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Posts posted by thisintegrated

  1. 3 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

    Experiencing Infinity is inevitable because you’re already doing it. 

    I'm living as a human right now and nothing else because that's the only way to have this human experience.  Now, if infinity can never be approached, how will I experience every possible human experience? To experience infinity, I'd have to at some point experience e.g. my exact same life, but with blond hair, with green hair, etc.  and if I'm going through life in the way I am now, as a limited human, and not experiencing everything at once, then how will I ever circle back and have the same experience but slightly modified?  Infinity isn't a circle, I will never return to where I am now as I'd have to first go through an infinite number of other experiences.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    @thisintegrated following your reasoning, infinity does not begin or end. 

    I think everyone agrees infinity has no beginning or end.


    28 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    it can be said that you are experiencing the totality in this infinite instant

    Am I though?  On some level maybe, but not within my limited awareness as a human.

  3. We're obsessed with it because it's not talked about and the sudden realization that other people are just products of your mind hits hard.

    What makes it different from other big realizations is that it's obvious once it clicks, and can't be argued against as it's a fact.  You can only experience what your mind offers you, and absolutely nothing else.  

  4. On 10/03/2022 at 5:45 AM, Leo Gura said:

    It doesn't mean that.

    You ARE Infinity.

    But we don't experience this infinity all at once.  Only one life at a time.  


    On 10/03/2022 at 5:45 AM, Leo Gura said:

    That's the kicker: Heaven/Love is when you realize that there is no difference between any experiences, therefore they are all the Best.

    When you realize this, you realize Infinite Love.

    It's not that you must be without bias. It's that no bias exists at the highest levels of consciousness because you are too conscious to see a difference between anything.

    To say "you must be without bias" is to say "you must love". And the reason you must love is because that's what God is, and you are God.

    Ok that makes sense, but only in a broad/theoretical sense.  I will need to think about this.

    We're rarely in a "god state".  99% of the time we're living with only human-level awareness, and surely that's significant.  The bad experiences are only appreciated after death, so the quality of the life during its course should be important.

  5. I still need more opinions


    Infinity means we will never experience everything, so why not cherry pick the best experiences?  If the goal is to discover ourselves, then surely it would make more sense to have a larger sample size than a smaller one.

    While what's "best" might only exist subjectively from a human perspective, we're the ones who give all meaning to everything.  So a "best" determination should be perfectly valid.  Any experience you have will have an experiencer with preferences, so I don't get the "you must be without bias" logic.  Every role God plays is biased.



    Not sure if @Leo Gura ever properly addressed this, correct me if I'm wrong.

  6. Your human self has narrow awareness which is limited in what it can do.  If you were able to expand your awareness enough, you'd be able to do literally anything, but at that point your human self would be overwhelmed and fully assimilated into your expanded self. 

    Imagine if you could merge your brain with an ant's.  The ant would completely lose itself within the much bigger you.  How much say would the ant's portion have in your cognition?  Zero.  The ant basically no longer exists.  This is what would happen if you became powerful enough to do anything.  Your human self couldn't negotiate with your infinite self.

  7. Greater awareness = greater awareness of the good and bad. 

    And the less mature someone is, the more they'll focus on the bad as they're scared and want to feel in control of the bad/depressing things they've just discovered.


    There's actually a term for depressed, newly "spiritual" people.   We call them "stage Green".  They're aware enough to see the bad things in the world, but not quite aware enough to understand them or see the full picture.

  8. On 06/03/2022 at 2:56 AM, lxlichael said:


    We're inappropriately blending the biological with the existentially abstract and metaphysical in light of our inescapable relationship with the entropic forces of nature, that aside, it takes grandmaster to spot a grandmaster. There is undoubtedly an unavoidable developmental trajectory that what we've referred to as "ego" goes through, however the amenability of biological forces have always taken precedence over our bodily reactions, moreover, only a consciousness imbued with the biological power towards the awareness that allows them to transform those forces transmutationally, possesses any real legislative agency over the directionality of their consciousness, egoically, biologically and otherwise. As such, theoretical as it remains without biological accounts, it will stay in the pile of unread history of psychological literature and as much as confirmations are receptive to and account for the biological, spiral dynamics and literally any theory outside of the biological attempting to correspond to an apt description of psychological development will have the chance to express some merit. Spiral dynamics has been inappropriately formulated in my opinion, representing how the "present world" is represented in the mind as opposed to how the mind represents the world which is more akin to what would more accurately reflect a developmental theory concerning the psychology of the mind. We could be thrown into any myriad of juxtaposing realities, any of which falsify any utility and merit that the theory has. It asks the reader to perform the intelligence for them in terms of making accurate inferences of meta-mind rather than representing the theory itself from this perspective to begin with, as such, a future developmental theory, where all seriousness is considered, will always take precedence, and this is not far away at all. Theories like these should be forward predicting rather than backwards predicting, though, if it were so on par, then a replica of human consciousness via AI should be able to verify it by going through the same stages, it of course, will not, because consciousness growth is antithetical to the mostly linear way in which the theory has been proposed. Mental developmental doesn't have alinearity in the biological sense however in the egoic sense it most certainly can be relative to say one indicator, like a consciousnesses ability to integrate information, increasing/decreasing these limits is something that could be done in a replica to demonstrate this principle. 

    dude.. paragraph!!  I'll give you an F for readability.  B+ for effort.


    But I agree with some of your thoughts.  Too many here seem to think that past experiences are the only valid basis off which it's possible to come up with a theoretical framework of consciousness progression.  As you mentioned, we'd need AI, or at least super advanced machine learning, to properly figure it all out, but I don't think it's necessary just to make initial progress on Coral theory, and beyond, imo.  All answers are within, after all.

