Gabriel Antonio

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Posts posted by Gabriel Antonio

  1. 1 hour ago, Jkris said:

    Awareness - no-thingness -Intelligence-Absolute-Infinity all denotes the same.It is not created ??? it's job of the scientist to prove that brain creates awareness.???

    Omg, you’re so funny and wise... ?‍♂️ 

    What you’re saying is just repackaged religion. Instead of God, you use the word Absolute Infinity. 

    To answer you, first of all, we have to define what awareness is. ;)

  2. Depression is a mental illness. It's a very tricky thing, and in most cases, medication IS needed. I'm glad he has sought professional help. 


    3 hours ago, melinda123 said:

    The reason for the brake up is because he felt that he can't get healthy again and at the same time having a relationship that he can't take care of

    That's right. When someone starts a treatment for depression, it is not good to be in a relationship. 


    3 hours ago, melinda123 said:

    'Maybe we can sleep together some day and make no big deal of it? If that would feel OK for you?'

    That wouldn't work. 


    3 hours ago, melinda123 said:

    What should I do?

    Give him plenty of space. He's going through a very hard time.

    When he's mentally healthy again, you two can have a relationship together. But not right now, unfortunately. 

    Maybe you can meet someone else in meantime. 

  3. 21 hours ago, kindayellow said:

    "this is just what teenagers do" it was such a relief escaping from that life

    What you're describing seems like a bypass. You justify why you didn't do those things by maybe belittling what teenagers do.

    This can be very dangerous, because it hinders your maturity. It creates a hole in your development. One of my biggest fears is to be a 40-year-old teenager... 

    Read more about "the unlived life" at:


    21 hours ago, kindayellow said:

    I just feel super relieved at 18 to know that self actualization is the key to a fufilling life.

    It depends on what you mean by self actualization. If you mean introspecting the shit out of you, then I'd say a big no. If you mean mustering the courage to face the parts of yourself that are under-developed (with the help of others), then yes. 


    11 hours ago, Beeman said:

    3 to 4 would be good 


  4. 5 hours ago, Swagala said:

    Even right now, I can feel my sense of awareness fading away as I'm trying to convert this information from the infinite intelligence to the finite concept of words.

    HAHAHA! A little arrogance, don't you think? 


    5 hours ago, Swagala said:

    Most of the time, when we share our insights or experiences, that's the ego wanting validation or attention.

    Does that include your post? 


    You could have summed all this mental masturbation with, "The tao that can be told is not the eternal tao." 

    For a person who advocates "being quiet" and "words are limited", you sure used a lot of words... 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

    To escape the system you gotta master the system first. Unless you just want to live in the wild. 

    Build a long term plan. You have your whole life to do both. Is sacrificing schooling for more self actualizing right now gonna hurt or help your plans? 



    I think that you should do something in-person (for example, psychotherapy). The odds of you misunderstanding a concept through online videos is REALLY high. I speak from personal experience. I started to get interested in personal development at 12. 

  6. Psychedelics are a tool. So it can be misused. Many people use it in a way that only feed more into self-delusion.

    What is the reason you're doing psychotherapy? Depression?

    You could take a break from psychedelics, and try her out for like 3 months. It could give you very interesting insights. 

  7. 21 hours ago, kindayellow said:

    Agreed also, being in a relationship, especially one in which it's super dysfunctional, teaches you so much about why it didn't work, and what to avoid in potential partners.

    Right, it can be very painful though. And there are other ways to learn about relationships in an easier way. 


    21 hours ago, kindayellow said:

    At times my neediness was just killing me when she wasn't available, and I didn't have the strength to end it earlier cause I needed that distraction.



    21 hours ago, kindayellow said:

    This then lead to a super messy break up where I felt I couldn't leave, because even though her attraction lacked, whenever I tried to cut things off, she would go insane and I was just worried she'd do something crazy.

    Wow, that's a tough spot to be in... 


    21 hours ago, kindayellow said:

    It eventually ended when she just decided it wasn't working and we were wasting each other's time 

    I'm glad it has ended. Many couples stay together for years, feeding the co-dependency. 

  8. Remember that thinking that "this is all an illusion, people don't exist, everything is a dream" is a belief. And even if you had direct experiences of that, it could be just a delusion. 

    Seek professional help. You're probably suffering from depression. Avoid spiritual content, they will likely only worsen your state of mind. 

    And one thing that can help you is get together with a good friend. 


    Hope you get better, man. 

  9. 12 hours ago, kindayellow said:

    But also, it's like, why can't I just be contempt in my own head all day? Why do I find that unpleasant? Surely there's something im avoiding here? 

    If you can love everyone around you unconditionally, and if you can always find contentment just where you are, then you’re probably a dog.


    12 hours ago, kindayellow said:

    But one thing I've not thought about is those things being good for you spritiually. How so?

    Sometimes they are.

    When a person abuses those things, then it's obviously not a good thing.

    That being said, there are underlying causes for a person to seek to escape from reality through those things (TV, drugs, sex, etc) 

  10. On 03/04/2019 at 3:54 PM, kindayellow said:

    And I'm working on being on reducing how much low consciousness activity I'm engaging in (I'm currently unemployed at home all day also). So I never have plans, I broke off from my old friend group, rarely see family. So I'm kinda always free, but I don't want to be always free, I enjoy the me time and that's important, but there's just parts of my day where I'm available to do whatever. I just find the dynamics of dating and Self Actualizing colliding on multiple different levels. Id appreciate some words of advice, thanks guys. (And girls)

    First of all, stop defining things as "low consciousness". Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is to have a beer with your friends. 




    Careful not to put yourself in a bubble. Spirituality can be used to bypass wordly problems. I speak from personal experience. I had a phase that I was rebelling against the world. All I wanted to do is meditate. I thought it was the most important thing in life. But it's certainly not. Human connection is far more important, from my experience. 


    Check the motivational model hierarchy of needs by Abraham Maslow:


    All the best ?

  11. Idolizing people is definitely not a good thing. People who are in a state of emotional fragility might project exarcebated qualities onto, especially, spiritual teachers.

    Check Leo's episode on projection. It can go either in the negative and positive aspects. 



    If you can see your neighbors travel to fantastic places without a twinge of jealousy. If you can love everyone around you unconditionally, and if you can always find contentment just where you are, then you’re probably... a dog.


    By the way, don't forget to add Leo to your list ;) 

  12. 12 hours ago, Esoteric said:

    To just sit and focus on the spine. I am blessed to have Aya and rapé enter my life.

    Tobacco is addictive though. Some get more addicted than others so I can understand why that can put some people off. I don't have much problem with nicotine addiction though or going off it, thankfully.

    Yes, since Rape is done with tobacco and for example tree barks is it a great way to root oneself into the present moment. 

    I do notice that I am developing a psychological addiction. But it's something manageable. But eventually I want to stop using it.