Harlen Kelly

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Posts posted by Harlen Kelly

  1. 5 minutes ago, Lucas-fgm said:

    Serious, some women here are starting to sound delusional

    This has always puzzled me because the sex empowerment movement was back in the 60s, you would think more people, particularly women who were regarded as dirty for expressing their sexuality and having casual sex, would have a more progressive view on sex. 

    Very strange indeed. 

  2. @Preety_India Great, but I would like to you to answer my question.

    Do you consider that the women who typically have sex on the second or third date such as @Hulia  are devaluing themselves? Do you see that as a devaluing activity?

    9 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    She isn't losing anything as much as you're trying to imply by making her feel replaceable.

    I mean, there are 3.5 billion of them, saying they are not replaceable is mathematically inconsistent. Men are replaceable as well. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Emerald said:

    I would tend to be attracted to men who are emotionally intelligent and caring, who are authentic and not very hung up on sex.

    So you are not very much into sex? that explains it. That's atypical.

    4 minutes ago, Emerald said:

    Just to give some celebrity examples, I would be interested in the type of guy who has a vibe like Steve Irwin or Bob Ross or someone like that. Or like a Rupert Spira of Adyashanti type of guy. Or like Cornel West or something. 

    There are hundreds of women who just like you would like to be with them, that does not necessarily mean they will act on that or anything but those are high value men. You really think given the amount of options they have they would wait 3 months until you finally decide to give it up? I don't think so. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Emerald said:

    Mind you, the type of men that I find high quality, wouldn't even register on your radar as a high quality man. And the type of man you believe is high quality, would be low quality in my book. 

    Who is that, they guy who most women find unattractive which is why he does not have options?

    Again, if that is the type of guy you want to attract then go right ahead, but don't delude yourself into thinking that you are somehow ''sorting the wheat form the chaff'', spoiler alert, you are definitely not. 

  5. @Emerald You are not sorting the wheat from the chaff because an exceptional man (leader, purpose driven, charismatic, in the zone, etc..) will not wait 3 months to sleep with a woman. 

    Why? because since he is an exceptional guy, other women will want to be with him as well, he does not need to wait for sex. This is so obvious.

    Guys without options need to wait for sex, they don't have options because they are perceived as unattractive by women.  

    If that is the type of guy you want to attract then go right ahead, but don't delude yourself into thinking that you are somehow ''sorting the wheat form the chaff'', spoiler alert, you are definitely not. 

  6. @Emerald Hahhhhahaha, have you considered doing stand-up comedy? 

    You are outstandingly selfish in regards to your bias as a female, and label the male bias as ''low quality'' which is not very sophisticated. Leo pointed that out multiple times but you are completely oblivious to that pattern.

    Guess what? The current Emerald who you have to wait 3 months to have sex with is not ''high value'' for 90% of men (and high value guys would stay miles way from that because they simply don't have to deal with it since they have options), the emerald in her 20s when she is in her prime physically, and she doesn't wait 3 months to give it up would be regarded as ''high value'' by 90% of heterosexual men. 

    Surprise, surprise. 

  7. 25 minutes ago, Emerald said:

    That's incorrect. Women are the selectors, not men. 

    You are the selector only up until  the moment you get nailed. Only men without options will continue to pursue a woman after closing instead of letting her pursue them to determine if they want to stablish a relationship with her or not. 

    It is women who romanticize the idea of monogamy and marriage, not men. 

    You don't do any pursuing after getting nailed? you either stay on the rotation (casual sex) or I stop contacting you, very simple.

  8. @StarStruck How do you get so emotionally invested on a complete stranger chick? 

    There is nothing to be ''sad'' about, a chick rejected you, so what? Far worse things will happen in your life.

    DO NOT invest emotionally on a chick before closing. By the way, one of the main reasons why you are feeling hurt is because you expected her to go on a date, get rid of that believe. Women (or anybody) don't owe you a date, or sex. You won't feel hurt if you get rid of that expectation, instead work on your game so that women want to sleep with you not out of pity or expectation, but out of genuine desire. 

  9. @Hulia This should not be so difficult for you to comprehend, the fact that a guy approaches does not mean he knows how to attract women or that he is a PUA. 

