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Posts posted by effortlesslumen

  1. Do i take this to literal? Does not sound safe and ignores the causations and effects of this life completely. 

    My open honest opinion:

    That cosmic joke sure will laugh at you when our bubble of perception never perceives you again. Real or not.

    I might not be real but my illusory consciousness sure does feel real. How can you distinguish between a illusion and a illusionary illusion? 

  2. coffee = false sense of awareness

    coffee= a mainstream product used out of conformity 

    coffee= is like a constant antidepressive that puts a smile on your face

    coffee= release of cortisole that puts you in a constant state of adrenal stress response even if you dont notice anxiety ( constant stress is not the way to go) and puts stress on the nervous system and glands

    coffee= counterintuitive, you think its benefical but in reality is not and you notice it when you observe  your consumption

    coffee= A mask of unhealthy lifestyle of (in eg lack of sleep, fatigue level , supressing your real state of your body and mind)

    Go cold turkey and see every withdawl symptom for what it is and go through it with out fear of your upcoming emotional or bodily states , they are just temporary. Start with a week and see what new variables appear in your life and than take needed actions. 

    coffee= is  a highly addictive light hallucinogenic consumed out of compulsion, and pain relieve. ( Certainly not a good combination) 

    Maybe the last one  is not true, but i certainly noticed this notion on myself 



  3. On 16.2.2023 at 11:23 PM, Basman said:


    I believe when I was first practicing it, I would just remember. Bit like meditation where you notice when you are drifitng in thought and return to your breath. Making yourself breath with your diaphraghm when you notice yourself shallow breathing. Daily meditation definitely helped me developing it as a habit since you are working with your breath consciously. 

    It wasn't hard for me to learn the habit as I tend to be just good at remembering certain stuff. I don't know if that's helpful.

    Remembering something like that, so easily seems quiet rare to me . Not bad

  4. 4 hours ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

    You can check plattforms like edx.org, as well as brilliant to get intuition, yet for serious math I would buy textbooks and I checked a YouTuber a couple who recommend doing real textbooks for a deeper even intutive understanding of maths. I plan to do something similar, if I get the proper math background. I don't know if this is public, yet there are projects from universities to share stuff like this. 


    I checked these sources and I have sources from my university, (nobody asked for it besides me...) I am not sharing because I am not interested to get into some copyright restriction conflict. 

    Basically edx.org, coursera.org, this YouTuber, MIT opencourseware, humblebundle has sales at times for example I have a stack of books teaching the mathematics of programming, like discrete mathematics etc. Doing math in Python etc. from No Starch press that cost 30€ on Amazon and the whole bundle costs 17€ and you also donate to a social cause, this is why I liked twitch and online communties etc. Brilliant.org is also fine, yet most have their background from school and textbooks. 

    The OpenSoftware stuff is great as they offer assignments and solutions, and that is mostly what a textbooks should provide at best they give a very intutive explanation of a concept etc. There are plenty of sources for super-real math I would buy textbooks and go to a university and take the appropriate lectures. 

    Also there are doctors and medical people lol, so it's not the only way and without business and products we could not even feed ourselves this has nothing really to do with science in my opinion, in terms of survival it's just a super global fad imo. 

    This would be my take, although I am in a similar position fundamentally learning from scratch and my LP is still more focused on programming, so I am more interested in the intuition of math, and some calculations I have to see. 

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. 4 hours ago, at_anchor said:

    No way I'm gonna learn math and physics using these resources. I know arithmetic, but not algebra and further on from that. Maybe Khan Academy is the best after all and I should give it another chance to teach me math and physics. Programming naturally follows I think, but first I need that in my mind.

    These were just two that came to my mind, there are many different resources on the internet to differnt topics if you research long enough.  I hope you find what you seek. 

  6. On 25.1.2023 at 10:16 PM, at_anchor said:

    Why can't I fight back? Why do I have to allow maltreatment of myself, hard core humiliations and provocations and manipulations?

    I guess because I really am a poor and pathetic idiot, a loser.

    No you are not. You are stronger than most people. Dont give up until you can get away from this people. Leave them in their pity and move on if you can. But take with you what you have learned. Dont induldge in things others project on you. Then you would just repeat their automated gibberish. Dont start limiting yourself aswell.

