it comes, and you open the mind to the realization you are source.
  4. @1x0 If I understand hat you’re asking.....then this may’ve been using the word “nothing” your entire life. Have you experienced nothing though? We tend to equate the thought of nothing with the thought of nonexistence, and then we think we know what it is, but that is still a thought (unbeknownst). As it turns out, there is no such thing as nothing, when the word nothing’s usage is pointing to nonexistence, that nothing turns out to be something. Though, it’s not some ‘thing’.
  5. It seems like you’ve got to collect a million puzzle pieces to “realize” something, but a million “things” will never make You. You are already those million things.
  6. @Ingit Nailed it. It’s not “your” fault, but it’s true. So far. It’s shocking how much overthinking this all too common brainwashing entails.
  7. @SaltyMeatballs Godspeed man ??❤️ @Elysian Great post btw. I thought the same thing on the HSP movie. Like, doesn’t everyone totally feel like this? My wife: No, just you. Lol. Oh, ok, alright.
  8. @triadne Get up much earlier, you’ll naturally go to sleep earlier (circadian cycle for alignment, well being, health of mind & ease of life). What is it you have been mentally trying to result for a long time now? (Might be used to the ongoing running of the auto resolve that you’re used to it and it may not come to mind readily). Also, can you lighten up in general on this for a moment? I picture a sitcom, and the head of the council is definitly played by Danny McBride, and your roommate is Kristen Stewart, so there’s this foundational plot and push & pull of the roles of serious and jest in reversal. Whatcha think?
  9. @SaltyMeatballs Exercise, tons of water, reassuring this is temporary and will pass, stay away from those who are still under the same spell of addiction for a while, come back when you’re stronger - and above all else; the love & intelligence is infinite - addictions are filters, imposing a selfish desire - without em - the flood gates are opened. If not now, when? So now. Pm me all day everyday if it will help you even the tiniest bit man.
  10. Nonexistence = we are using this word to point out that there is indeed, no such thing as “doesn’t exist”. So, your two statements are the same, nothingness is not nonexistence, it’s everything, it’s infinite being. The brain auto-attempts to resolve. They are the same. You are not accidental, you are most essential.
  11. @kieranperez Awesome share and fantastic thread. I have found the same, that these folks are quite happy to help and are extraordinarily approachable & giving. Self discovery is just so wonderful, you want everyone to know! ❤️ It is very much like Reiki I’m finding lately, in that the ‘giver’ & ‘receiver’ are experiencing the love.
  12. @Shakazulu How do you know another “world view” actually exists? Careful with bridging via tiny assumptions.They become great misunderstandings. And then of course, does “your world view” exist? Do you? As what? Lol. Magic.
  13. @GeoLura You can be sure there’s nothing to figure out.
  14. By realizing there is no objective world which “we are all in”. Each is the One, the dreamer and the dream. Shared “space” is illusionary. You’re alone in your own world right now. Some folks are having a tough time with this and running off into assumption fantasy.
  15. @metwinn If this was a video game though, you’d have played it. If you’re worried about who and or where you are, then you are worrying yourself with over thinking. The actuality is blissful, not terrifying. Over thinking is draining, unjustifiable, and pointless. Be where you are, whatever you are. Look around now. See. Fine. Was just thinking.
  16. @Strikr Still, everything is nothing, nothing is everything. Do nothing, and you have chosen in duality because you could have done everything. Do anything and you still have chosen in duality because you could have done nothing. A second, a decade. It doesn’t matter. Surrender, it’s all thinking. Then there is freedom. This will pass. You’ll be laughing about chemicals. But...maybe....if I generate enough thinking....then.... Nope. Still No. Buckle in, or don’t, but it’ll pass.
  17. @Strikr There is nothing to control, nothing which could control you. There is no external. We get to thinkin, that’s all, but just let it go, just let it all go. Breathe, relax, let it go. It will pass. The body is infinitely intelligent, and it will do it’s thing, perfectly, just let go. ❤️ This will pass, and IT WILL RETURN, stronger, clearer, infinitely better, than before.
  18. @non_nothing You’d not be, so you’d definitely not be worried about anything. On the contrary, would be the realization there was never anything to worry about. Bliss. It might seem like thought is needed to get things done, etc, but it is not. Synchronicity just is, and everything gels naturally, unresisted by thought, as there never was a doer.