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Everything posted by SeaMonster

  1. "Green science professors" are a self-contradiction. The foundational premise of Green is deconstruction of all grand conceptual systems, including science/scientific method. You can be Green or you can be a scientist. Green in STEM is how you get shit like "decolonizing mathematics" i.e. left-wing fringe kook ideas.
  2. Firstly, you should shitcan the Spiral Dynamics model as it applies to this particular issue in your life. It adds unnecessary complexity. Secondly, realize that this issue for you is keeping your mind focused on the past, as opposed to the future - in other words, who you were as opposed to who you can be. If you merely accept that who you are is a result of many things that happened to you over your life, but who you will be can be a different person based on your own behavioral alterations, then whatever happened in the past need not be a problem for you.
  3. You only need one thing: to change your habits/behavioral patterns to something that doesn't make you anxious. People are like "anxiety is because you had trauma when you were younger..." -- NO. That's being kept in place by a vicious cycle of bad habits. You eliminate the bad habits/adopt good habits and the trauma doesn't matter. You don't need to directly address the issue with hokey shit like challenges and desensitization. Those are superficial -- they don't get to the root cause of why anxiety arises. The root cause is often unrelated to the social aspect itself. It may be something entirely unrelated, like you don't know how to cook, e.g. and unconsciously that makes you feel helpless.
  4. Letting go is always a choice on some level. There isn't a single method that forces one to let go. You can double up on methods and it doesn't matter. Seeking is a paradox -- the ego always tries to hijack the process in order to sabotage it. Most seekers aren't even aware they're on a wild goose chase. You have to pick the thing you're least inclined to do, something there is MOST resistance to. Many people are like, "what's the most efficient way to get enlightened?" LOL, no, "the most efficient way" won't do it for you. Pick the LEAST efficient, something your ego will truly hate.
  5. The point is you're not happy with where your social life and social skills are. You consider it an issue. No need to downplay it. But the point is, is it transferable or is it circumstantial? Maybe one is easier than the other, but does it translate into more growth necessarily? Like, easier isn't always better for growth. I know you're trying to be funny, but seriously, having to impress people with travel stories is not how I would go about making friends. It's trying too hard, like you're The Most Interesting Man In The World That's fine, but it seems like a special circumstance that may be different than actually forming deep, lasting friendships back home. Friendships aren't a big deal, it's normal human stuff. Therefore, don't treat it as it such. Don't think you need to go out of your way to get good at them. It's simple, you listen; you show interest in what people have to say, you talk a little about yourself and how it relates. You don't need to impress people (in fact, it can backfire.) I could easily make friends saying one tenth of what the other person is saying. Most people just want to be listened to, you don't need to be a raconteur. There's no reason to avoid trying that right where you are.
  6. Why are you bringing up a Brazilian study when this is happening in the US, with its own particular set of circumstances? The affirmative action black students I went to college with had uniformly the lowest GPAs. Now you could argue that the reason they did is the same one they had lower SAT scores, but at some point reality must enter and colorblind performance must be the marker. Anyway, I largely agree with Leo here about Ivy League colleges: it's a status scam. They're not better colleges necessarily, just more selective and sell status. I went to a university where my major was 12th ranked in the country (higher than some Ivies) and I know for a fact that a lot of professors at these types of schools aren't even good lecturers, they put you to sleep. (BTW, my SATs were better than the average of every single university in the country so it's not like I wasn't smart enough.) They're not there because they're great teachers but because they excel at research (which doesn't necessarily do you much good, unless you're a grad student maybe.) Ultimately it's down to you to crack the books and learn this stuff, so you're paying for prestige and not much else.
  7. Those two sentences literally contradict each other, unless you think friendships and social skills are trivial aspects of life. Stories to tell to friends you have trouble making? Sorry, I'm not trying to be a dick, but you sound like you're a little bit in denial.
  8. Sometimes "not acting" is in alignment with The Truth. I will use the phrase "behaving in accordance with" since it captures both action and inaction if it's clearer for you.
  9. Yes - how you act is even more important than what you consciously believe. If you believe something that is true but don't act on that belief, knowing what's true is meaningless, pointless, useless.
  10. I don't know what's happening right now, but before COVID there were a ton of them in all the big cities listed on Then they went all Zoom. I don't know how many of them are back to live meet-ups.
  11. Couldn't tell you unless you are clear about what you goals are. It may just be an escape where you don't have to struggle with the uncomfortable realities back home. You have to know what you want out of yourself and then figure out the best way to get it (which is not always as enjoyable as going backpacking for year.) If your month-long trip didn't offer you any clarity, then I don't know whether a year would. A month-long trip should have been enough.
