Vasu Jaggi

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Everything posted by Vasu Jaggi

  1. said the forum moderator
  2. can't we experience this in a quick salvia divinorum trip
  3. I'm 18 and I apparently think that my life is a dream. I can't get myself to care about my career ( I have quite big ambitions)
  4. great insight man. do you sometime feel that this "make the most of it" feels like a chore most times. the burden of human existence.
  5. long story short I've been contemplating metaphysics deeply from few years and I've now been feeling depersonalization from it sort of. no drugs. About my ambitions.. i want to contribute actively in shaping the future of mankind and society but most of my energy is taken by my big time loneliness issues, addictions to food and porn , "life's a dream and i need to solely focus on deconstructing it (awakening)" mindset.
  6. there was a man named nick , he's curious to attain spiritual enlightenment and understand the Truth of life but has emotions of fear and worry about going on the journey of getting enlightened. nick goes and asks zen master "what if i undertake this journey and go delusional and lose my mind or what if i die while meditating or do permanent damage to my normal mind" the master replies "what makes you think you can understand the infinite intelligence , infinite beauty and absolute magic that is existence whilst you valuing your human life more then it ..... go play with your kids, feed your family and kill time till your death comes nick."
  7. very very very naive of you. the Truth is way beyond your human binary reasonings.
  8. speak for yourself not for whole mankind. get some basic wisdom and maturity first.
  9. you want leo to personally go spit his teachings in ears of people who are ready to handle it?