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Posts posted by EmergentUniverse

  1. @Leo Gura Yes....I recently took a 3-month hiatus from psychs after experimenting with them intentionally (or at all) on a limited basis and only in the past year; my first and limited experiences were earlier in life, amounting to two separate occasions. 

         Recently, I took about 0.5-0.7 grams of some mushrooms I'd put very careful care into growing. This was my first experience of exclusively taking my own grow, in this case being Jedi Mind Fuck (JMF.)

         Roughly 0.5g of JMF paired with 10mg of indica edibles was my lot...with the expectation of falling asleep into any potential influence or slight "lift off."

    RESULT:  Anything but subtle, and absolutely beautiful. It was late night, a blacked out room, total silence; I would have never imagined my experience resulting from what I've described. 95%-99% depends entirely on where you and your mind are at. 

  2. @SQAAD @Leo Gura some willingly choose to be ignorant... some don't know better... the process is called evolution... transcending evolution into higher consciousness is called enlightenment. We might all experience different degrees of enlightenment or incorporation of enlightenment into our lives... but this for sure arrives at a deep concern for the world at some point, particularly humans; perhaps because we are humans, or because we see the elevated level of consequence we impose upon the world and each other. Whatever it is, it arrives at a decision at some point, and it's quite simple. Not easy, but simple, and may arrive in a variety of degrees or forms: Be better, or not. Harbor hate and negativity, or not. Do what you can to improve the status quo and inspire others, or not. Etc.

  3. On 10/30/2022 at 10:25 AM, Optimized Life said:

    Why? Theres so little to gain from alcohol. 

    Become addicted to  sports, art, playing the guitar ... 

    Becoming addicted to helping others, or competing professionally if that's your thing

    Just transmute the addiction, the pleasure will be so much higher, with added fulfilment.

    Have an animal like addiction to positive things. 

    From your posts it looks like you focus on topis like politics, race and psychedelics. 

    Sounds like all these things are a distraction, don't read or talk about this stuff, focus solely on becoming a healthy happy individual, but if psychedelics is a tool that gets you there than keep it, but be honest with yourself that it actually is helping.

    My problem is precisely this.... I've been addicted to guitar, music, art, and helping others. All things I try to help suffer when I suffer. I hope you understand that I don't emphasize race in my thinking at all... but recognizing that race is real in this world, I felt reassured about being here after seeing how the company of those here dealt with a particularly racist thread. Nonetheless, I appreciate your words of encouragement, and I take them to heart. Thank you for being thoughtful. 

  4. On 10/30/2022 at 9:11 AM, lxlichael said:


    Best wishes. Can't suggest much else. I would look at learning to identify, discriminate between and understand your emotions + make a (private) drinking journal. Document the craving cycle, triggers, etc.

    That will trigger your memory in response to the patterns.

    You'll generate a reward cycle around self-discovery as opposed to say drinking to avoid the emotions you have to deal with when you don't drink (don't know enough about your personal situation though, cleaning up is so difficult for people). Question and engage with people here as well, it'll be good support. Ignore/related any people that don't empathise.

    Identify the positive, you started off by saying "my ego...". So many people struggle to objectify, detach and analyse. Then there's the difficult part of really diving deep into any painful emotions that may be there that you need clearing, as minimum I recommend vipassana for a baseline. I don't know what you know or where you are with what you'd like to involve yourself with so I'll just leave you be. Peace.

    Good luck.

    On 10/30/2022 at 7:09 AM, Someone here said:

    YOU have to want it. Not your spouse, your family, government, whatever. Only when you, personally, have decided enough is enough, will you be able to quit successfully.

    Decide. Tell yourself why you want to quit. See alchohol as your enemy. Hate it. Fight it. Man up, buck up. Who's in control? Are you a bitch? Get mad at it. F THAT.

    Thank you so much

  5. On 10/30/2022 at 7:06 AM, Breakingthewall said:

    you have to go deeper into yourself. the first step is daily meditation. You drink to calm your anxiety. your anxiety is the distortion between what is and what should be. This distortion is the product of the illusion of separation that manifests as a lack of love. You need love. You think you'll have love when things are as they should be. they are not, and the distance between those points is pure anxiety, a void of love that is filled with addiction. seeing all this is not something that reason can achieve, you have to get to the bottom of yourself


    Thank you

  6. I'm a male in his mid 30s.... only saying this to reassure to the extent possible that noone is responsible for any choices I make, nor what I take. I've done plenty of research, which is why I own what I do and nothing else. It's noones responsibility to tell me to take what or not take what. Let me be clear....I will try each in the end. Just curious about what others might call a decent starting point based on their own experience, and based on what I've shared.

  7. Hey All, 

         So I've had a bunch of anxiety about coming back to this forum and reading responses to some recent posts. Not necessarily because I didn't mean them...I certainly meant them at the time and was cognizant if what I was saying. No excuses. I simply hate myself anytime in using a crutch, because I know it's not my purer self. 

         I've been caring for my mother through some very difficult health battles, including some that left her in a psychotic state mostly due to lack of sleep and falling asleep in very dangerous positions/situations leading to head-trauma. This had lead to a couple of ER stays of the 7-to-10 day variety in the past few months alone. She's the most loving thing I've ever known, and it breaks my heart. 

         Having confronted my relationship with alcohol in the past and having remained sober through many of her trials, I eventually caved-in one particularly bad night during one of her more challenging experiences. My alcohol use has managed to reestablish itself since then. This is very disappointing to me, and I'm worried that some past health issues that were indeed terrible experiences resulting from my alcohol use might come back and be worse if I continue down this path. Simply knowing this fact and having those bad experiences (however effective they might have once been as teachers) do not seem to serve the same purpose now as a distant memory. 

