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About whh2222

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  1. I was watching some UFC fight (like a year ago I think?) and Khabib, a legendary Muslim fighter and Palestine supporter, was speaking to him saying "I know if you get elected you will help the people of Palestine" and Trump was all in agreement, even posting online about how much respect he has for Khabib. He really will say anything to get praise and have people support him.
  2. I remember my roommate when I was in the Air Force was all about game, and going 'hoe-huntin'. He was this dude from Atlanta who (in the privacy of our apartment) straight up said he's a sexist and "Rule number 1, these hoes aint shit". He was incredibly successful.
  3. Trump is actually an excellent example. I know many people with higher education, who believe in higher values and being self actualized who have rationalized that Trump is playing 4D chess. It's baffling.
  4. I know a lot of women (a lot who use a lot of your points you're making right now) who still fall for it. Or if they are aware, they still go with it anyways. It's a lot more effective than you would like to admit. Sure there are plenty of clowns who get nowhere with it, but I have enough empirical evidence to know that it does work. I actually kind of chuckle and shake my head at times because the actions of a lot of these women are so contradictory to what they say. If there really is some toxic vibe thats so easy to pick up on, the guys who have it and are successful posses some other quality that makes them appealing enough to see past it. It's definitely not this black and white "if a guy has this toxic quality, any girl can see it and he will never get laid or find love as long as he posses it" I think it kind of mirrors guys who claim they can always tell if a woman is 'for the streets' but still end up falling for, or getting too involved with a woman of that nature.
  5. what does the first part about adult women mean exactly?
  6. Having a gun in America only services me against the unstable civilians. I know I have no shot against the government.
  7. I like to wear a train conductor hat like immortal technique wears and get into a rap cypher and start rapping about the pyramids.
  8. Not a big fan of manipulation.
  9. Bro you shoulda known I wasn't going to start watching whatever garbage you were trying to recommend me. Get over yourself.
  10. I tried to let bygones be bygones. You do you, i'll do whats best for me. But I disagree with your view. But you kept trying to lawyer your way into winning an argument so I just started fuckin with you.
  11. nah dog. it aint even sexual. Me and that dude just watch it for the art.
  12. you're tryna share your porn collection with me dog like dog, quit bein so damn gay and watch some porn with me. jeez not even to beat off, just for artistic purposes. ya feel me?
  13. Bro keeps trying to show me his porn collection but then gets all weird when I offer to partake Talk about mixed signals sheeesh
  14. You're the one who keeps trying to get me to watch porn. Take your own advice.