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About felixk_priv

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    South England
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  1. @Verg0 @Yimpa well good thing I was offered some the other day then . Thank you both
  2. I really want to find my actual top ten values and to be sure of them . One could say I value reassurance , but it seems like every other day there are new perspectives on a value where I think I value it , and then I come back to it the next day and those perspectives are gone and it doesnt seem like I value it . I will get past this , I will get past this , I will get past this .
  3. @Leo Gura oh yea boi
  4. In case anyone else , is also in a position where they have made a few solid commitments in their life but they tend to fade out . / Any kind of permenant commitment on any level, then listen up . I have made a commitment contract with my friend , for a number of things not to do / otherwise I have to pay him a thousand pounds and also socially post weird videos of myself . ( Not sexual ofc you perv ) I am pretty sure this will work . The commitment needs to be just bad enough that you know it would painful , and just okay , so that you would actually do it . Also I'd recommend having a guy because for me personally , I would find it painful to be so weak , to not follow through on this agreement . If you know you need this , reply to this thread !! Let yourself be known . I will pay for your solicitor to write up your contract
  5. @bmcnicho did you know her before and after the trip ? Did she change ? Did she miss the people in previous lives ? How much did she remember ? Is she an old little wise lady inside ??
  6. Morning all , My favourite and most fascinating DMT stories I have read , have been of people experiencing other life's for months or years or decades and then coming back to 'their' life Anyone have any they have read or better experienced ? Example , I remember hearing about someone experiencing an entire lifetime being a pharaoh , and then coming back 😂 now whether that's true who knows And also saw on YouTube someone living their life, dying and then coming back to their 13 Year old self that decided to smoke dmt , all to learn to not be so materialistic and that meaningful relationships are more important than the big yacht , to him ? Idk Also someone experiencing another persons life with a family for a couple of months and then casually coming back . I'm skeptical now to be honest
  7. @Princess Arabia @Jason Actualization @Michael569 @Yimpa thank you guys 🙏
  8. Everything is okay , thank you everyone . I literally got everyone who I know meditates to visualise him being okay with the emotions they would feel if he was . I imagined getting everyone to use all their god power to make up for all the negative momentum. As well that was the best and clearest session of visualisation I've done 😅, I can see now I'm usually just lazy and dont have the commitment / vision. I got the idea of one of Leo's meditation books , focusing on an image with higher consciousness to manifest it. I wonder if you guys would have done the same or done something slightly differently , for me it was no chances taken.
  9. If you have a moment please visualise with full consciousness , my friend George having a healthy mind and heart thank you
  10. Chat Gpt , tasked with depicting a bunny progressively in higher states of happiness - bliss . https://youtu.be/Dm1slNhJ2Zc?si=XinhNUj-j5r-YYNS Draws dmt looking image as the final with the description : ' here is an image of an entity that, embodies the ultimate form of happiness transcending all beings and concepts . This entity is the very essence of happiness , the only existing being and the defining force of all existence ' Cute right ?
  11. Through visualisation or something else. Generate genuine fear towards wasting time and living below your standards
  12. @StarStruck the reason you get nervous and don't know what to say , is because you believe that so that's what your thoughts tell you in the moment . If you manage to to Visualise distinctly a different reality , it will take place . Try it
  13. To reframe this question, I meant can your life purpose have low ambition
  14. Haven't started it yet, I've been implementing other things like health and OneNote as a main. I've had always thought that maybe a life purpose isn't for people with low ambitions ? what is the lowest amount of ambition a life purpose could be ? or is this the wrong question, perhaps