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Posts posted by JuliusCaesar

  1. 46 minutes ago, Roy said:

    I became a couch and then a TV when I took Salvia. Your boundaries (lines) are different. The TV was interesting. I felt lights and electricity flowing through the core of my being. My purpose to send images and visions to my surface for others to see.

    I was just about to comment that the op should do some Salvia then I read this. Of course, inanimate objects aren't the only thing you can become. In fact, you don't even need to be 3 dimensional. 

  2. 3 hours ago, OldManCorcoran said:

    I don't know how it's a debate lol.

    It's a debate because materialism has been the foundation of essentially more or less all modern worldviews. And of course, you can't believe in the false song of materialism if you're aware that reality is imaginary.


    It's an arduous task to unpack centuries of incorrect dogma being imposed on entire populations of people. Especially when literally almost everything you experience is weaponized to support this shaky metaphysics done unconsciously. It's a hell of a trick, to use facts and evidence that are in no way substantiation of an idea in order to give it credibility via unchallenged assumptions.

  3. 7 hours ago, Mikesinfinity said:

    They act as if they are using their sense organs to be aware of the objects around them and they even talk about them, but they are not actually aware of them since they are just like everything else only dreamed up and a part if the dream itself.

    How do you know that dream characters don't have biological functions? 


    Furthermore, it's clear you likely haven't much experience lucid dreaming. Otherwise, you'd have experiences where the other dream characters are just as lucid/aware or even more so than you. 


    7 hours ago, Mikesinfinity said:

    But both of those ”others” are figments of imagination by God’s mind and that communication between two subjects is an illusion and it’s really just God.

    Correct, you're alone as everything and nothing. This is the metaphysical impetus for the notion of solipsism being true.



  4. On 4/1/2023 at 1:22 PM, Leo Gura said:

    If there exist others consciousnesses besides your own, it's simple: find them.

    This cannot be done. The only way you could prove someone else was conscious would be to become them. But notice that when you do that, you're now alone as them just as you were before. You could turn yourself into two different conscious entities at once. But alas, the same problem exists. Because even then you're alone for much the same reason that you were alone before. You could even become all living things on Earth, and you'd still be alone. There simply isn't a way to debunk the notion that only one exists, and all in existence are that one.



  5. 3 hours ago, fanta said:

    So I had this terrible headache from a meditation session about 8 years ago (you could read about it in my older posts).

    I have been doing a lot of stuff to get better. Holotropic and LSD therapy have helped me a lot. When I have used those methods, I have started shaking a lot in my pelvis. I though the problem with the headache was that the energy was stuck in the head, but the case has been that my lower energy centers have shut down. I think I might have disassociated from my genitals and lower chakras, so the energy have no place to go resulting in headache.

    I was wondering if somebody knew any techniques I could use to open up the lower chakras so the energy could flow through the body easier? I am open for everything

    Chanting the bija mantras or listening to the appropriate sounds for activating the chakra work in my experience. You can sleep listening to the sounds. 

  6. On 3/18/2023 at 9:18 AM, Leo Gura said:

    And? Did you do it?

    On numerous occasions. The first time I was merely testing the waters by doing a single seed of Wrightii. I made a report of it on the forum, and after all the fearful feedback from other users I decided not to discuss my future Datura trips.

  7. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    I can't really trust the trip reports of these online degenerates and drug addicts. I don't find most datura reports credible.

    That was the major roadblock I encountered studying its effects. I never really had a good idea of how it would affect me until I did it myself. 








  8. 2 hours ago, tashadwoodfall said:

    I've never heard of this so I doubt it's in my subconscious mind.

    There's some naivete in your understanding of what your mind is and the different layers of awareness you have as a human. Your unconscious mind is doing many things of which you're not aware. Such as creating the entire universe out of nothing and ensuring it doesn't self-destruct. This level of your mind has all the attributes traditionally ascribed to God.


    There are levels of mental operation between the conscious and unconscious. That which we call subconscious. Which essentially blurs the line between you being God and human. As such, it's for instance possible to know things that are humanly impossible to know if you manage to become conscious at ordinarily subconscious levels of mental operation. Lucid dreaming is one method by which you can and will become aware of deeper levels of your mind than normally would be possible. 