  12. Give it a try. There's no need to feel bad about being aroused by beautiful women, and there's no need to paint women as victims of lecherous men (women are sexual beings who love to have sex and frequently get frustrated when men they are attracted to don't take initiative with them.) Those are both unhelpful beliefs. However -- there is no doubt that porn and fapping has negative effects on you -- because it makes you WEAK...HELPLESS...OUT OF CONTROL...NOT THE MAN YOU COULD BE. Try becoming the man you COULD be, then see how your attitude towards women changes. In the very least, try for a realistic goal such as eliminating porn and reducing fapping to once a week, or whatever it is you think you can manage with effort.
  13. If everything is material, then how does one explain the placebo effect, the nocebo effect, body-mind medicine, etc.? Why should it matter what your state of consciousness is if it's all just material interactions?
  14. There is only the transcendent God and the apparent multiplicity of its creation. Those aspects are coexistent and simultaneous. In other words, you cannot drop the limitations inherent in your manifest aspect. You can be fully enlightened, sacred, holy, etc., but you still have a human body. If we're talking about "God", the only practical meaning that makes sense is the transcendent aspect of God. Otherwise it's "you", "me", "everybody" (i.e. the manifest.)
  15. Well, to be fair "becoming God" is a meaningless statement, so the whole sentence is incomprehensible. You cannot "become God." You can become aware that the only true reality is God, or something like that, but you're not "becoming" anything. If you're looking at it in terms of power (relative to other manifestations of God), you can be more or less powerful and become more powerful. The transcendent God is something "you" can't become. It is outside of the process of time, space, change.
  16. Newsflash: Leo is human, with all the failings of being human. He uses defense mechanisms of denial and rationalization all the time because it is too painful to him to admit certain truths about himself. He prefers to live in a fantasy world where a certain idealized picture of himself is the truth. Now, given that, it's upto each and every person on the forum whether to buy into his illusions about himself or to see him as just another flawed human being. Of course in order to do the second, one has to drop certain false beliefs about oneself as well.
  17. Not to sound repetitive, but one must understand the difference between enjoyment and attachment. Enjoyment = mastery Attachment = slavery Sense objects aren't bad in and of themselves. It's the attachment (i.e. being a slave to them) that is the problem. Once the attachment is gone, one can still enjoy.
  18. Distortions can get healed and contracts can get rewritten. Maybe not everything, but many things we think aren't possible. It's just very advanced work that most people aren't even close to (as it takes a ridiculous amount of preliminary work.) The point is that if it's possible for anyone, it's hypothetically possible for everyone. It's not like magically regrowing a missing limb or something like that.
  19. Right. There's a difference between desires and obsessions/compulsions/addictions, though. It's possible to control desires, to have a balanced life that puts them in proper perspective. It's possible to be a master of your desires. The other stuff...well, you're a slave to them.
  20. God wouldn't be causing this to happen, though, in such a case. If it's possible for anyone to heal the kind of thyroid problems Leo has, then it's possible for Leo. If it is possible, then Leo simply hasn't done everything he could possibly do to heal it. He may believe he has, but he could be wrong, e.g. He is not omniscient. He may simply be unaware of how to do it, or unwilling to pay the price to do it. The only way to find out is to become fully enlightened and then make changes that would have been inconceivable/impossible for the ego to make. Only then can you know. (Power is something that can be reclaimed with integration work, e.g.)
  21. 1. No. Language in itself is grounded in duality. Even if you stopped using those words, you are still using language which is implicitly grounded in duality. Something is not something else. 2. No, it's not important. What's important is enlightenment and understanding the "virtual" nature of language.
  22. We get into trouble when we (can't help but) anthropomorphize God. Leo is substantially right but God isn't powerful or powerless because applying that concept to God is a category error. We cannot compare the "power status" of the transcendent aspect of God to some perceived aspect of its manifestation. Power as we can't help but understand it involves the Relative -- "something" has more or less power than "something" else. Otherwise the concept makes no sense.
  23. You solve it by eliminating bad habits and practicing good habits. The changes to your internal state will follow. Identifying what all those are is a huge conversation in itself. It's not some mystical thing you psych yourself into. It's just real, practical change work (like cutting down on porn or masturbation, e.g.)
  24. That's fine. That's what it's all about. One of those assumptions (a cardinal one arguably), however, is an unconscious frame of what "I" currently means to you. Unless you are (fully) enlightened, there is still a sense of personal "I" to some degree. There is still an "I" thought of some kind. As long as there is an "I" thought, you are still clinging to a lot of other assumptions about yourself, such as identifying with certain personality aspects. This is limiting. One is at war with parts of oneself until one is enlightened and goes through integration.