    People who are only able to get through the day by seeing others beneath them are slaves to them self.  Those a the real idiots. If they are so capable why do they constantly need to call others incapable.

    First read the Enchiridion from Epictitus but dont mix stoisism with helplessness and unability to change. Apply it were it is reasonable.  https://openlibrary.org/works/OL27292376W/The_Enchiridion 

    And Read Cant Hurt me from David Goggins for Insparation but dont start selfdestructing behaviour. 

    I wish you well !

  7. 1 hour ago, Bujo said:

    Thank you for sharing your story. Funnily enough this is around the same time my attacks start. It's stopping me from wanting to be asleep at this time.

    For me those intense occurrences of dreams stopped after sometime,only having it once in a while.now. I also changed my daily activities to more possitive ones and centered my head around other topics after some time, but i dont know if this correlates and if the cause is the same or even if it  is the same thing. Ok now im at the end of my input

  8. 1 hour ago, Bujo said:

    I appreciate that. I've just come out of hospital from a near death experience so I'm not at my full strength. I've also been on pharmaceuticals that have lowered my vibration. I'm usually very good at holding my own space. I had a major upgrade through my process of dying and coming back that I'm still integrating.

    Ground yourself in nature and put in some saftey measure that this accidents with the coma and the mirror do not repeat. Stay Safe! 

    Im at the end of my input for this topic maybe i know more in the future. 

  9. On 4.2.2023 at 0:20 AM, Basman said:

    Belly breathing is breathing through the diaprahm to be specific, the muscle underneath the lungs at cerca belly level. When we breath with the chest we use the intercostal muscles, which are all the muscles connected to the ribs.

    I learned to belly breath concistently simply through practice. It's been standard for me for years at this point.

    You can practice belly breathing by placing one hand on the tummy, the other on the chest. If, when you breath, only the hand on the tummy rises then you are belly breathing. It helps to lay down. Practice so you learn to an intuitive difference between chest and belly breathing. Then you simply have to remind yourself concistently to breath with your belly till it becomes ingrained and standard.

    @Basman Sounds simple. But how did you remind yourself concistently? Thanks

  10. On 28.1.2023 at 4:27 PM, Michael569 said:

    The goal is to learn to nasal breathe, that by default leads to more abdominal breathing.

    Some people even tape their mouth during the day (in socially acceptable circumstances) to rewire the pattern.

    @Michael569  I did not know that, maybe i should strengthen my body awareness and try it out if i see a difference. I consider myself a nasal breather but maybe im wrong thanks. 

  11. On 28.1.2023 at 7:24 AM, Swarnim said:

    It helps if you correct your posture. If you're posture was bad, you might suddenly find yourself breathing in a lot more air in the belly and because it feels so good, you might not have to worry about make it a habit. I don't know though. I never stopped belly breathing. Everyone in my family belly breathes.

    @SwarnimIm currently fixing my deeper laying posture issues, so i might see some changes thanks.

  12. 21 hours ago, Judy2 said:


    - what exactly are your "unrealistic expectations" all about? in what ways are they designed to protect you? what is the underlying fear they are connected to? (e.g. abandonment, rejection, ...)

    @Judy2 Thats a powerful question , thanks!  I have to contemplate on that one. Going to try this exercise aswell. I think im on the path to resolving this. Thanks for helping me to find the right direction for the next few steps.

  13. 19 hours ago, LordFall said:


    Like there have been many times that I've been existentially depressed and wondering what the point was and saw on IG stories of cute girls I know or hot girls in real life and it immediately made me feel better.


    This Extrinsic motivation will cause these moments to return in waves. Hitting harder each time. Especially if you are easily influenced by outside factors. Like in this example IG.

  14. Here are some examples: Tending to project a father figure on people  and the unconscious need to get attention from said person, resulting in being upset when the expectation is not fullfilled.

    Getting the feeling im a little child again, when a situation arises that puts my selfesteem to the test and a feeling im not allowed to speak my truth.

    Thoughts of blaming  that annoyingly arise when something is  not as perfect as some unrealistic expectation from the subconscious. 

    An unsecurity of a child that gnaws on me.