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Posts posted by thisintegrated

  1. No one with adhd is ever properly assessed.  It's just a collection of symptoms, nothing else.  So even if adhd is a "real", specific disorder, no one's ever assessed/diagnosed for it.  You're only assessed for the symptoms which could match a real disorder.

    Whether it's a subjective problem is a whole other debate.  Almost anything can be a "problem".  If meds help, do whatever you want man, but I'd say the same for neurotypicals using any drugs for any reason whatsoever.

  2. Just now, Preety_India said:

    Go out. Talk to women. Have a girlfriend. Spend beautiful moments with her.

    What's stopping this from happening ? 

    How does one "spend beautiful moments" with someone?  The only way I interact with people is through conversation, and women rarely have real hobbies or interest in intellectual topics.  Walking/hiking/etc. isn't really an activity, it's just talking, and has the same problem.

    And I'm kind of seriously ill, and can't "go out", even without lockdowns.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    Have you had deep blissful intimate moments with women where a woman laughed with you, where you felt happy sharing stuff with her, where you cried with her, where you cooked and went hiking with her. Won't that be fun too?

    Nope.  Don't expect I will in this lifetime.  Probably would be nice, but unlikely to ever happen.  Can't do that kinda stuff online.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    Anyway your frustrations with women shouldn't be a valid reason to turn gay. Turning gay should not be about escapism but embracing sexual preferences.

    It's like if I said I wanna be lesbian because I can't get a man. Would not sound like a choice made in the best frame of mind. More like a choice made out of frustration 

    Often we regret what we decide when we are stressed out.


    There's some truth to this, but you shouldn't be a slave to your circumstances.


    10 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    Too narrow perspective on women. Women are fun to be with. I have had interesting conversations with men. 

    I'm sure you have, but that's just proving my point.  Men have better conversations; women are.. well.. at least you can have sex with them.. "fun".

  5. 14 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    Maybe you can try it for a few months.

    Try what?  Being gay?

    As I said, I'm 0% gay.  I'm seriously put off by any sort of masculinity.


    14 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    I wonder what you think about being bisexual ?

    Technically, I'm a "gynesexual", which is basically straight.  Bisexual would mean attraction to both masculinity and femininity.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    Why are you so turned off by women ?

    Why do you offensively put down women's intelligence ?

    Do women trigger you because they are just trying to talk ?

    Maybe focus on what's bothering you so much.


    I'd like to think it's not women-specific, but I can only give them the benefit of the doubt for so long.

    Women are simply MANY times more likely to make for poor conversation partners.  Women don't need to be smart, funny, or have hobbies for men to be interested in them.  Men will be attracted to them no matter what.  So, naturally, men are statistically far more likely to be fun to talk to.

    I really wish I was wrong, but this is just the way things are.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Matt23 said:

    Why do you want to be more gay?

    I thought this would be obvious.  There's not a single advantage to being straight, yet every advantage to being gay.

    Fuck that "proving you're assertive and brave, yet kind and gentle, but dominant and confident, yet sensitive and emotional" shit.  Not worth it.  I ain't jumping through anyone's hoops, not for any reason.



    Oh and.. fuck THIS shit.  @Leo Gura


  8. Just wondering if anyone's been successful in permanently changing their sexual preferences.  I know it's possible one way or another, but have never heard of it being done.

    Surely, when you expand your awareness wide enough, it should be possible to do something as simple as that?  Though, I'm worried it might take a Coral level of power, if not more.


    I'm currently at gay level 0.  How can I turn it up?

  9. omg.. Preety's posts are * literally * making me consider turning gay.  I might just compromise and find a trap or something.

    I'm hoping that the power of Turquoise will expand my awareness to the point of allowing me to change my sexual preferences.  In theory, should be possible.


    Shit, might have to start a thread on this now.

  10. 42 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

    @Milos Uzelac


    Since the point was broached, there are some inherent limitations to Spiral Dynamics as a personal development model.

    As a model for how Culture Value Codes (or worldviews)  function and evolve via a dialectical process it's brilliant and highly useful.

