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Everything posted by universe

  1. I dont know but enlightenment by suicide or death is the norm. Dying before you die is a cool trick. Please read carefully: Death = realization that ego-mind is a fiction. So you can still live. If by "that" you mean that ego-mind is fiction, you can only become aware of it. A belief would have to happen inside ego-mind. But you can get your ego-mind to action by asking yourself the question: How can you prove that you are ego-mind, how can you prove that ego-mind even exists? Why do you think you exist? Why do you think you were born?
  2. Yeah I also have this a little bit. I think it comes from his tonality. Its a bit shrill doesnt sound harmonious Feel like its getting better tho, but thats maybe just because he had a cold...
  3. Marketing 101. Create a problem -> solve it. Ask yourself: What is Tyler selling you here? Is it deep inner work that will get you real growth or is it a "quick help pill" that will do all the work for you? The real deal or a mask to hide your problems. High consciousness or low consciousness.
  4. You actually already did the hardest part: Understanding what she needs. The next step is quite logical, you shutdown your problem solving mind and just start listening to what she says and try to feel what she feels (so called intimacy). Now, the last part can be a bit difficult depending on how connected you are to your feminine energy. Have you tried?
  5. @danton Im really happy for you David!
  6. I feel you, Im in the same boat right now. The thing is, you thought you were really content with your single life before. But you most likely werent. Otherwise this couldnt happen. Its like saying "Im ok with being poor", and then you live like a king for a week with yacht & champagner and go back to being poor. Suddenly its not so ok anymore. Be happy she is there to remind you that there is still some work for you to do. Because as long as you cant accept everything you are still a slave. Not really free. This is a great opportunity for you to get better at "letting go". Everyone has different triggers. Hit me up on skype if you like to chat about this.
  7. Counter argument: If all humans care about is being happy, why arent they?
  8. Please refer to other threads around here, really no need to make a new one every time. The simple answer is, everyone can be enlightened right now. Is everyone a vegan? No. Badum tss. Nothing is needed to become enlightened.
  9. So you sayin, a big shake up event, that will hurt the environment, is needed for our selfish civilisation? Well, I have some good news for you...
  10. Why do you want to frame it and how is it going so far? I would recommend to frame it as the most casual and normal thing ever. And see how this goes.
  11. If you can handle it, by all means stay connected! It will be tough but also very rewarding if the friendship can flourish!
  12. Dont resist! Feel the regret. Get really into it. Its there for a reason. What does it want to say?
  13. Dont talk about anything "relationship" with her. She already responded well with whatever you did. Continue doing it! Have fun, laugh. Try to isolate her (1v1 time). Go for a walk or ask her to come hang out at some place. You are already touching (hugging, kissing on the cheek), thats very good. Escalate! Touch her hands, her shoudlers, her legs. Then lay your arm around her. Then try to kiss her. Do it in a confident way, when you have a high point in the conversation. Dont look at your hands when you touch her! You dont do this to get anything from her, its just a cool way of leading the interaction and letting her know your intentions. You have to be completely unfazed by any of her actions. If she blocks your hands, ok. If she blocks your kiss, ok. It doesnt mean anything. As long as she stays its all good. Just respect her signals and back up a bit. Try it again some time later. Maybe even the next day. There are a million reasons a girl might not want to kiss you. She could be afraid that someone sees, she could think her mouth stinks, she could think you are a psycho, she could think you will be clingy, she might needs more time to know you, she could think you are trying to make fun of her. Maybe she is just not into you. You will find out. Girls that age usually like to chase guys, so be the guy she can chase. Dont tell her your intentions directly. Be a bit vague. Dont give her your attention all the time. Never try to impress her!! But mix it with becoming more physical with her, that way she will feel some security that you like her.
