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Posts posted by cetus

  1. 21 hours ago, Actualizer said:
    18 hours ago, Actualizer said:



    The thing I was trying to find out was, how from close mindedness somehow you suddenly open your mind?

    What's the trigger or the key to shift?


    Right now I am open minded, or at least want to be : )

    Im looking for ways to influence my family and friends to discover they same beauty, but in very subtle ways.

    Tell me how you opened your mind to spirituality.

    I see how hard it is to hear the same old cliches and dismiss such beautiful ideas.

    Do you really want to have that experience? First throw out all your assumptions of what you think it will be like. The experience happens only when there is no mind and no self to relate to. The "key" is to transcend all that. I followed Leo's direction on becoming no-self. I thought of all the history of myself, from my earliest childhood memories, to being a teen ager, to becoming an adult. I took my complete life story and put it in one pile in front of me and looked at that and embraced it all. Than I said to myself. "none of that ever existed". I really wanted to feel what it would be like not to exist at all. And suddenly something clicked in me and I became absolute pure being and pure consciousness. It felt like something came to a point of perfect focus that was beyond "me".  Conscionsceness was no longer localized at my body location, but extending outwards. There were no boundaries to consciousness. I had my eyes opened when this was happening at first. Than something suddenly happened that was totally amazing, I must have closed my eyes and I experienced a blissful state of pure being that was just floating in an ocean of pure, silent, bliss. It honestly felt like my true being entered into another dimension. After that experience I sat here and thought to myself "I never knew that existed in me before". I was totally blown away! So if at some point, your not doing anything in particular, and you want to experience this. Give yourself just 10 minutes, take that time to let go of yourself as if you truly don't exist. Could you do that? It was a scary thing to do, to totally let go of self like that. But that is the price of admission that must be paid. You must put all your faith in trusting something much greater than self exists. If you can do that and totally let go of every fragment of yourself, It will naturally happen to you too! The "key", the total surrender of the self. Pure being does not exist on the same frequency that mind does. You must become the frequency that matches pure being and shift into that. It is a tricky key to find because there is a price to be paid, but I promise you, it's there waiting for you. It is in all of us whether we realize it or not.

  2. Yes, we have brief moments that are deep experience's of existence and humanity, And then there is the reality of how things are. It's balancing act. The yin and yang maybe? But yes, the contrast is sometimes stark. I had the deep experience of overwhelming universal love the other morning. I could feel love embracing all of us. It was like a pure love orgy with the total consciousness of all humanity. lol But all joking aside That's a powerful frequency to tune to.


    1 hour ago, Naviy said:

    I never could understand how "silent observer" can exist. If anything exists, then it is not the observer. Such thing as observer cannot exist by definition. And it is not only an intellectual conclusion. This is what I see with my observations.

    How can "anything" be "experienced"? You do not experience a thing. Experience is the thing. There are no "things" that are being "experienced". There is only experience. 

    Also, how can "you" experience the "experience"? Why is it necessary for some "you" to exist, so "experience" could exist too? Can experience exist without you experiencing it?     

    The silent observer is absolute nothingness. It contains nothing, and yet it contains everything. Something that that will always allude the mind. It permeates this existence at all times and everything that happens here, echoes' into nothingness for infinity.. Conscionsceness is that empty space within this experience. It flourishes when there is no mind.

  4. 1 hour ago, Actualizer said:



    The thing I was trying to find out was, how from close mindedness somehow you suddenly open your mind?

    What's the trigger or the key to shift?


    Right now I am open minded, or at least want to be : )

    Im looking for ways to influence my family and friends to discover they same beauty, but in very subtle ways.

    There exists no mind to be "open minded". There's your "trigger". Only the awareness of reality exists as @werlight expressed to you through his personal experience. Everything becomes one mutual existence.

  5. @Naviy I don't do the deep self inquiry thing. To me it seems like giving the ego mind all the attention it wants. Unless there is a lot of baggage to toss out. If that's the case, than yes.  But that's too much mind happening for true growth. Where is the pure being in all this? The silent observer that exists beyond the playground of the mind. Transcending the mind should become effortless once the pure state of being is experienced. Have you had a transcendent experience yet? What exists beyond your mind?

  6. 4 hours ago, Neo said:

    Is he saying the true self is unchanging, it can't change because it isn't in *time*, however the ego is in a liquid state, flowing in time and growing?

    Ego is flowing in time and slowly dissolving during the awakening process. That's what I take from the message. Growth is the "vanishing" of the ego, only the sense of being remains. @5:50

  7. Yesterday I suddenly experienced deep, pure love, I could feel the total consciousness of all humanity. One consciousness. All of it! I was joyous, I was humbled, I was sad, I was hopeful, I was awestruck, ect... I was seeing through the eyes of pure , love at the totality of our species as one collective conscionceness. I can feel that buzz around my head just talking about it. I got the love buzz! lol

  8. @werlight Yes, totally.  "Everything is exactly as it should be in this very moment". That has become my mantra. I also became aware that nothingness surrounds the space of existence at all times. Whatever happens within this space is absorbed directly into that surrounding space. I talk about it in a dualistic way but in truth they are one seamless space. Sometimes after meditation the presence of nothingness is so obvious that it feels like I could almost scoop it out of the surrounding environment. Yesterday morning when a had the experience of pure love, It felt like the top of my head was buzzing it was so strong. Very powerful! I  I must have tapped directly into the love frequency. Amazing!