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Everything posted by BuddhistLover

  1. I am INFJ Introverted Intuition is evident I work two jobs and a college education plus music Am super in tuned with everyone's feelings Can read you all like a book have big plans worked out into the future introverted thinking teritiary I am very personally contemplative, but get exhausted from thinking a lot pretty easily Se inferior, I hate new experiences, I hate rollercoasters, and I am always anxious.
  2. And this is what I've been telling everyone, the only thing some people care about is what other people think about you, you adore what other people think of you. And that's what your life is built on. But yo, most people are trash, and you just got to build your life around "Work", and let go of them. My brother works 60 hour weeks, and he's ten times happier than clout chasers. Cut the status, clout chasing, and focus on work.
  3. @Vynce I feel the thing that motivates you to do anything in life is those girlzies. That's what that dude was thinking about when he was rowing across the Ocean, those girlies. Or so, that's what I think, possibly, but what else could it be though? Straight men are motivated by women, and gay men, are motivated by...guys, they're motivated by the dick?
  4. my two things I'm focusing on are accounting and music. The only reason why they aren't original is so everybody can feel them. Everyone listens to music, and everyone deals with they're money. So it's really all an act of infinity.
  5. @Leo Gura And that's why we love you, because your videos are sublimely the most creative thing ever. Your just about bringing that low-stress creativity. Your videos are so good and well researched that I might have to give up my nightly songwriting session to watch them. and ps, I realized that you said that other people's opinions don't matter, but the reality is to every human, the only that matters to them is other people's opinions of them. That's actually the only thing we humans care about. Everyone adores what other people think of them, they get off to it. They are in love with other people's opinions of them. Now that's new insight Mr. Gura. So don't please don't go off and brainstorm that I'm not your biggest fan, because that would be the exact opposite of the truth, you know that I love you, and the only reason why I'm pursuing a high paying job, a relationship and a career playing songs is because of you. They are in total love and obsession with what other humans think of them.
  6. Minecraft, Minecraft, and More Minecraft. Did I mention Minecraft is my favorite video game by the way?
  7. @Realms of Wonder you dropped out of college to pursue music?
  8. Yeah, most definitely an INTP. He seems sometimes a bit J because of his teritiary function and inferior functions of Si, and Fe. He gets dutious about getting stuff done(Si) and comforts people on the forum(Fe). He spends most his time using his internal spontaneous structural logic (Ti) and his brainstorming in all directions (Ne) and you can see it in his videos, they are all different, and driven by his own personal logic at all costs. The reason why he says a job kills his soul is because he couldn't randomly brainstorm at will, and that's extroverted intuition at work. He couldn't be spontaneous, that's why it kills his soul. If he was an INTJ he would prolly have taken over that gaming company and invented a whole new genre of games(Ni-Te), but he didn't, so most def an INTP.
  9. @benny get a better job. save money
  10. He's definitely an INTP. the introverted thinking shows through, and the extraverted intuition, aka brainstorming does too. Dude, we're not all INTJ's man, INTJ's are totally mad. You're an ENTP, Leo is INTP, I'm INFJ, Leo is in no way shape or form mad enough to be an INTJ. Those guys/girls are totally insane. They put in 80 hour weeks inventing new stuff for sport. That's why most INTJ's becoming coders, because they just spend time alone, put in 80 hour weeks, and spawn new app inventions all day everyday. And with Fe blindspot they can get really mean too, just like calling people out for no reason. ENTJ/INTJ are the the two meanest types of people according to the online. Leo is definitely not INTJ.
  11. @Taus you spend too much time around men, that's why you feel like you're in hell. The moment you stop hanging around men, you'll be in heaven.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muYngxZPnaE
  13. They have shroom dispensaries in DC and Canada. Like, you can actually walk in there and buy some shrooms, and walk out and then eat them.
  14. This one is my favorite, it sounds better the more I put it on repeat.
  15. Don't stress about your age guys, just take care of your body. Like look at Elon, he's 50, and he's rolling with the 20 year olds. And he looks 30. He might actually look better at 50 than he did when he was 25. So yeah, just take of your bodies, and you're good.
  16. Washington D.C. actually has shroom dispensaries.
  17. Pop Music, Swimming in the pool with my mother, eating food, ice cream, Hugging my friends, dancing around singing loudly, taking codeine medication for foot wound, taking vacations
  18. Im getting all my homework done tonight so I can watch Leo's video when I get home from work. But yeah, psychological and emotional manipulation does amazing things in this society especially for people who lack independent thought or emotion.
  19. lol I love how Leo, is defending off every and all debates. The master of debates, keeper of truth. lmao that's fucking awesome how fends off every debate or argument everyone throws at him with ease. I think he just debates and argues with people for fun at this point. That's fucking great. I was watching his video about getting scammed and he talked about how he flew to Canada on a whim to get his money back in court, and he went there and won the case. That's skills
  20. I love how you guys didn't even given him any answers you guys just added in adjectives. That's hilarious
  21. @Preety_India you made that song?
  22. @Leo Gura What does the universe revolve around? Is it L___?
  23. That's right, if you trust men, that's how you know you're fucking up. Never trust men. You're welcome.
  24. @Husseinisdoingfine I guess that explains why you peddle a lot of negative stuff here on the forum. Because of where you're from. You're from a place that is like a warzone.
  25. @Octagram Eye I feel like you might want to dedicate your life, to your career and to work rather than relationships issues. Then you'll feel a lot happier.