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About Annie

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  1. What are your favourite positions in bed? Any kinks?
  2. @Aidan Children should be raised by both mother and father together.
  3. Invest in real estate or something like that, making sure my children will not have any financial worries in their future. And travel the world!
  4. @Waves I agree, the "English person" is the most open one. I always thought German to be a rather ugly language until I read Hermann Hesse and discovered that it can be beautiful when used properly. Spanish is my third language and hearing and speaking it puts me in a relaxed mood, I love the sound of it, it can be very colourful. @Mondsee Where do you learn Nahuatl? I lived in Mexico several years and I've heard many words here and there and would like to learn more.
  5. @Santiago Awareness is key. Read "Running on empty" by Jonice Webb. It's an eye-opener! Best vibes your way!
  6. @texter It's a new vaccine. Have there been independent controlled double blind studies made to ensure the safety? Never forget that doctors and the pharma industry make enormous amounts of money with this and like any business all they think about is profit. The HPV-vaccine was also considered "harmless" and hyped after it came out and hundreds of girls fell ill, some of them even died. Well, at least you looked at both sides. However, before you truly go for it I strongly encourage you to let your doctor give you the package insert to read (and read it well, you now have more information after reading the links and other pages). I am extremely skeptical of vaccines and to me the risks outweigh the benefits. Watch this:
  7. @Akshay How about you simply tell her to stop playing games and stop flirting with you if she's not interested in you "that way"? Tell her it screws you up and you want to maintain a good relationship to her but if she really considers you a friend she sure doesn't want you to be hurt. Just be honest with her.
  8. @texter I wouldn't! I highly encourage you (and everyone else who reads this) to read up on the dangers of vaccines instead of blindly listening to doctors and/or pharma industry without informing yourself properly. Asking your doc about side effects won't give you the whole information because they either like to conceal it or they don't even know themselves. Know both sides of the coin and then you'll be able to take a well informed decision prior to a vaccination because you can delay or deny one but once you've been injected you can't go back on that decision anymore. Here is some general information (there's A LOT more out there but this is what I found with a quick search) I'm be curious to know which decision you'll take in the end.
  9. Could it be she's simply enjoying your attention and does these things to get an ego-boost?
  10. @Shir When I was still a virgin I also wanted my first time to be something special, a sacred moment shared with that special someone, etc. It all came to be very different than I could have ever imagined. In my case in it was a very very negative experience but I'm not saying that's normal. What I am saying is that it's nice you have all those ideas about virginity and future sex life and all but don't get too stuck on any type of ideas you may have because life often surprises us and turns "plans and hopes" upside down. Don't overthink this issue and simply go with the flow. Everyone is afraid of being let down by a partner but this uncertainty is part of life. No risk no fun.
  11. @TRUTH_SEEKER If you can "fix" your childhood trauma everything else will follow. You may want to read "Running on empty" by Jonice Webb, it helped me.
  12. @brovakhiin I know. But I also know which my particular problems are @ill Thank you! I'll try that!
  13. @Jhonny Stay in the shade as much as possible, put a towel drenched in cold water on your neck, wet hair as already mentioned, spray cool water in your face (for example thermal water spray so your skin doesn't dry out in case you have skin issues), drink coconut water (for electrolytes), and super basic: get a hand held fan
  14. @Voyager Don't have any experience, never heard of it up until now but it sounds really interesting. Would love to hear more about this.
  15. @SFRL Thanks for your words. I don't have acne. And I don't wear make-up. I don't really care what my skin looks like anymore nor do I care what others think. The only reason I'm looking for something is because it can be very painful sometimes. The skin on my finger joints literally cracks open when my estrogen levels are low and when it's very severe I can barely touch anything without being in constant pain. I do use oils and lotions to lubricate the skin but by far it's not enough. That may treat it but doesn't cure it. I don't need something that covers up I need something that fixes the problem at its core. As I said before, the problem is from within and I am looking for natural ways of boosting estrogen levels because this cracking of the skin only happens when my levels are low.