    Again, for the third time,  think of the guy who captivated you the most emotionally, that is the guy we are referring to. 

    Not a caricature in your mind, but they guy who once rocked your world, that guy.

  10. 29 minutes ago, Emerald said:

    If you're begging on your knees, you'd lose a high quality man.

    It's an analogy to illustrate what a man who has captivated your emotions can get you to do. I did not mean literally.

    21 minutes ago, Emerald said:

    It's very different from what you experience in a hook-up with a pick up guy. The pick up guy, if he's really good, can give you some fun sexual experiences. That's about it.

    This is what most men are interested in, after that you are the one who has to prove to be worthy of a monogamous relationship. I already attracted and nailed you. If you don't prove to be worthy of a monogamous relationship you either stay in the rotation or a stop contacting you.

  11. @Emerald In other words when you were at the very peak of your physical attractiveness which is usually your 20s, you had sexual escapades with guys you found attractive enough to sleep with them rather quickly (which by the way, there nothing wrong with that), yet you are suggesting that a guy should wait when you yourself did not, can you not see the absolute hypocrisy in your position?

    24 minutes ago, Emerald said:

    You're defining things in terms of sex, when sex isn't the biggest priority from women's POV

    Relationship is not the biggest priority from men's POV. 

    24 minutes ago, Emerald said:

    But most women aren't into that, and don't get that much stimulation from hooking up.

    Nevertheless, when you were at the peak of your physical attractiveness, you were into it (which is what matters to most men). Now that you are a bit older you need a different survival strategy. Most women have the same wake up call after their party days, you are not special in that regard. It's called the CC.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    A guy who knows what he's doing can pickup a girl without talking at all. Try it sometimes. Go out and pretend like you lost your voice and try to sleep with a girl without saying a single word. You might be shocked at how effective it is.

    You need to be fairly experienced with women to pull that off. The vast majority of guys starting out would not be able to do it.

  13. 12 minutes ago, Lucas-fgm said:

    I remember when I  started my dating life in my teens, I spent almost a year after a girl in the hope fucking her. In the end, she rejected me, and days after, she slept with a really older guy( she was 18 and the guy was almost 30)  that she met on the SAME day. That was shocking for me lol


    Exactly. The women who play coy (including women of the forum) either have multiple times in the past or would sleep with a guy the same day they find attractive enough (whatever being an attractive man is in their minds). 

    It's hypocritical nonsense, which is why it has to be discarded. it's merely a childish game women play. 

    Some even go to the extent of slut shaming in the name of playing coy, incredible to behold. 

  14. @Hulia No Hulia, you did not get my point. 

    Again, think of a time a guy was able to make you feel the deepest emotions you have ever felt. That guy knew (whether consciously or unconsciously) how to evoke those emotions, his behavioral pattern and way of being completely captivated you. 

    He can easily replicate the same result with other women because he knows how to attract them. 

    That's the type of guy I am referring to, the one that got you begging for him to be with you. 


    20 minutes ago, Hulia said:

    And your PU tactics are as anti-emotional as fuck. They are rational, they aim directly into pussies, avoiding our emotions. And then you wonder, why they dont work. If you ask me 1 success out of 20, it´s a miserable rate, showing that they don´t work either. 

    Lol. Think of the last time you fell crazy in love with a guy, think how easily he was able to captivate your emotions and satisfy you in the bed and the emotional rollercoaster you felt when you were with him. 

    Have anybody in mind? well, that guy understood and embodied the main principles of ''PU tactics'' as you call them.

    ''How would you feel if I kept telling you I need a blowjob? You'd rightly call me selfish.''

    This is a very important point for the inhabitants of Fantasyland.

  16. 19 minutes ago, somegirl said:

    So if a woman says no to sex after one month of knowing each other, it's okay for a guy to ditch her for expressing her needs and boundaries? Okay, let it be. I would rather be ditched than do something I'm not comfortable with. 

    It's actually very simple to understand, men (and women) who have a high level of attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex tend to leverage their attractiveness. 

    How would that behavioral  pattern translate to a guy? A guy with a lot of options with women does not have to wait for sex because he has women around him that would be down to have sex with him immediately. It's a fairly simple concept to grasp.

    The higher the level of attractiveness and sex appeal of the guy, the more options he will have.