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About Leeo_SA

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  1. @MarkKol ok. So what do you want in live? What are your dreams? What steps do you need to do in order to achieve them? If your goals are depending on changing the country, then you have your answer ...
  2. @MarkKol What is your question? Why do you want to live in the states when you are an european citizen? Just change to another european country like germany. Better health care, better education, better safety aso.
  3. @Terell Kirby It seems so unreal 😆 what are the advantages of a horse apart from the fact that you don't have to run yourself?
  4. @Sugarcoat Why? I am just curious. In my opinion, he had very traumatic experiences in his childhood which formed his toxic willpower to exceed his physical limits. I stopped reading his book after 3/4 because I didnt unterstand, why people see him as a role model. Maybe you have some other insights about him? @Jannes She was a great woman! Are you german or is her stuff translated in other languages?
  5. @Sugarcoat take a look into this thread. You will be amazed if you dont know it.
  6. @Sugarcoat Yes definitely. One of the most beautiful things I have learned through mushrooms is to be in awe of this wonderful reality. Although I have never been able to relate to religious people and wondered why they are humble or in awe, I now feel how beautiful and how important awe is to me. Having infinite gratitude for my existence is suddenly so important to me and I love my strong curiosity because it has led me to examine reality more closely. I believe that we will understand the world better and better. Science will not be able to avoid integrating subjective experiences (I'm talking about research into consciousness, reality, etc.). If it takes this step, we will discover numerous other supernatural abilities. Extremely exciting!
  7. @Sugarcoat Yes, I believe that too. Fortunately, I've had a telepathic experience myself with the help of ayahuasca and Yopo: we sat in a circle, held hands and were able to communicate with each other in our thoughts during a deep meditation. We were so incredibly surprised and amazed by the experience. The next morning we talked about it and couldn't believe it. I still can't believe that I had this experience. But since then I have been more open to such abilities. @Oppositionless What do you mean by nonverbal? Do you stop talking when you're high? How did you find out that you have telepathic abilities? Did you verify it with the help of a friend who thought of something and then you guessed it?
  8. @Something Funny I do habit tracking on my phone and short events on notion, so I have this already implemented. I know that relapses are a part of my journy to be sober but I need to take more serious action because I am struggling since more than 8 years now. On my own I managed a lot but for the last bit or if I am chronicly addicted, for the rest of my life, I need support.
  9. Because I had several relapses I choose to attain a self help group for my behaviour. Due to that, I will close this journal and continue with them. I do a journal for myself.
  10. @Leo Gura I think it is time to delete Elon Musk from Stage Yellow 😅
  11. Date: 18-21.1.25 Relevant incidents today: The urge came up and noticed some changes in my behaviour with Social Media and pictures of woman. On 21. I relapsed in bed (power nap on noon) and in the evening. But I dont know why. I feel strange, I got a job today. Was not really excited about that bc I want to continue my self employment but I need the money. I wasnt stressed, I wasnt in a bad mood. I was anxious of getting back to porn and so it was. Why can I see some picture and I dont bother and then if I am sensitive (however that happens) I am anxious that I fall in this trap? It is like I see those pictures with two different personalities. Sleep: good sleep Difficulty: 9/10 Supplements: Tyrosin, Omega 3, Ginko Bilboa What I am proud of: Got the job!! I can finally stop doing applications.
  12. @James123 Here is a german group:
  13. Date: 16.1.25 Relevant incidents today: Noting Sleep: good sleep Difficulty: 1/10 Supplements: Tyrosin, Omega 3, Ginko Bilboa, Magnesium What I am proud of: Worked through some limiting beliefs. Date: 17.1.25 Relevant incidents today: Nothing Sleep: good sleep Difficulty: 1/10 Supplements: Tyrosin, Omega 3, Ginko Bilboa What I am proud of: Worked through some limiting beliefs. Was happy today, had some rest time in between my clients.
  14. Date: 15.1.25 Relevant incidents today: M in bed after a 1min struggle if I should or shouldnt. Sleep: good sleep Difficulty: 7/10 Supplements: Tyrosin, Omega 3, Ginko Bilboa, Magnesium What I am proud of: I worked through 3-4 limiting beliefes today. Worked for about 90min and started after that my day with my clients. Further I applied for around 8 jobs and had a great time with one of my clients.
  15. Date: 14.1.25 Relevant incidents today: M in shower, was nice. Sleep: good sleep Difficulty: 3/10 Supplements: Tyrosin, Omega 3, Ginko Bilboa, Magnesium What I am proud of: Worked for about 90min and started after that my day with my clients. Had not so much motivation for work so I did a break in the afternoon.