    Now with all that being said, it is likely prudent for you to ground yourself in a religion. Maybe convert to Catholicism and even see an exorcist if you believe that would help you. You can think of it as a continuation of walking the path you already have in the past, experimenting with Catholic practices (like attending church preferably a traditional Latin mass, praying the rosary etc).  As simply doing numerous occult rituals blindly, without having any real knowledge or understanding of what you're doing is a great way of placing yourself in harm's way. 



  9. On 2/23/2023 at 4:17 PM, Mixcoatl said:

    If God (consciousness) is absolutely omnipotent. Can it create a universe made out of matter as fundamental substance?

    All that exists is imaginary. So, if God made matter separate from the substance of imagination, then that matter wouldn't exist. This is fundamentally why Materialism is significantly flawed. And why Materialism's reality "behind the scenes" apart from perception is impossible to substantiate.


    On 2/23/2023 at 4:17 PM, Mixcoatl said:

    1. God is not absolutely omnipotent.

    This is simply false. The defect in your logic is the materialistic understanding of what matter is. Matter is dreamt up out of nothing, just like all the objects that the same matter allegedly can build. Matter, as materialism understands it is equivalent to nothing in actuality. Therefore, it isn't a limitation to be unable to as you put it make a universe fundamentally out of matter. 


    On 2/23/2023 at 4:17 PM, Mixcoatl said:

    God can imagine this universe within itself (imagination) and imagine it's own disappearance, and thus, disappearing that universe (which is not quite correct because this universe would still remain inside consciousness).

    What do you mean by this? That God can imagine itself going into nonexistence, or the universe God has warped itself into being can be unimagined? In either event, this seems to be non sequitur.









  10. 16 hours ago, Loveeee said:

    I know there are no chakras etc., all distinctions are relative but can still be useful 

    So, what's your experience ?


    In 2021, I did almost nothing other than chant the Bija mantras for the first 5 chakras. A practice that in 2022 had evolved into me testing the more lazy method of listening to chakra frequencies only. Anyway, I'd choose one chakra/mantra at a time, and I'd simply repeat the mantra over and over as swiftly as possible as opposed to holding the syllable drawn out over 10 or more seconds like is normally done. Anyway, I would alternate between mantras regularly, the longest I ever stuck with the same sound/chakra was 6 days. The reason for this being that this kind of monomaniacal focus gave rise to imbalances that forced me to work on a different chakra. Like when I went 4 days straight chanting VAM, various things happened, but one of them is significant retardation of circulation. I would get cold and start shaking in 75-degree weather. At the time I switched to RAM to balance myself out and it worked.  I discovered that when I became heart chakra dominant the inverse of what happened when I was in Swadishthana would occur. I slept listening to Tibetan singing bowls attuned to Anahata, then after I woke up, I went out in 40-degree weather and my entire body remained warm, even the tips of my fingers. And mind you I was wearing a short sleeve shirt and no coat.  I chanted RAM for 5 days straight once, I became so violent and aggressive that I feared I might become a criminal or a rapist, so I stopped and went to a different chakra.


    Now that I've somewhat thoroughly described some of the more adverse effects I experienced. I'll talk more about benign and even positive side. The first time I did this practice with HAM. It had a long-lasting impact on me. For the first time in me at that time 22 years of living, I cleaned my room, and very thoroughly. Which is now a habit that has remained with me even to this day, despite the fact that I've long since quit doing this kind of Sadhana.


    Every time I would chant HAM for 5 hours or more in a day, the space element became very prominent. It felt cold, but not necessarily in a dangerous way to my biology. And I had a sense of holiness and power. With heart chakra activation, I've never really noticed the air element itself, but my body always became warmer whenever I became dominant there. I've also felt the Earth and water elements, they become unmistakably noticeable when chanting LAM or VAM respectively. Something I've realized is that reading this you might not know that I mean these elemental effects last like the whole day. Had I kept chanting the same mantra for longer periods, it probably would have become more pronounced and gradually longer lasting with repeated practice approaching permanence. Of course, the same can likely be said of nearly any impact that these and many other Sadhanas have.


  11. 17 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

    i just can't comprehend it how both can be true. It's like you're god and do things on behalf of yourself but also there is unity god and does things for you.

    In my mind it's very simple. You as God imagined yourself to be a normal waking human with certain limitations being aided by a slight variation of the same human with different limitations. That in no way contradicts the notion that you're imagining reality, if anything it could even be viewed as confirmation of such. 



