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Posts posted by thisintegrated

  1. 46 minutes ago, 4201 said:

    No worries, I actually am a big fan of Leo. I would never go on illegal forums to get advice from members pushing ideas like Love and nonduality. I'm here for the real shit : 5-MeO-DMT and making girls squirt over the phone. DId I mention my latest awakening btw? It was HUGEEEE

    Anyway, I think the guy responsible for the illegal forums is Nahm. He was the big criminal who was banned for telling Leo Reality = Love. What a nutcase. I think he had a website called actuality of being. Anyway don't ever go there, it's very dangerous to go in communities that are not run by Leo. 

    God that place is disgusting.  Doesn't even have dark mode, wtf.  Now I see why Leo is so angry.

  2. 4 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

    I am tripping on FREEDOM. I am getting high on life. Have you ever looked life in the eye? Have you ever truly done it? What does it feel as? As a rush of euphoria? Like a soul-assaulting fear of what is lower or a soulfully orgasmic push to what is higher? What, then, is the meaning of it? The other end is its meaning. (EDIT: regarding this note, gray is the meaning of black and white. Or purple is the meaning of blue and crimson). The high is the meaning of low, for one trapped in some mini closet thousands of miles under the earth in total darkness begs for the surface. And one who looks down and sees frost-covered hilltops knows the substance of the high is what it is certainly not.

    That is the nature of my implorations. For the meaning of success is known through the meaning of failure; their bond is unbreakably made into the universe and could access itself through what I know and then ask: the meaning of your success in the competent editing of the text so that it is abridged like a masterwork of theater into a children's format for many to enjoy!

    Alas, see how the eyes of life are fierce? But the eyes of life are your own . . . The eyes of life are your own!

    Crack confirmed.  I like your energy and creativity, but you should lower your dose and stick more closely to whatever point you're trying to make.

  3. 25 minutes ago, 4201 said:

    While didn't originally start as a cult, it progressively became worse ever since Leo made himself and his awakenings a central aspect of his videos. As a result of that, it became more about Leo than about self-help essentially becoming a cult. Looking at this it's not surprising that the forum is splintering. If you enjoy self-help and self-improvement but dislike Leo's ego and personality being a center of drama in this community, the other forum basically offers the same thing but free from this issue. 

    Careful there. Never know who's reading, lol.

  4. 12 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

    Now you are putting words in my mouth. Like how you deleted your offhand insult. That was not the edition I requested, not one of your comment to cover your tracks like a bow-and-arrow hunter evading the police whilst surviving in the wilderness but rather of the proper text. And yes, there is a rudiment of machinery and moderation to all of reality. So your little comment here is a synchronicity of universal importance whether you are conscious or sickeningly unconscious of it.

    mate, what are you on?  You must be trippin.

  5. Just now, Carl-Richard said:

    ...and you don't seem to want to clarify what you were saying.

    There are many spiritual discords already, but none exactly like this.

    By refusing to make an official discord, those who want faster (or more casual) discussion may end up finding spiritual discord communities to fill this gap, which would split up this community.  Forums are a dying thing, so with time this community will start to die, if it's not dying already.

  6. 7 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

    No, you have a substantial task at hand. It is not pertinent for you to give in to your indolence. Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins. It is something I abominate in you, Joseph. You are this: this integrated piece of a larger whole where your element in the machine is not meeting its quota, thereby disinclining it from its integrative status. It is intolerable, like British taxation. It requires erasing. Therein, your misery lies--in that grossly lazy talentlessness we call failure! So my assignment to you is to fix the text, if it so suits your wisdom.

    Haha, that's actually kinda funny, for a bot.

  7. 9 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

    @thisintegrated St. Joseph, it was written rapidly and maniacally. Might I enlist you to edit it for me, to pare it down for the masses?

    I'm too lazy to read it all.  You may want to divide it into smaller paragraphs, delete anything unnecessary to understand the point, and also provide a single sentence summary of what you're trying to say.

  8. 1 minute ago, Preety_India said:

    I also verbally abused. 

    I'm more guilty than him. 

    I own my blame. 






    It was purely my fault and I'm ashamed of myself. I can't beat myself enough. Why couldn't I have a moment of self control? I so wish I had not been so foolish and nuts. I gave into anger. I gave into my impulses. I should have known better. 


    I was being abusive and I need to own it.. But I took liberty in a moment of lacking awareness. I took liberty out of laziness and exhaustion. 


    I did wrong but unable to undo it. 



    Well take this as an opportunity to learn.  The worse your behavior, the more you'll progress once you figure it out.

    Figure out why you did what you did, accept any ugly behavior as part of you, and move on from it, paying more attention than you did before.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    Lovely comment. 

    lol, I was joking.  Of course no normal woman shouldn't be called a bitch, just like no man should be called an asshole or anything similar.  Verbal abuse should never be tolerated in a relationship.  It's only justified if e.g. she cheats on or intentionally disrespects the man.

  10. 7 hours ago, Benton said:

    The understanding yogis like Sadhguru have about Gods and Goddesses is that they where invented by people. Ones like Devi, Kali, and Shiva where consciously designed as a tool. They are possible to experience. 

    But creation only has one source. There is only one God. And that God is one thing which is me/you. So that God is responsible for the plural Gods and Goddesses. I mean they are also it. They are you.
    Achieving union with these beings can Awaken you. Maybe not to the extent Leo talks about though. 

    Haha, damn, didn't even know that.  I just intuitively came to the exact same conclusions as Sadhguru, that's cool.


    But yeah, they're ""Gods"", but not like the real "God" like what Leo talks about.  It's important to understand the distinction imo.  I've never heard anyone discuss this before.