    But I would also argue that as a personal development model, worldviews are just one (albeit an important) aspect of one's growth and development. The problem with using SD to chart someone's overall development is that it collapses several different lines of development in to a single axis, and is ironically a subtle form of reductionism when used in that way.

    As I'm sure you'd agree, it's possible for someone to be at a level of depth and complexity significantly above or below their SD-Stage; something that a Spiral Dynamics doesn't really incorporate in to its model.

    A 15 year old might indeed resonate with Yellow, but it's probable that they're at a level of complexity and depth where the Yellow their working with is a flattened and simplified form.

    Likewise, someone like the Buddha wasn't 'Turquoise' (because that worldview didn't exist at that time), so much as an individual with a level of depth and complexity that was far greater than the Cultural Value memes that were available to him (which was likely SD-Blue)

    As SD is really just mapping out levels of awareness, I don't see a problem with calling someone like Buddha 'Turquoise' (though I don't really know much the Buddha).

    We say that Orange is all about money and success but, of course, we know this is just a manifestation of Orange's level of awareness.  Orange, itself, has nothing to do with money.

  11. 14 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    I believe it's kinda a false question right out the gate, which was something I was trying to imply in my first comment where I talked about the difference aspects of myself. We all have different sides of ourself at different levels of development. For example. you can be heavily Orange in many of your occupational and interpersonal domains (e.g. working on Wall Street, partying and snorting coke from some stripper's boobs) while you're flirting with Tier 2 in the cognitive and aesthetic domains (e.g. learning about Spiral Dynamics, systems thinking, complex systems theory, post-Kuhnian metaphysics etc.).

    When it comes to myself, I've lately been exploring a lot of Green in the political and ideological domain (socialism, LGBTQ issues, race, historical materialism, postmodernism, etc.), so it's maybe not so far off. Then I have also been retrieving and consolidating the constructive aspects of Blue that I had burned up during my Red rampage (structure, routines, discipline), getting back into the social game, partying, university etc. That is also a problem with trying to pin yourself down on SD when you're young, because you haven't really settled with anything yet.

    I actually strongly disagree with this.  "we're all the stages at the same time!" is a common idea I see on the forum.  It turns SD into some collection of traits rather than a coherent system, stripping it of any value.  You don't have to "become Blue" to have structure in your life.  Each stage can have structure.  The only reason Blue is known for structure is because it's the first stage to really discover it.  Orange has the structure of Blue, it just doesn't feel the need to focus on it.

    Being Orange while having aspects commonly associated with Blue doesn't make you Orange AND Blue, you're still just Orange.


    14 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Being Turquoise is not synonymous with adopting New Age platitudes (Green) like "living in the now"

    No one ever said it was.  Turquoise is very different to Green.


    14 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    ...or Purple or Blue or Orange or Yellow or Turquoise. Every stage of the spiral is concerned with some type of growth or future-oriented behavior to some degree.

    I only quoted that as it sounded specifically Green, not any other stage.  Even if other stages can have the same ideas, the wording/underlying-motivations can be unmistakably Green.


    14 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    If anything, Yellow and Turquoise are the most future-oriented stages there are.

    Yellow, yes.  Turquoise? Not so much.

    You have to remember that Turquoise sees everything as already being 100% perfect.


    14 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    why are people like Sadhguru running large-scale projects with millions of volunteers in order to save the environment?

    They're not.  Turquoise is rarely so proactive.  Never heard of Sadhguru doing something like this, but if he is, he won't be taking it seriously like a Green would.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Stomatopod said:

    Considering the brain isn't even fully developed until age 25, I suppose can already congratulate you on being the single most advanced human in the history of the world.

    lmao.. that's an interesting thing to say, with a bunch of funny implications, but I won't argue.

    There's nothing particularly amazing about being tier 2.  The only difference between me and tier 1s is time.  They'll come to the same point when they're ready.


    15 minutes ago, lmfao said:

    @thisintegrated For me, all those models becomes prisons eventually.

    MBTI for example, becomes a recognition and understanding of some archetypes. If you have a pattern seeking brain which makes connections you'll be drawn to such models, because you'll feel like you're really seeing these patterns. 

    Problem for me is that it becomes like a tumour. My mind can end up ruminating and getting obsessed in random rabbit holes.  Repetition of different impressions, feelings and thoughts with vivid imagery.