  14. For me, the reason that there are more people than ever on the path to enlightenment is the internet. Its a shift in power. Before, everything said was in a way controlled by society. You could say, the king had the final saying. You needed money to print a book. With the internet, everyone can speak. Its truly a bliss. I started my way on the internet as a 12-13 year old kid. And when I use it, I cant describe the joy my brain has. The fast response, looking everything up in a matter of seconds. It took some time for me to use it in a healthy way. It can be very addicting and you can become unconscious if you are not careful. But my neurological wiring would be 100% different, if I wouldnt have been exposed to it. And I feel its in a good way. I think its bringing more peace than evil, and history so far has proven this. I would go so far and say its a catapult for civilization to move up the spiral. Technology in general. Its the reason we dont all have to work in the fields for 12 hours a day and can live a more comfortable life than the kings of the kings a few hundreds years ago. Not that it means much, love is the only thing that is important. But if you can live 30 years longer, you can also love 30 years longer, so there is that?
  15. Do you know why they want to make a fool out of you? In what context does it happen? I like the videos on charisma on command yt channel very much for learning social stuff.
  16. Growing up with a narcistic mother is not that uncommon. You dont need the past, the present moment has everything you could wish for. Go to a prostitute and cuddle with her instead of having sex. I hear that thats pretty common. Also when you are with people, hug them when saying hello and saying good bye. This is normally accepted.
  17. This is a question that is loaded with agenda, when people answer them. For example Hayle Quin (didnt know her but she is amusing), as a dating expert she might have an agenda in mind. Random girls you ask maybe want to give an attractive answer. Also for some girl being approached often means to her 2 times a year, while another girl might sees 2 times a day as often. Its like asking people "do you get a lot of money?" - its different for everyone. Why do you feel its such a burning desire in you to know - is the better question I would say.
  18. Have to agree with the others. If you had ansered with any other LP I would have told you to go directly for that. But as it alignes well with your LP and you are still unsure about your LP, go for it! You already know what you should do, stop being afraid and nicely lulled in with your current idk phase and do it!
  19. Not being happy is kind of the first ingredient to become rich. If you are already happy there is no need for change, nothing to manipulate to. Somehow I had to think about all the self help books and spiritual teachings out there. People exchange money for these kind of things. So you could write a book or hold a seminar. I think its really hard to master your emotions and most people dont even know that they could benefit so much from it. So maybe first start to spread awareness about emotional mastery.
  20. Work smart, find the thing you are good at and let other people do the work you are not so good at. I feel your desire to change the world for the better. But dont get lost too much in your thoughts. Reality is already perfect. I feel like the best advice I can give is that you look deeply into your motivation & vision for working long hours. If they have anything to do with "low consciousness" values like a desire to feel important, feeling like you need to please people, wanting to be admired, get you material success, play your role or thinking it will make you happy. Stop and do more inner work instead of lp work. Get rid of all these motivators, they will make your life miserable. And you will regret working so much. Maybe after freeing yourself from these, you will naturally cease to work so hard. On the other hand if your motivations are "high consciousness", like love, connection and contribution. Work away! Work as much as you want. Your life will get fuller and fuller each day.
  21. Thanks, really needed to read this Now we know what a good woman is but whats a good man. A man with fearless consciousness?
  22. "You" dont go about enlighten a tree. Just as much as the first human to experience enlightenment didnt have anyone doing it for them. You can only get there by yourself. So you dont have to bother with that, as the tree doesn't need you. I always view most animals (animals in nature) and flora to be kind of unaware enlightened. They have no ego, they are just being. As everything really. But humans have this special skill that they can think. Because of this skill we become aware of ourselfes but disconnected from being. Only by mastering this skill "thinking" you can get over this barrier and become connected to being again. Which you could call aware enlightened if you will.
  23. I feel like 2-3 times a week is healthy for me if I dont have sex. Maybe once if you are busy. I wouldnt say porn is healthy but if you dont get addicted to it, its not too unhealthy either.
  24. Just notice that you already are. To all people, everything there is.
  25. can you tell me which music you mean?