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Posts posted by pluto

  1. The spiritual practices that make the use of psychedelics obsolete so you can never fuck up your energy :D Anything that stimulates the nervous system requires adequate time to re-balance itself out. If you never allow it to integrate, you can burn yourself out and if you are already getting the message and continuing to do the substance then you are again overstimulating yourself and thus burn-out can occur. The plant teachers ultimately show you what you already are and have within you, learn to generate the state naturally by applying what you realize during the altered-state on a daily basis until the state because your new default state, which already happens after a powerful experience but your resistance to the change leads you back to older programmings. If you fully embody and surrender to the change, you will have less and less need for substance.

    There is nothing like the natural state and natural high, it is like having the same deeper level understanding you get from psychedelics but you are crystal clear in mind, body and overall awareness. You can take substance and it wont change your state, it will in-fact dim your state.

    This is the supreme state, but ultimately your most natural state, you have just forgotten what comes so natural to you.

    Seek Truth, Embody Truth, Rise above all illusion and live Eternally Free!





  2. Find out what you love to do, what brings you great joy and what you are passionate about, follow that, find yourself, find your truth and then you may find someone who is compatible to that. You will only ever find that which you are yourself. You will never meet a Queen if you are still living as a Pawn. Only a King can find a Queen because we are truly attracted and directed to each others energy/frequency not by physical things.

    Looks, physical things and value are false attractions of the mind not the true self.

  3. 1 hour ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    @pluto How does one surrender to source downloads?

    I've only had the download experience with bliss once on lsd. Not sure how to get there without psychs yet

    You get downloads all the time, you have to learn to notice, decipher and transmit them, you just have to surrender deeper to source, surrender ego, be more still and present within the moment, allow life to live through you rather than you trying to live through life.

    Your body is simply a vessel or a channel to source energy, the less ego, the less attachment to the physical nature, the greater the signal to higher frequencies and the greater depth of source energy that can transmit through you.



  4. Millions of years ago, We started off non-physical. As we interacted more with physicality, we started to consume the physical food, we became denser and denser in vibration and our DNA and level of consciousness was significantly reduced, we lost our immortality, physic abilities and started to forget.

    This was the Golden-Age where we lived one with natural and universal laws, a pretty much enlightened reality.

    Now we are going back up the ladder in consciousness, where we will eat and need less as we will be more tuned-into source-consciousness/energy thus will eventually no longer need physical things to nourish or energize us us, food, sleep, these things will be no longer a part of an enlightened world. We are going from Carbon-based DNA matrix to Crystalline-Silicate based.

    Once you activated your light-body, you can be breatharian anytime you wish if it is in harmony with your lifestyle and believes.

    Now we are leaving Dark Age back to Golden Age once again which is why consciousness is expanding so rapidly and everyone is waking up.

    The vibration is returning to a very high state where we once were back in days of Lemuria or Mu and Early Atlantis and more enegetic/etherial nature, 4th/5th density existence and eventually 5th dimensional living.

    You can tap into this knowledge via the Akash in deep meditation or surrendering your vessel to source downloads.

    Be empty, be here and now.

  5. You are missing out on the present moment. There is no death when you embody absolute presence.

    I am hyped about right here and now, the rest is illusory to this moment. Death and Life are two sides of the same door.

    Only the mind can be hyped about something that is out of the now moment, the true self is embodied within the now and hyped about everything and anything within the moment for this moment is eternity and infinite in one eternal dance with itself.

    All is here and now!


  6. A few thousand people are dying but the whole planet is healing. billions of species recovering,  pollution clearing, waters cleaning, rivers flowing, forests regenerating, lungs of the earth are healing up, noise stopping ect.. There is much more good out of this than bad and there is no good and bad anyway, they don't apply to the laws of nature.

    We are basically letting the earth breathe for a month. We should do this at least once a year. It will be like meditation and fasting for the earth(our greater body) thus ourselves and our collective consciousness will far greater.



  7. @DLH Likewise, well said :)

    Those who are in alignment with nature and source frequency and the laws of nature/creation will thrive, those who are not, will be seen as toxins, as viruses, as parasites and or distortions within the field and will be forced to flow with the change, with the current or be wiped out.

    Universe does not know right from wrongs, it simply responds to the laws of creation.


  8. If you need 50 DMT trips you are clearly not getting, applying and integrating the message as fully as you could. One breakthrough is enough if you have done the extensive inner-work and fully activated yourself. Do the work, find yourself, know thyself, then one full breakthrough just confirms and finalizes everything you've worked on. After this its all play and optional and neoshamanism work for guide and assist others but really not needed once you learn to consciously activate and release endogenously. This is why we have Meditation and Flow.




  9. Echkart Tolle was asked: Is suffering really necessary?

    Yes and No.

    If you had no suffered, there would be no depth to you as a human being, no humility, no compassion. You would not be reading this now. Suffering cracks open the shell of the ego, and then comes a point when it has served its purpose. Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary.



  10. 3 hours ago, Epiphany_Inspired said:

    @pluto thank you so much :x like a lost word on the tip of my tongue... your post illuminated my misplaced awareness and rekindled my allusive feelings... it also revealed some new insights, on a path now in daylight... on multiple occasions, my body has actually started to shake when I have attempted to travel those waves of ascension (like a brutal winter surf that slams your head into a rock)... the resistance I have tried to dispel has greatly lacked both acceptance, and flow with change... thank you

    It is my greatest service to love and guide others into the light. This whole incarnation is for all of humanity.

    We are the Bodhisattva, we do not rest until all is restored to balance.


  11. @zeroISinfinity I surrender my vessel to source, source speaks to me all the time and through me at times. I am open to receiving downloads and clear meditative state as long as i surrender to the flow of creation and be in tune with feelings rather than thinking. Those who feel know, those who think, think they know.

    If you observe deeply in stillness, nature, creation, sources is communicating with us all the time, the more silent and still we are, the more clearly we notice and decipher the messages.

  12. All these major events are the universe, nature, source ect.. teaching us oneness. If all the cells of your body aren't working together coherently what do you think happens to the body? Why do you think all these natural disasters are occurring and viruses are emerging? Nature will block all your paths and force you to go within and if you cannot let go of lower dimensional aspects you will struggle to survive in a higher dimensional reality.

    Its time to let go of all that which no longer serves your highest good, that which no longer serves the planet, the collective consciousness is ascending and has no room for distortions, toxins, poisons and junk. Its the rebirthing and wants to be pure and clean so purify and clean yourselves or the vibration will burn you out as a side effect of detox for you will be the virus, the toxin the poison in the greater body that needs to be cleansed if you do not live in harmony with nature and surrender to divine flow.