    If you ever get to the point where you're starting to see the patterns everywhere you look, it becomes a problem. It means your eyes aren't fresh.

    Yeah, it's easy to get trapped.  But intellectual obsession is still an important phase to go through.  On a broader scale, that's what Yellow is.  Yellow is about finding the actual truth; and then Turquoise is about throwing it all away.

    It's only bad if you get "stuck" on a model and are no longer thinking for yourself.

  14. 12 minutes ago, lmfao said:

    There was an obnoxious user many months ago who got very obsessed with spiral dynamics, trying to figure out other people's and his own SD stage constantly. [he eventually got banned] He was just constantly insecure, trying to set up hierarchies about it. Don't fall untill the same trap. It's like people online who overly obsess about IQ or MBTI types 

    lol, reminds me of this "stage Coral" guy I recently chatted with here who looked down on anyone below stage Coral.

    That said, models are, typically, a stage Yellow thing.  They're a tool for gaining knowledge and understanding, and should be encouraged.  Many models, such as the IQ test, or astrology (which is kind of treated like a model), can do more harm than good.  But models like MBTI/Socionics/SD/the-nameless-9-stages-of-human-development-model, are worth studying for decades as they can go very deep.

  15. 3 minutes ago, lmfao said:

    LMAO, "mod-like". I don't think that's a good argument if you're trying to pass it off as one, but if you're talking about his vibes (not his number of posts) well then that's just how you see it. I can see it, but it's just a fun comparison which says nothing meaningful.

    Knowing or trying to figure out what stage you are isn't important if you've known about SD for a while. 

    Sure it's not important, nothing is.  But it sure is interesting, and very worthwhile to learn.


    And yeah, I was mostly referring to his vibe.  Though, the kind of people that stick around in large numbers are Greens.  Anyone with a massive post count is most likely to be Green or Yellow, but Yellow is many times rarer than Green, so most that you'll see will be Green.  And I could write a bunch about why, but I'm trying to type less these days.

  16. 4 minutes ago, lmfao said:

    @Carl-Richard Makes sense yeah. Behind my age group as well at almost 21. Similar story here about being immature in most areas of life. 


    I think what you're both trying to say is.. You're not Se users.

    lol, should've been obvious, considering it's your 7th function.  The easiest one to ignore.


    But I wouldn't necessarily consider that immaturity, though maybe you are, idk.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

    I'm developmentally heterogeneous and quite young, so I'm only half-joking when I peg myself at Orange. I'm cognitively and temperamentally predisposed to Tier 2, but my theoretical immersion is limited (you can say I lack "practice" in this case which is kinda ironic lol). I'm overwhelmed spiritually. In one sense, it's my strongest side, a natural talent, but in another sense, it's a curse when it's paired with the heavy baggage of wordly immaturity. Financially, occupationally, educationally, interpersonally, and sexually, I'm pretty much 5 years behind my age group (and I'm only 23). I spent my late teens catching up on a huge Red shadow (strict parents, repressed emotions, anxiety) by heavily abusing weed, being anti-social and obsessively theorizing/contemplating, and not putting any effort into future-oriented behavior. It's only in the last couple of years I've started a holistic developmental arc where my goal is to contribute and grow and not be a self-absorbed leech.

    O, hey! You're around my age! :)


    heavily abusing weed

    Hmm, how does one.. "abuse" weed?  When I used to vape it, I viewed it as beneficial and educational.  Really, I can't see anything as being unhealthy in the big picture.



    being anti-social and obsessively theorizing

    Err.. these two are not the same.  One's Red, the other's potentially Yellow.



    not putting any effort into future-oriented behavior

    You sure you're not Turquoise? lmao



    my goal is to contribute and grow and not be a self-absorbed leech

    Well that certainly sounds like Green.  Though maybe not the healthiest perspective.


    I've no idea what stage you're actually at, but if I had to guess, maybe Green.  Or maybe the SD model doesn't fit you well.  iirc, ~98% of the mods on the forum are Green, and you've got 3.7k posts, making you "mod-like".  It would be ..unusual for you to be anything other than Green.