Tyler Durden

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Everything posted by Tyler Durden

  1. I've noticed that spirituality has more concepts from Eastern religions than Abrahamic. Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism seem to be more in line with awakening and enlightenment than Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Why is that the case? If religions are the way in which a person can connect with God, wouldn't be logical that they are similarly close to the Truth?
  2. Maybe God wants to experience human life with all its limitations. That is only possible if it forgets about its powers. There would be no fun in all of that if God mode was turned on while in this form.
  3. Your loved ones are actually you. Without you they wouldn't exist. You created them because you needed them at some point. Ultimately you're alone as God.
  4. @Adamq8 Interesting perspective. I was raised as Christian but since my awakening I looked in Eastern religions for explanations I needed because I thought that mainstream Christianity didn't have much to offer in that regards. Thank you for your eye opening post. I'll definitely check out all those mystics and see what can I learn from them.
  5. Glitch in the Matrix
  6. Right and wrong are human concepts. To God it's all the same.
  7. @Rilles Just imagine how would it feel that you're constantly aware that you're talking to nobody or just with yourself.
  8. @Rilles You need that illusion in order to function normally in the world. Without that you would go insane.
  9. It seems that they are looking at your face but there is nothing there. They are looking at the void but not seeing anything.
  10. @softlyblossoming Thanks for your explanation. Really deep stuff. I'll contemplate on that more.
  11. Alan Watts would say that the actors, after the play is over, go behind the scenes in the green room and take their masks off. If other people are actually God in disguise, does that happen in reality as well or the roles are permanent?
  12. It must be really boring and lonely being alone forever. No wonder God dreams the entire time to forget about that fact.
  13. @BenG Thanks for your explanation. I'm still trying to figure out how to interpret God's play and roles inside it. Even though I should know about that because I created it in the first place but I forgot ?
  14. @BenG All of that sound like changes that are in line with materialistic view. I was thinking more like going to sleep as white male in Europe and waking up as black female in Africa.
  15. Sounds intriguing. How to achieve that? But don't tell me I have to physicaly die first ?
  16. @BenG But it seems to be very fixed. My gender, race, nationality, physical looks, etc. that was imagined by God to have a human experience, doesn't look like something that can be changed in this life time. People around me also stick to their roles all the time.
  17. I've came to a conclusion that other people only exist when they are in my direct experience. Everything that allegedly happened to them when I'm not around are just stories and nothing more. It feels kinda strange knowing that your friends will only exist if you hang out with them or your parents when you're at home. How to deal with that fact?
  18. Answering that question would imply that I was born at the certain time in the past which is an illusion ?
  19. I'm pretty sure it's close to the truth. Leo's teachings are along those lines, I'm not stating anything too radical for this forum.
  20. @Blackhawk I can't be completely sure but I have that feeling and it's not a pleasant experience. As if I discovered something I shouldn't have known for my own sake. @Nahm Thanks for the recommendation. I'm aware that there is still a lot of contemplating ahead of me. @Breakingthewall You're right but it's easy to get lost in the ideas and concepts. I guess in that way we're trying to make sense of reality.
  21. @RMQualtrough Do you think it will completely erase the memory of ever being you?
  22. There is no head in my direct experience so that means that I don't have it. But other people often comment something about it as if it really exists. Why is that the case? Is that in order to keep the illusion of having a head alive?
  23. Dream analogy is very close to the truth. Others only exist when they are in your direct experience but they are also you. It's all a God's play in the end.
  24. https://paranormal-world.fandom.com/wiki/Nancy_Evans_Bush_Escaped_the_Matrix This was one of the most interesting NDE I have read about. Woman experienced the Void in its purest form and learned that all of her life was imagined and nothing was real. This is very much in line with Leo's teachings.
  25. @The0Self I understand that it could be a surface level question but it was something that intrigued me because it is something so basic and yet people overlook it.