  9. 4 hours ago, SavourTime said:

    Wouldn't God in its infinite state not favour one experience over another? Because enjoyable would be a duality against not enjoyable. From an ego's point of view, I think Leo's quote is right. I haven't had an enlightenment/infinity experience yet but yeah it seem it's inevitable once the ego has died (either naturally or otherwise). What do you mean by "seems unlikely"? It would take a huge lot of intellectual thinking and research and putting pieces together for it all to make any sense. It is the fundamental of reality after all.

    "I would imagine you'd start experiencing diminishing returns as you keep having similar experiences" - Again all God really wants to do is experience every possibility. God isn't looking for a "return". I see that as a duality too: getting or not getting a "return".

    God wants to know itself.  By trying to explore every possibility, it would explore basically none.  You could spend trillions of trillions of years exploring a single atom.  Pointless.  Wouldn't teach you anything "meaningful".


    4 hours ago, SavourTime said:

    What kind of stage would you say you're at with the awakening path? Have you or are you thinking of doing something like psychedelics or yoga etc.?

    Yellow/Turquoise centre.  Done psychedelics dozens of time.  Have meditated on and off for a decade.





    (Just noticed a typo in the title.  I meant entirety, not entirely)

  10. 1 hour ago, RendHeaven said:

    There is no meaningful distinction found beyond Turquoise, since at Turquoise, the whole model is already transcended and the relativity of stage yellow is unified. The tiered divisions seem so arbitrary (because they are) once your circle of concern is COSMIC.

    One could say SD is a very stage yellow construction, reaching beyond itself as it were. So, "Coral" can only exist in the imaginations of pre-Turquoise human minds. "Stage Coral" is in no way real to anyone at or beyond Turquoise.

    In 10 000 years, will Turquoise still be the absolute limit?  While, yes, the model breaks when you go beyond Turquoise, there will still undoubtably be stages of progression that exist after Turquoise.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Vivaldo said:

    @thisintegrated honestly 

    I have not had high consciousness experiences in my entire life, still this solipsism shit is pretty obvious to me. It's just the way I think the design would be

    Maybe it is obvious, but so is love.  Yet, merely "understanding" love intellectually means little.  Realising you're god is not gonna result in an indifferent reaction.  No matter how high your IQ, actually realising you're god will shock you and make you cry.

  12. I assume you turned "anti-reincarnation" because of Leo's ideas?  Be careful not to fall too deep into his ideology.  He's mostly right about things, but he has his biases and blind spots.

    A "series of lives" is an experience in itself.  It adds another dimension to existence.  Each life on its own is an experience, but when you go from life to life, retaining/building some quality, that gives a whole additional layer of complexity to each life you have.


    But if you have doubts.. remember we live in infinity.. if you want a soul, you should be able to get one if you want??

  13. Before you say anything, I'm not Coral..


    But I believe I have found what may be the world's first example of stage Coral.  Someone far beyond Sadhguru & Ken Wilbur, with insights beyond anything Leo has uploaded.  After a few months of listening to them I've decided they're most likely legit.  They may even be beyond Coral, but the model's already broken at Coral, lol.


    What would you expect to see in someone who's definitively beyond Turquoise?  Serious replies only please.


    If there's enough interest, I may gather some resources on this person.

  14. Leo often says "you will experience everything, good and bad"

    But god has a will, and some experiences are more enjoyable than others, so I don't see why your god-self wouldn't cherry-pick experiences.  Now to answer my own title question.. I'm pretty sure you can never experience infinity, for obvious reasons, so "going through every experience" seems unlikely. But I could be wrong, this stuff rarely makes intellectual sense.



    I would imagine you'd start experiencing diminishing returns as you keep having similar experiences, and progress, at the soul level, would slow.

  15. This won't make sense to most, but I wanted to share anyway.


    I just listened to a super nostalgic old song I had forgotten, and had such a deep, profound experience.

    I feel like there is a specific perspective I tapped into.  It's the same feeling / perspective I sometimes experience when trying to imagine/remember existence before being born.  It has its own "taste".  It always feels weirdly nostalgic.  I don't know  exactly what triggers it, but it seems like a specific type of expanded awareness. 

    It's not quite "ego-less", but the "ego" takes on a "divine"/"magical" quality, and views the regular human experience through a much much more sophisticated lens. It's like I'm more human than ever, yet also more detached from being human than ever.




    It reminds me of how psychedelics can make you experience ordinary things "for the first time" again.

    Now, sure, each human's own perspective has value and is unique.  And sure, an experience of life from some kind of a god perspective might be more "ultimate" in some way, but I feel like the best way to go through existence would, in theory, be that "for the first time"  perspective I mentioned.  It's always unique, rich, and fascinating.  I feel like it's heaven, but a  "human"  specific version of it.  Maybe not a "perfect" heaven, but one with some old fashioned "style" or something .,.damn, I really can't communicate this properly?‍♂️?‍♂️


    Anyway, the problem is.. equilibrium/homeostasis will always win.   Extraordinary perspectives will always be a struggle to maintain.  I don't yet understand how to solve this, or if I even should. 

  16. 23 hours ago, lmfao said:

    Have to revisit this thread because I can't believe I didn't say it before, HxH . I rewatched it recently

    100% turquoise, especially with the ending episode in the 2011 version which explains the philosophy of the show in case  you missed it . Full on turquoise enlightenment type of shit there 

    Had a Turquoise-ish dream about HxH a few days ago.  It does, for some reason, give me strong Turquoise vibes sometimes. But I think it's mostly an Orange anime with some inspiration from Green.  It is a shounen.  Maybe it's the childlike optimism / carefree attitude of the series that makes it seem a bit Turquoise to me.


    23 hours ago, lmfao said:

    @Leo Gura Watch HxH 
