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Posts posted by michaelcycle00

  1. On 1/29/2023 at 9:02 AM, Breakingthewall said:

    You are not alone because "you" and "alone" implies limits. There are no limits. The you that you are perceiving now and the loneliness are not real. The infinity is not alone. 

    Let me guess, you say it’s not alone because it has an “infinity” of itself?

    Lol, sorry but it doesn’t matter… it’s still one and alone and quite clearly none of that is gonna change no matter how much we want it to.

    Rather just be stoic about it and accept the hard truth than tell yourself another story to be at peace with creation. 

  2. Why go through all that is the real question. You’re gonna go back to the “perfect state” once you die, and then you’ll be a clean slate by incarnating as someone else all over again. Why not just focus on enjoying life and allowing yourself to be happy as you are?

    Why go through that arduous and painful process that is entirely meaningless at the end?

    I personally feel like this self-awakening and liberation thing is sold as some infinitely amazing pill when it’s just decades of work and constant self-reflection when you’re already guaranteed to get there in the end. You’re not helping anybody ever because reality is being imagined in the now and time doesn’t exist. If you choose to be happy now, it’s no different than going through some process to get to the same destination when it’s just a couple feet away from you already. 

    Is it a coping mechanism related to being unaccepting of the inherent meaninglessness of reality?

  3. @tuku747 but it's not as simple as Solipsism being a story and that's it. 

    Imagine I spent the night out with some friends drinking beer, and once I get home, for whatever reason, I remember I'm God and I have full power all the time. With this knowledge and direct realization, I decide to travel a few hours back in time to relive that moment. What happens to the friends I already spent the night out with? They already experienced that, it's not like I'm taking them back in time with me and sort of "resetting" them since it's just me who's doing it. Am I creating (or rather experiencing) a different timeline by making small but different choices throughout the night and then when I get back home, to the point I was in before time traveling, that means I'm simply in a different timeline than the one I'm originally from?

    Creation from a materialistic POV isn't as flexible as it would have to be for me to be creating reality moment by moment with the inclusion of the 8 billion human beings on the planet. So if I manifest something outlandish like Donald Trump becoming a socialist and praising Biden just by changing my beliefs about him, then I can manifest anything and if I so desired have the entire planet at my mercy, and yet, that would be true for everyone else, so how can one manifest something in direct opposition to someone else's beliefs or wishes without basically experiencing different timelines since we're using the same power and are technically one and the same? Not to mention everything up to that point would have to remain the same so Donald Trump would still have the past we currently know him for, it wouldn't be like I jumped to a parallel Universe where he has always been a socialist, no. See? None of this makes any sense and I haven't found a single soul capable of explaining it. 

    P.S. I love your posts :D

  4. 4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    God is too intelligent to care what silly things humans do.

    God doesn't care where you stick your dick.

    But your fellow man does. And it is him you gotta deal with, not God.

    Trafficking minors for sex acts is about as low as one's character gets.

    I read in Conversations with God (the first book), that despite God having no bias, there are still people in the world who act more in accordance with Love and Truth. My question is, could an act like that ever be seen in that light? Not necessarily Epstein but say a client of his' that for whatever reason is truthfully in love with a child and then the child in love with him. Believe me, typing this makes my skin crawl a little, but I'm a person who likes to understand every perspective no matter how bad it is in a non-biased way. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, roopepa said:

    God does not "allow" anything, cause there is no things. All 'things' are falsehood, that which is not. How can you allow something that is not?

    It gets tricky here, I can't fully comprehend but I suppose you're referring to the Absolute. I'm speaking in terms of relativity, but still within the perception of God and "goodness". I say relativity because that's where the duality between good and bad can exist. 


    19 minutes ago, roopepa said:

    The illusion is that there is a he who did something. So neither hating, loving, nor accepting "what he did" makes sense.

    What makes sense is a correction in perception. Seeing your Brother as who he is in truth, not a separate self, a body, a doer.


    Well, you're basically just dodging the questions by saying "it is what it is" i.e. the Absolute, beingness. However, I'm not concerned with the Absolute at the moment, but, what then is he in truth? Can you put it into words?


