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Posts posted by pluto

  1. 23 hours ago, Apparition of Jack said:

    Are you sure that’s real? Obviously the reduced human activity will allow nature to slowly come back, but that’s a huge amount of Australia - which is very sparsely populated - growing back in such a short time. I think it’s fake. 

    It is simply one small example, the whole world is recovering very rapidly in the absence of man. Adjust your focus off the mainstream. For example about 5000 people have died in the last 2 months but 20 million babies have been born ;)


  2. 44 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    "Trust in Allah, but tie your camel -- because Allah has no other hands than yours."

    Of course, it is a good saying, although what i speak is more about alignment, rather than chasing/seeking which can only stem from mind. When in alignment, all falls into your lap naturally, effortlessly.

    You can row a boat or you can build a sail to allow the wind to do the work for you :) No right or wrongs, choice is yours.

  3. Society has it all backwards. You need exposure to nature now more than ever, its the only thing that will keep your immunity at optimal levels.

    You don't have to be stupid and run around jumping on people. just don't live in fear and hindering the bodies natural intelligence to protect itself.

    Exposure to the sun, the dirt, the trees, the earth, its plants, waters and minerals will keep you miles ahead of everyone else hiding inside cleaning their hands every 20 seconds de-naturing themselves.

    Don't forget you are nature. Do what is right regardless of what you are told and if you do it right, no one will notice.

    Its not that serious as media. The earth is healing, behind the scenes, tune in.

  4. 2 hours ago, Chumbimba said:

    @Javfly33 The bad eating didnt come back until recently when I moved in with my mom. I am also impulsively spending and playing video games completely neglecting my good habits. Maybe that has something to do with. 

    You, becoming aware of it, is the notion that you have already started to deal with it because once you are aware of something, you can change, stop and deal with it then and there. You have to learn to master the mind and not allow it to take control. Find your inner-stillness and deal with your challenges, if they do not serve your highest good and are creating suffering, then remove them. Think this through, spend some time in nature, in meditation, find where you can be quiet and remain there until more clarity and ease of flow comes to you. Or find someway to be more present, in day to day activities, the more you are doing things "in the moment", the more you are awareness/no-mind and in awareness you have true sight.

    Minds sight is very limited, it only sees one angle.

    True sight is infinite.

  5. Its nowhere near as dangerous as the media makes it. It will come and go and be forgotten soon enough, like all the other times these things have occurred. I have witnessed these patterns over and over again, they are the same things in different clothing.

    Be in alignment with nature, with source, with the current of the great cosmic river and you cannot be affected.

    Media = Mind/Ego this is keeping you blinded and in fear. When you are blind and in fear you are powerless and susceptible to dis-ease.

    Disconnect from mind and tune within, tune with nature, there is an awakening that the ego does not want you to notice because it threatens its very nature.

    You are the master, the mind is your servant, this is the correct relationship.

  6. If you realize, there are no others, how can such a thing exist?

    Go outside, interact with the world, lose yourself in the essence of life itself, all that you see is a reflection of you, the more you interact with it, the more you learn from it.

    You have forgotten how to interact because you stopped interacting.

    Time to unlearn and learn again, if want change and happiness you have to take the first step, you have to make the first smile.

    The universe is your reflection, you are the projection.

    Don't like what you see? make changes within yourself.

    Its as simple as that :)

  7. 34 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    @pluto@pluto  But I've already walked in darkness. And I've found light and then lost it into darkness again.

    Do I really have to keep going through this? Why not just a continual increase in joy and happiness. Rather then ups and downs, why not just steady increase in happiness for all?

    Darkness is not something you escape from, you are also darkness, you must learn to love and transcend darkness into light. Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary.

  8. Sure you can, pretend you have corona virus, watch your ass fly to the health food store in no time. People wait for an excuse to be healthy, most of the time then its too late. You posting this is evident in itself that you can do it now, all other points from here on are excuses and laziness.

    If can't keep feeding your ego, be strong, will power. Sure it can be challenging but if you never try and push yourself you never going to know and after you break through a certain threshold, it only gets easier and easier because you start to feel better and better.

    You can do it. You can replace all unhealthy things with healthy things that taste exactly the same if not better.

    Get researching.



  9. 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Psychedelics are not about escaping the present. They are about accessing higher consciousness than humanly possible.

    You will never, ever naturally access the kind of consciousness that 5-MeO-DMT can give you. Not even with 40 years of practice.

    This is where you fall into your own trap ;)


  10. Society has it all backwards. We need to spend time more in nature than anything else right now. Nature is how we stay immune to all dis-ease.

    There is a deep healing and peaceful vibration happening right now on the earth, very few are those who are still enough to notice this.

    Most people are blinded by the fear and caught up in the mental realm of mind/ego/media ect.. This keeps you blind from true awareness.

    The dirt, the earth, the natural waters, the trees, the plants, minerals, sunshine, this is how you stay immunized not devouring the body with chemicals and UN-natrual means every 20 minutes, hindering the bodily fluids and its natural intelligence to protect and heal itself.

    You have it all backwards, tune into nature let nature be your guide. Mans intelligence is crippled, natures intelligence is aligned.

  11. 5 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    @pluto  Do we have to suffer hard before we got that level of consciousness?

    I want to be like that. But I fear the hell I must walk through to get where you're at. But I also think this no pain no gain attitude was passed to me from my parents, so maybe it's like all heaven and goodness on the path to that state, but idk.

    You cannot know light without walking through darkness first.