Gabriel Antonio

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Everything posted by Gabriel Antonio

  1. @NorthRise First of all, just because Leo has dedicated "his entire life to self-actualization" doesn't mean he's on the right path. He can be very well in a dead-end and delusional. Just the fact that he frequently demonizes the ego is a sign that he's not as advanced in the path as he thinks he is. He speaks as if he's an authority, but true master are orders of magnitude more humble than he is. For example, when he talks about the illusion of the self, he's very unnecessarily intrusive by pointing his finger to the viewer and saying, "YOU, exactly YOU, do not exist." Furthermore, he also gives very dangerous advice such as "spend two days not talking to anyone, but doing 4 hours of meditation." The way he glorifies psychedelics is also irresponsible. I am not against psychedelics, but it works only for a limited number of people. The fact that he isn't able to pull off a solo retreat without psychedelics is a big red-flag to me. Well, to be fair, he didn't use psychedelics in his first one. But it was disastrous. Then, in the other two, he obviously used them and thought he was awakened af. He also doesn't value personal relationships enough, which is something that Abraham Maslow himself said was one of the needs in the pyramid. Regarding his social skills, you can tell very easily by watching him talk that he's a very tensed-up guy. Tension blocks the flow of a conversation. No wonder why he very rarely does interviews. And I highly doubt he's going to make that USA tour happen. The "Enlightenment Happening in Real Time" video shows how out of touch with reality he is. If he had good social skills, he wouldn't even consider doing that. It's really cringey. I am very aware about the topics Joe Rogan talks about. I'm just saying that Leo rambling about non-duality won't make the podcast interesting.
  2. Doing pick up does not mean improving social skills. Guys who do pick up are generally socially awkard individuals who start wearing a fake-ass mask of "alpha male". They think they're awesome, but in reality they look cringey as fuck. Regarding his video chats, this is just a judgement, but I find he isn't able to be authentic. He seems very insecure with himself. Anyway, Joe Rogan has indirectly criticized Leo in his podcast, so I doubt there's any chance of him going there. Leo is stuck in the "It's all a game" insight. But the thing is, nobody fucking wants you tell that life is a game/illusion/etc. Just play it... Mental masturbating about the illusory nature of reality do not make up good conversations.
  3. To be honest, I don't think Leo has enough social skills to go there.
  4. That's a very good question. First of all, stop labelling things as "low vibrational". I get where you're coming from, but simply put it's a trap. You need to focus on your path, and your path alone. When you're truly peaceful within, the "unconsciousness" of other people and of the world do not bother you. Not to say you become passive and let people throw their shit to you. Second, I am almost certain you're a highly sensitive person. I am that. And it is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, I am very good with people and I am very good at. for example, picking songs for a specific moment. On the other hand, if I don't have plenty of time to recharge, I get easily drained. I have been working on getting better at withdrawing from a situation without being too abrupt, because if I am, people end up taking it personally. Finally, I think it's important to have some sort of emotional outlet. That is, an activity where you can release all the emotions you absorb from the world. Weightlifting can be helpful with that. Yoga can work also. A good support network is also important. Links about Highly Sensitive Person (HSP): Good luck!
  5. Dude, you're sounding just like Leo... For a person who advocates "authenticity", you sure doesn't sound like you are embodying it. Don't pretend you're wiser than you actually are. You might think you're awake or whatever, but to me you're nothing more than an arrogant arm-chair philosopher. @Gadasaa I agree with Aristotle. After all, what is the point of having, for example, deep existential insights if one is unhappy? I certainly prefer to be happy and healthy over being "enlightened". I think the trap is to only do things that society says will bring us happiness. Not to say we have to be rebellious towards the world and reinvent the wheel. Instead, I believe we should find a middle path between what we really want internally and what is doable in our society.
  6. It’s hard to find a good one. Most of them do more harm than good imo.
  7. It takes a lot of study and dedication to exercise correctly. There's so much theory that it can feel overwhelming to get it all at once. Sports are like learning to play the piano. It takes a lot of time to have a solid foundation, and rushing the process can feel very seductive but it's a big trap. I have started to exercise recently, and I can sense how addictive it can be. My worries melt away after I swim, for example. But as the saying goes, "Rome was not built in one day." From my experience, not exercising is the perfect ingredient for aggravating depression. But exercising incorrectly can be just as bad. Middle path... Change takes time... Slow and steady... I definitely struggle with patience. I subconsciously exhaust myself until something bad (like an injury) happens. Thanks for the topic!
  8. Maybe you have depression. One of its classic signs is loss of interest. Conversely, I'd ask you, "What's the point of self-actualization"? And more further, what is your idea of self-actualization? Reach a divine-like state and feel eternal bliss? If so, that's a very unrealistic expectation. "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." Btw - Have you read more about the hierarchy of needs, by Abraham Maslow?
  9. Most likely, yes. You're probably practicing too rigidly and with too much intensity. My advice would be to take a break, and preferably do something fun like hanging out with a friend.
  10. Aren't you a Youtuber?
  11. Be careful with the words you use! There are a lot of emotionally vulnerable people who might interpret this literally.
  12. What?! Day dreaming is the opposite of meditation.
  13. Stop meditation practice. It will not help you. In fact, any spiritual practice will probably do you more harm than good. In your case, self-inquiry is big no no. How many antidepressants have you tried? Is your psychiatrist good? Remember that it is also very important to do psychotherapy (preferably cognitive-behavior). And you also need a support network.
  14. Also known as dissociation.
  15. Also known as depression. Talk to your doctor about how you're feeling.
  17. I think you're taking a way too rigid approach to self-development. You should focus on one thing at a time. You might suffer from depresssion. It would be a good idea to check it with a good psychiatrist. Right. It's like a aggitated dog. The more you push it, the more it pushes you back. The addiction itself is just a symptom. There are underlying causes for it. Such as emotional trauma, lack of affection, etc. Question: Do you have real friendships? Strong bonds are a great way to minimize the damage of backlashes.