    21 minutes ago, TwistedOntic said:

    There is consequences in every single action, and having sexual intercourse with a severely underdeveloped person will, more times than not, produce suffering. You're not thinking Holistically. You need to stay in touch with your Morality, which is something you severely lack given how you responded to all the critism here. 

    Also saying this kind of stuff, especially under a monitored medium like the Internet, in a culture that heavily demonise and punishes it is not very Wise. 

    Dude, just leave it. You're just throwing things at the wall and hoping something sticks. You're answering a question I did not ask. If you can't even read, there's no use in arguing with you xD


  6. @BipolarGrowth lmao, you know... as I finished typing this I debated myself for like a full 5 minutes on whether or not I should put a disclaimer, something like "Americans, please take a deep breath and open your mind because you're about to get triggered or else stop right here and leave this thread", or something similar because I know your kind like the palm of my hand. Fits Canadians and Western Europeans as well.


    13 hours ago, TwistedOntic said:

    You're flying too close to the sun. You still need to ground and balance yourself in the society you live in. There's rules for a reason, realize this so you don't spew out this nonsense.. 

    You guys are so predictable, saw these replies coming from the other side of the planet. Also, please put your biases aside when you're reading provocative material otherwise you won't even allow yourself to actually digest and understand what you're reading, which is what you just did since your answer has nothing to do with any of my questions and is instead just a baseless attack from a close-minded person.

  7. Since God allows everything, including his existence, and more importantly his actions, then... if you've integrated God consciousness into your everyday life or are at least trying to embody it as much as you can, does it make sense to hate him for what he did? Or look at him as less?

    What about his clients?

    Society of course tells us it's incredibly wrong to do such things and that those acts are irrefutably heinous crimes. The lowest of the low. Now here comes the kicker:

    We know God loves everything equally, for if that wasn't the case everything couldn't exist (for whatever reason). But, relatively speaking, there are things that are more in accordance with God's love than others. For example: to love another instead of killing them, to be understanding and compassionate instead of judgemental, to give instead of taking... you get it.

    With this in mind, could an adult and a child love each other in all the different ways human adults can and do and have it actually be fine and fully embody God's love even from a relative perspective? Or will it always be something "wrong" no matter which way you look at it? Would the adult always be the one taking advantage and the child a victim who will inevitably grow up to be traumatized?

  8. In your experience, did that love, perfection, divinity, goodness, etc of God seem to get boring? Since time doesn't exist there, I don't see how that's possible but perhaps it is. Can your wish actually be possible? Like, could God stay as its Absolute self for eternity (like fully forever) and never ever create any other finite thing or relative existence? I'm guessing that's impossible and why this place exists in the first place, which from my human POV I find quite saddening.

  9. 2 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Solipsism is thinking that the perceptions you associate with your human experience are absolute and that there is nothing beyond them. But there is something beyond your perceptions: it's consciousness.

    The solipsists thinks: "there are some perceptions present: my body, which feels like it's at "the center"; an environment, which surrounds my body; and some other bodies in that environment. No other bodies can be at the center, because that is how it appears".

    That is a mistake. The feeling that your body is "at the center" is an illusion. You can prove this by witnessing your current body disappear and remaining as pure consciousness. Then, "the center" is just seen as pure infinite void. You can also smoke salvia and become a window, or have various types of out-of-body experiences. So if "the center" can be decoupled from your body, then you can't attribute "the center" to your body in the first place. In reality, all bodies are at the center (and not at the center at the same time).

    Then why doesn’t Leo agree with this? Isn’t he more experienced than you?

    Also, what he says (and Quantum Mechanics validates this) is that when you become a window then only at that moment are you the window and once you are back as your body then you’re just the body and the window is just a story, because it’s always NOW. So the window only exists when you’re imagining being it and only then, and this is carried over to other people. If you’re not aware of being them then they’re just holograms with no internal experience. 

  10. On 1/5/2023 at 6:18 AM, Breakingthewall said:

    Agree, but that only means: I don't know. I think you can know. solipsism is simplistic. let's see... there really is only one pov, the pov of total reality, or god. this pov is the existence of all that can exist, and it is infinite. finitude is a special effect. you are god, and so am i, and our pov is infinite and exactly the same, by definition.