         I found Actualized and psychedelics in my search to improve myself, and offer a clearer prism and version of myself that I know well and know is there from past experience. I'd also like to push beyond any past experiences and enter a new way of relating to my own consciousness, and to everything else (I see the irony there.)

         I have limited experience with mushrooms (3x-times), dpt (1x-time), and lsd (7x-times.) I'm currently in possession of mushrooms, 4-aco-dmt, 1p-lsd, eth-lad, dpt, 5-meo-malt, and should have some al-lad here tomorrow(ish.) My most intense experience so far include 4g of relatively potent mushrooms, and also one occasion where I combined 2g-mushrooms with 100ug-1p_lsd.

         My question is as the title suggest and that I'll ask as follows for anyone willing to offer insight:  What is in anyone's opinion - understanding that everyone is different - as to how I might put my best foot forward into any kind of experience, given what I have at my disposal, and to addressing these concerns?

         I'll end by saying that I do appreciate the regular members here as I've come to read many of your comments regarding a variety of subjects. I was never more proud to have found myself here after seeing how you all handled a particularly racist thread recently. You all managed it beautifully and by offering great insight. I feel certain that your efforts will go on to offer positive consequences like a stone tossed in water creating concentric circles.

         I appreciate you all.

    @Leo Gura


  8. 55 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

    Honestly, because I plan on taking it in an air-bnb so as not to disturb the people I live with. I don't really want to have to go back on multiple days or something. So I'm thinking I should just go for the breakthrough on the first dose

    Would it be too mentally taxing to take the first 10mg dose, and then an hour later take the next dose at 15mg, then an hour later take 20mg? The way people talk about it, it seems like I wouldn't wanna trip multiple times in one day.

    I'm beginning to believe that the only tax we pay is that which we seek in others. Nobody can truly help you in the end. You're on your own. Do what you already know you will do.... but simply do it to the best of your ability, and in the most responsible way you know how. There are no answers other than the ones you give yourself. 

  9. 40 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    @EmergentUniverse i think it was an interesting question.the problem is that few people have made malt. I did it 2 times, and I see big differences. I do not understand why they have closed the thread, it is a subject that has not been discussed at all.

    Thanks. I don't understand either. Apparently I've been judged in my first attempts to participate. I'm sorry, if there's any other way to see it.

  10. To all

    I'm sorry if I asked a question that was answered multiple times. 

    I'm sure it's true, and I'm sure I can find it. In the act of being shut down, tho... could someone simultaneously point me to the thread or video where my concerns might be addressed? 

    To say it's been talked about, and then shut down the thread in such a way that I can't ask questions...I can't say I found it particularly helpful, especially in a time of need and sorrow.

    I came here in an attempt to better myself. I know I'm not perfect, but I sure as hell don't need further rejection.

    I have seen racist threads entertained to no end.... yet I'm rejected for asking whet I believe to be an innocent question, but without guidance to clarify that which I seek.

    @Leo Gura... this is a sovereign intelligence reaching out for help, reaching out for communion. Call me whatever god you want. Can anyone explain to me what was so painful of a greater variety than some of those thoughts that have been allowed to proliferate in these forums? I'm not looking for validation of my own laziness. I'm simply trying to understand why exactly I was shut down, while others were allowed to eat the pie off of your window sill with your approval, however ungrateful. 

  11. Oh damn... I'm sorry to have posted essentially the same question twice (first as a response and then as its own topic.) I didn't see me own part in this thread.... probably should have refreshed my browser or something. Sorry for the redundancy, but thank you for the response nonetheless. 

  12. So....

    I've never experienced either of these, but will have the opportunity to experience MALT in the near future. I've read other forums etc., but I do honestly feel that this might be the best place to ask this question:  What would any experienced users here describe as the difference between the two; also, if MALT is my first of any "true" DMT experience (outside of psilocin and it's prodrugs) what guidance might be given? My psychedelic experiences include LSD and mushrooms thus far. Thank you for anyone's time, energy, and willingness to respond.

  13. 10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @DrugsBunny Sounds like your mind has some schizophrenic tendencies.

    5-MeO-DMT is a great psychedelic in this regard because it is so pure, clear, straight, and benevolent. It cuts through all the fantasies and imagination. This could give you the clarity and freedom you seek.

    It's worth trying for you. Just ramp up doses slowly.

    How does 5-meo-dmt differ from 5-meo-malt? @Leo Gura and anyone else with experience.

    @DrugsBunny I wish you the very best my friend. I promise you have the strength to confront whatever the root of your suffering is. 

  14. I've never honestly considered plugging before now. I might have to step outside of my comfort zone before setting a single foot into this one. I'm grateful to have respect for it.... but if it's like any of my more profound experiences it likely doesn't care very well what I think anyway. 

  15. So before I get too much heat, I'll admit I didn't read 100% of all posts. I did read a large number of them tho. I doubt I'm fully alone in this, although I am sorry that it admittedly makes me lazy. I'll hand that one over freely. 

        Recognizing that other people have lower IQ scores doesn't make us more worthy creatures, nor does it make anyone else less worthy. You might have identified a valid statistic. Understanding what it means and what we can do about it is another story.  We are all at our best when we lift each other up. 

         As for the originator of this post, I'm glad you recognized that denial is a powerful tool used by people to usually justify why they are special.  The next step is to see where denial exists within yourself, and understanding how and why it got there. If someone is smarter than you, let's say, does that mean you are unworthy of the life you are given? That you're instantly devoid of true and meaningful purpose? I doubt any of us are the smartest people to have lived... what does that mean for all of us? 

        Again...we're all at our best when we lift each other up.