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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. @mandyjw There is nothing you can do about any of this. Any attempt to interfere with what is IS resistance to what is. Accept your thoughts. Accept your wants and desires. Accept the resistance. Accept, Accept, accept until the sense of a doer disappears.
  2. @SoonHei Use the pictures to determine where you are on the path and do the work necessary. You don't need to make sense of the pictures ahead of you.
  3. @lmfao That usually what happens after the initial seeing. You can read more about it here.
  4. @Tony 845 It's an enlightenment experience. The loss of self. A realization of your true nature.
  5. @OneLittleHumanMind Sometimes the urge to make progress can hinder a real breakthrough so maybe that is something to look into?
  6. You will. You won't be able to point to the one benefitting. So technically the is no one benefitting from it. At the same time there is still your body that you live your life through.
  7. That's is a good question. I don't think I have a good answer to it. The truth is that nothing changes, life will continue on as ordinary. But also everything changes nothing will ever be the same. Desire will still be after the realization.
  8. @Pouya the difference is wanting sex money and fame is an unending circle of suffering. Wanting enlightenment eventually leads to seeing that the circle never will make you happy.
  9. @Tony 845 It's usually triggered by an experience such as a samadhi. The ego clings on to the experience and creates an identity around it. I've heard it's more common than not for it to happen and something I've experienced as well.
  10. @Nadosa What helped me during similiar times was getting more in touch with my body. Exercise is a way to drain away resistances that may arise. Also the thoughts occuring might be connected with feelings in the body. Explore those feelings without mentally label them.
  11. What is this meaning/meaninglessness? Where in your experience does it occur? Do you have any daily practice you use? Something like surrender can help you to let go of resistances.
  12. I would say that separation from others is caused by the mind and all suffering too. It depends on how one defines suffering though. What I've heard is that awakening through the heart takes longer time than awakening through mind but both are legit ways though.
  13. @mochafrap Attachment is a concept used to describe the movement of the separate self. Ultimately it's true that only this moment exist and that you are everything and nothing but unless you have realized that the movement of the separate self continues to cling onto (attach) and push away experiences. Demonizing something is equal to pushing it away. That it is bad and unwanted. That is a movement of the separate self. Isn't it hilarious that the separate self demonizes itself?
  14. @SaaraSabina You'll act without thinking how you should act. It will be spontaneous and effortless. You'll be yourself.
  15. @Superfluo Do you really need to know this? Does meditation work for you to achieve your desired outcomes? The realization is that there is no you to perceive sounds. The perception happens without any perceiver and the boundary of inside and outside dissolves.
  16. Have you heard about the concept of oneness? This might be an avenue to explore. Would you say that you are experiencing duality now? You, which is nothingness or whatever word you prefer, and everything else. What chooses which thoughts and feelings to act upon? Are there "resistance" to certain thoughts and feelings?
  17. @lmfao If it's grounded in you own enlightenment work then, yes, there is a point to talk about it. But if it's just a random discussion about spiritual concepts it's just a distraction.
  18. @Nadosa Yeah the pendulum back and forth is no joke. But you are alone in this, completely alone.
  19. @Baotrader if the body is in pain there will be pain unless you take painkillers. Is that what you are talking about or is it 'negative' feelings in the stomach area such as fear or anxiety?
  20. It's easy to take these spiritual concepts and turn them into beliefs about reality. These beliefs manifests in the body as those negative feelings you describe. What are actually true in your own experience? Are these beliefs true? Do you identify with nothing or a person?
  21. @CroMagna Yes do nothing meditation is a way to let go of control. The desire to quiet the mind is the will to control.
  22. What is it that wants to be without thought?
  23. Why? I'm sure mind will come up with alot of answers. But there is no answer to this. It just happens. 1. There is no source. 2. The same reason we do the laundry or go out for a walk.
  24. Do you have to silence it, can't you just stop listening to it?