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Everything posted by TurquoiseAngel

  1. Greta T at it again reducing toxic emissions, trying to clean up the world
  2. What discussion was that quote from?
  3. Maybe this is what it is. They hear their own words said from someone else’s mouth with someone else’s voice and then realise they were harsh and unfair…so they backtrack to self correct. I will pay attention to see if I do this too. But I guess if this happens again I will just nod. Maybe ask questions. But never sympathise.
  4. I’ve got a few examples of people talking about others that I don’t know about (family, exes, flings, friends etc) and they highlight these other people issues, negative traits, mistreatment of them etc and after listening when and if I agree with their plight / judgement of the circunstance, character flaw of the person they are bad mouthing they then backtrack and start either defending the person or / and making excuse for their behaviour or / and comparing their behaviour to worse behaviours so the behaviour they were first complaining about don’t seem that bad. Why is this? I consider myself a good listener and just repeat / reinforce what was said in the 1st place. Who also had this experience before?
  5. Spiritual gatherings are crawling with broken, dysfunctional people. They are trying though…
  6. I can't stand Sad-guru and TNH is the only spiritual leader I listen.
  7. You can learn anything. Think about how much embracing math will make you even more smarter and soon you will love it.
  8. I enjoyed great healing when I used to listen to him a lot but I outgrew his teachings somehow.
  9. Cheech & Chong
  10. https://youtu.be/ocFT9FDEF7Y
  11. I do vacuum my mattress sometime, it makes me feel good seen all the filthy gone.
  12. There is another documentary about Sheela, have you watched that one yet?
  13. Society is actually not expecting anything from you. This is just your perception.
  14. I've been into sacred geometry in the past, not through this guy but some other people. I used to be an obsessive seeker but now that I decided to have both feet firm on the ground and stopped looking for secrets and answers, my life have improved 100% and I am the happiest I have ever been. I still keep an open mind but what makes me whole at this point in my life is to pay attention and interact with the material, tangible aspect of life and being a human in a body more than an spirit having a human experience, god or whatever other spiritual woo-woo blurb. Sorry, I didn't watch the whole video you posted, few seconds is enough for me nowadays to know that is not where my time and energy should be spent and it feels so good!
  15. How to get it in London? Only high quality stuff.
  16. Simple terms, you don't know what you don't know. Even though I grew up with some members of my family struggling with their mental health, had no interest or understanding of mental illness at all, until it happened to my daughter. She is only 15 but started showing signs at 11. It is been a long road for myself and for her to accept and make sense of what is going on and I must say, it is making myself a better person but if I had a choice between an offspring with zero mental health issues like me or a daughter like I have, I would still choose no mental health issues...life is already hard enough, being human is already complicated enough...why throw more in? However as I said, like in all situations in my life, I make the most of it to exercise patience, compassion, open mind, resilience, trust and creative ways of doing things + higher levels of communication. For example. I just got a new job 5 days ago and joined a project that is nearly finished. It is to do with services for children who struggle with their mental health - complete coincidence. There must be 8 to 10 people involved in the project and none have direct experience but because I have, i was able to pick up a very small but crucial detail and highlighted it to them. Now, the project will have to be fixed and it will require some meetings and approvals (a very bureaucratic system) but it is for the better and will save a huge mistake that was being made. There was a general feeling that something was wrong and missing but nobody could envision a solution. New girl in the team solved it for them and earned a few brownie points.
  17. Cool thread! I've had a brief interaction with someone at the beginning of 2019, a human, it was the craziest thing of my life. The person had many amazing and unique qualities but was also very troubled. I still haven't healed from that interaction yet and everyday still feels like going to war. sometimes I get a few days respite and believe it is finally over - until something unexpected happen: a sound, image, smell that makes me remember the whole thing and I am sucked back again. I have tried so many things to help me break free - it seems impossible. I am wondering if i picked up some form of 'spiritual virus' whatever it means and if there is a cure? I just want my old self, my heart and my life back. Could Crysty say something about this? Does she have any insight? Anything I can do to help myself?
  18. I would end the agreement and get another therapist. Specifically one that focus on proven methodologies and doesn't mix psychology with energy healing, chakras etc...(but that is just me)...
  19. Has this always been the case or is it a new experience? Also was it a general doctor or a specialist?
  20. High quality people have confidence in themselves period (nothing to do with their job, looks, status, money, age or whatever) - and it is very different from arrogance. They have a positive mindset. They are secure, know their values and make decisions according to those values. They know what they want out of life and why. They are open to learn from everything and everyone around them, so they don't look down on nothing or no-one. They always uplift others and add value to situations. They don't need to push people down so they can be on top and they are not takers, although their healthy self esteem will make sure they attend to their own needs instead of people please in order to be accepted or liked. They use collaboration strategies in every relationship and strive for win-win whenever possible. Curious to know why you think low value people are a pain in the ass? And what could you do to elevate them if you must interact? Or at least how to elevate the interaction level?
  21. Have you asked a doctor?
  22. The better questions are: - Why I am using my time to investigate about what other people are doing with their lives, their bodies? - Why I am comparing myself and who I am choosing to compare myself with? - Why I worry about what other people think / believe? - Why I need to classify people in different colour stages?
  23. BTW you didn't accidentally became someone's girlfriend. You kept going on dates and you said yes, so you deliberately co-created it together with him.
  24. I don't understand why you both would want to close off all of your other options if you are not even going to be living at the same place? How long is your trip going to be for? I personally would video call him and explain that he caught you off guard and you were in a rush so you didn't have time to elaborate a truthful answer that reflects your feelings. Then I would say that it seems like there is a little something missing and although you are happy that he respects you and you are both on the same page regarding taking things slow, you are wondering if the physical aspect / the chemistry aspect of a relationship is not there and wether this can be built overtime or not...then I would ask what he thinks, how he feels and I would listen to him very attentively. Then I would suggest that we talk about this again once I am back from my trip and meanwhile we should be friends only and have no expectations. But this is just me. I don't like long distance relationships and i have tried a few times to be together with men I had no attraction or chemistry with and it is never satisfying enough.
  25. You don't always need to link your passion to your profession. It is cool if happens but if doesn't it is also okay. It is okay to have a job just for the purpose to make money and pursue your interests and your fun on your spare time. Unless the job makes you utterly miserable and give you no free time at all, but that is another story. You are very young, have so much time and is already ahead of most your age.. You will figure as you go and don't be scared of making mistakes.