  12. 8 hours ago, LostSoul said:

    Any opinions on what are the BEST psychedelics for this? Any video source that explains how yo heal through them?

    You don't need a video for that. Simply influence yourself by repetitious thought. This can even be done successfully sober, but it takes so much effort that it's not worth avoiding substances.

  13. 14 hours ago, Phoebe said:

    In that case you should be able to verify the realness of the experience by reaching out to the person you incarnated as or discovering some other evidence of their existence.

    Of course, though the overwhelming majority of experiences of this nature tend not to involve such a scenario. But usually instead feature people becoming inanimate objects, or alien creatures you can't normally access. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Vlad_ said:

    It's okay, I'm just going trough ego backlash. I can't accept the fact that I'm God and I'm completely alone which is why I'm questioning my awakenings. 

    Of course, I've gone through that myself. Hell, probably all of us that become God realized have. There are so many ways a human self can take issue to accepting the truth about itself and the reality within which it dreams itself to be, that it's next to impossible not to have egoic backlash.

  15. On 1/19/2023 at 10:51 AM, Vlad_ said:

    Attention! All of the bellow mentioned is just a theoretical discussion and not a plan of action!

    I've been doing psychedelics for the last 4 years and had plenty of profound awakenings. Recently I begun to question the validity of all my trips and awakenings. What if an awakening is just hallucinations? When I’m tripping, I know absolutely that I’m God and playing my infinite game, but when I’m back to the dream I just can’t accept it.

    Is there a doubt free way to get the true answer and not only during a trip?

    I’ve been thinking about it and the only way I can think of is suicide. For example If I shoot myself in the head I would be 100% sure whether I’m God or all of this is  just pure horseshit.

    What do you think?

    If you begin manipulating ordinary reality in your trips, that ought to convince you.


    Also, I advise against suicide, that would be a frivolous waste of your human life.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    How can a worldview not have a single contradiction or piece of counter-evidence after 5000 years? That would have to be the most amazingly crafted worldview of all time, to withstand such an onslaught of scientific discovery. And yet, no one takes this worldview seriously. How is that possible?

    Such is the power of dogma. 

  17. While I've never smoked Salvia personally, nor even chewed a hallucinogenic quantity. I've studied this very subject at least a decent amount. And what I can gather from reading trip reports is that it isn't the breakthrough experiences where you become a coat of paint on a barn and exist in that state for 30 earth years, or even where you become an alien humanoid and live that life for years that's a mindfuck.


    It's when you become a different human being, in another state in your own country from the same century and ostensibly in the same reality from which you came. And everything works there exactly the same as you'd expect "reality" to, and you live years like that, then eventually return to your original human self to find that from the perspective of others around you, you were tripping for 20 minutes, even though you know you just spent a considerable period of time (like a decade) in the same reality they're in but as a different person elsewhere. Now that's a genuine mindfuck, because it's nearly impossible to explain it away as insanity, even for the strongest of materialists (if they have that specific experience themself which very few have).  

  18. On 1/8/2023 at 4:32 PM, Tyler Durden said:

    If other people are just a projection of my mind, does that mean that they know my inner thoughts? And by "know" I mean to behave as if they are aware of them so I get the impression that they can somehow "read" my mind.

    The degree to which most humans can do this on the level you're thinking of is negligible. Human entities around you often have intuitions about what you're thinking, but most of the time they find ways to convince themselves that they aren't doing telepathy or anything paranormal. Typically, men suffer from this even Moreso than women. 


    If you want a simple way to start to stop doing this kind of thing yourself, a good thing to bear in mind is situations where you start thinking something that's totally unrelated to anything you were previously thinking about, and that doesn't make any sense to you that you'd think it. When this sort of thing occurs and you're in the presence of another person, it's often because that stream of thoughts was cued by a telepathic impression from the other human. When you realize that it only makes sense that what you're thinking is actually what the other person is thinking and not having originated in your own mind, then you're almost certainly right. 


    If you want a way to totally read a person's mind straight up like you'd imagine Star Trek Vulcans could do. You're probably best ingesting some harmala alkaloids (obviously you'll want to follow a MAOI avoidant diet at least 48 hours prior and after) and then attempting to do so. There are other methods that work, but this one doesn't require any discipline and minimal prior study, which probably can't be said of the Sadhanas, and Tantric implements designed for telepathy you can read about.