    So why are you you and I am me? How does infinity divide itself by being indivisible? I think the mind can't handle this. I have had insights but once they pass, you can't remember them as they are on another frequency. Leo doesn't define it either. He just says: you have to wake up to understand it. after having published a 2-hour video talking about it in which he only says: only your POV exists, the others are in your POV. yes, ok, but everything in your pov has its pov, since everything is infinite. 

    Why would Leo say his POV doesn’t exist though? That he’s not having an experience. That’s deceitful.

    And then to make sure he meant what he said I asked him if he said that as a pointer and he said that no, that he was in fact very serious. Like he’s no different than an imaginary dragon I can conjure up in my mind right now. How can you take him seriously after that? Also, @Inliytened1 has also said that we’re imagining him and Leo waking up. I think there’s some truth to that. How can my experience be so stable while there are thousands of people becoming the totality of existence every day and deciding to “destroy the Universe” while I’m still here watching Netflix? Lmao. I think everything becomes a paradox if you push it far enough. They destroy it and they don’t, they’re me and they’re not. There’s one but also many blah blah blah. I would still like to know why Leo would make such a scummy move telling everyone he doesn’t exist though, and I’d like to hear it from him @Leo Gura

  11. On 1/5/2023 at 5:29 AM, Someone here said:

    I have repeated this over the months .I can't have access to ANY psychedelic (including mushrooms) in India because they are banned and illegal.  The only option for me is via the dark Web. And I obviously don't want to put myself in legal problems . There is not even weed dealers where I live .so imagine how tough it is to find more potent psychedelics.

    These are just excuses, you’re not gonna get sent to jail for buying psilocybin spores and the sites that sell these are extremely discreet as well. The shipping company workers aren’t gonna open a perfectly normal looking package out of the other thousands that they receive daily. Or put you in jail for some mushroom spores they couldn’t even prove are “hallucinogenic” in the first place. Lol, that doesn’t even happen in developed countries let alone India. And in the one in a million case scenario it did, you just hand one of the workers say a $50 bill (probably less) and you’re good to go… it’s India after all. 

  12. I don't know but I've found all the people who have made books related to occult techniques to heal one's self and others as well as stop or reverse aging are old as hell and look run down. The irony... xD

    It's like if Jesus tried to teach what he did but instead of being who we know him to be, he was just an old, poor, feeble man with no supernatural abilities. No one would've believed him. Why it's so important to lead by example.

  13. Science stops where human limits start. Paradoxes for example. We will never understand them and therefore we won’t transcend them in the form of information or knowledge either.

    Science is not a separate entity apart from Absolute Infinity so that it could study it from the outside (which doesn’t even make sense since it’s infinite), it’s just Infinity in one of infinitely many finite forms. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Hojo said:

    God dosent judge you you judge yourself. If you kill yourself cause you are bored how bored do you think you will be in the void. It can get alot more boring and lonely. We need to transcend our emotions on this life and keep only love in our hearts.

    People don’t kill themselves because they’re bored my nigga ¬¬

    You don’t override the deeply ingrained fear of death to kill one’s self through boredom. 

  15. Let’s say I have to live with my parents for a few more years now (not from the U.S., 3rd world country). But dealing with them every day is debilitating since they’re extremely emotionally abusive and exert utmost control over me, it not only has mostly ridden me of empathy for them or others but I really feel like I’m becoming a sociopath because I’m so much different than I was like 7 years ago and not in the best of ways, to put it lightly. If I followed your advice I would have to forgive them multiple times a day and that doesn’t seem like what I should go for. I’m 22 years old and they’re literally control all of my time and every single move I make. I’m beyond miserable but I can’t even cry because I don’t feel a thing other than the occasional laughter. What I’ve been doing is removing all emotional attachment I have to them so I no longer care in the slightest what they have to say. 

  16. “You can love something and still put it in jail or kill it” uhh, I don’t think you get it either.

    Don’t judge your uncle, you’re telling him about love while referring to acceptance, 2 different things.

     You can’t love something and want to get rid of it, that’s not how it works in the relative. Some of you really fool yourselves and it’s hilarious because it proves what I already knew. You can only ACCEPT what is, and you can call it love if it helps you sleep at night, but you’ll never let a rapist fuck your child, or a serial killer murder you, or encourage Hitler to kill a couple thousand more Jews. Just drop that stupidity already…