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Posts posted by Yamak9889

  1. Monday 07.02.2022



    Woke up at 1 cuz I stayed up late cuz I had to pick up baba from the airport


    stayed in bed for like half an hour on the phone... v bad I wanna fix dis


    My nephews and niece came to our house, we had dinner then I played Minecraft with them. Started to build our house in Minecraft but shit is gonna take forever lol












    League, and my sister asked me if I can drive her girls to the gymnastics training I refused cuz I was playing league and was tired of corona.


    my dad went and drove the girls to the gymnastics while I continued to play league and talk to axel and spend time on instagram


    league, insta, whatsapp


    league insta whatsapp


    league insta whatsapp


    league insta whatsapp


    stopped playing league at 8 cuz I wanna try to fix my sleep schedule. I'll probably stop at 7 today cuz the earlier the better


    Helped dad with his ipad


    was in bed since 9 pm watching friends 


    tried to sleep early but couldn't do that since I woke up at 1 am. I ended up falling asleep between 1-2 am. Which is fine cuz I woke up at 9 the next day. Major improvement lol

  2. Ayeee! so basically I wanna keep track of wtf I'm doing throughout the day. I've been wasting way too much time playing games, watching anime, and porn :D.
    So, I decided to use this as a way to get myself back on track, by being more productive, starting working out again, and learning new things every day.

    Monday 07.02.2022

    • 5:00
    • 5:30
    • 6:00
    • 6:30
    • 7:00
    • 7:30
    • 8:00
    • 8:30
    • 9:00
    • 9:30
    • 10:00
    • 10:30
    • 11:00
    • 11:30
    • 12:30
    • 13:00
    • 13:30

    Bad start of the day cuz I spent last night playing league with tala til 5 am 

    • 14:00

    dumped the garbage and helped mom to clean the house. What I did was very minimal tho I should've helped more tbh. I'll do dat next time

    • 14:30

    played more league

    • 15:00

    watched ppl playing league

    • 15:30

    watched league coaching on yt

    • 16:00

    Ate dinner

    • 16:30

    More league

    • 17:00

    Ate like 4 chips bags gotta stop dat binge eating shit and chill

    • 17:30


    • 18:00

    • 18:30


    • 19:00


    • 19:30


    • 20:00


    • 20:30

    went to the living room chilled wit mom a bit then went back to my room, and started to look for an app to track my day. Couldn't find an ideal app so I started making my own thing on word. But found that a bit difficult to work with every single day. 

    • 21:00

    Then I remembered this website and came here and started doing this journal thingy hehe :D

    • 21:30

    Doing this journal, checked what time my father's plane arrives cuz I gotta pick him up

    • 22:00

    wasted time on instagram

    • 22:30

      made some dinner
    • 23:00

      waiting to pick dad up at 1 am
    • 23:30

    • 24:00

  3. My father has been diagnosed with bipolar for years and I've never learned how to interact and deal with his ups and downs, and my family and I had a hard time dealing with him.

    So, I've decided to seek help in the forum and see if anyone has experienced bipolar or has any kind of information that can help me deal with my situation a little better. 

    I typed "Bipolar" in the search bar on the forum and I've noticed a member called "BipolarGrowth" He has been diagnosed with bipolar type 1 for a long period of time and he's been active quite a lot of the forum. So, I shot him a message hoping that he can lend a hand and help me deal with my father and understand his condition better.

    I was amazed when I found out that he (Brandon Rohe) is his name hahaha. Has a legit youtube channel where he shares his greatest insights and experiences with bipolar, psychedelics, meditation, and many more helpful topics. 

    By watching his videos alone I immediately felt like I was gaining so much valuable information, and as I was continuing to watch his videos my phone's notification bell rang, so I went to see who it is and to my surprise it was HIM!!! Brandon Rohe himself! 

    He came and asked me, how can he help. And I've sent him a couple of long messages, that he took the time and effort to read, listen and respond to! I feel so fortunate to have met such a unique person that has so much knowledge on such serious mental issues and spirituality at the same time.

    He did not stop there. As my texts were getting a little more complicated he decided that it would be better if he called me and we discuss it on the phone. 

    We talked for a long period of time on the phone maybe around an hour or so!

    He was very caring, listening with great attention, and giving great and precise advice and explanation to the issues that I was stating. I do not know how I can thank this guy enough. He has helped me so much with the issue of understanding and dealing with my bipolar father.

    I wish him all the best, and I highly recommend him to anyone who needs any type of information on mental issues and spirituality. This dude knows his stuff!!! He is very intelligent and knowledgeable. I am truly fortunate to have met him!

  4. @PepperBlossoms

    U did not answer my question. 

    Did you experience Non-Duality? I am putting all my money on the "no" answer

    I think you've fallen into one of the ego traps. Look at my critique as a way to increase your development.

    also, I may be just wrong and have a different perspective on everything.

    If you did not experience yourself being everything. and freak out then you still got work to do.

    Best of luck ;D

  5. 5 hours ago, Tim R said:

    I also plan to somehow connect my degree with psychedelics, mysticism and nonduality

    Heck yeah


    5 hours ago, Tim R said:

     people respect you more in the scientific community. 



    5 hours ago, Tim R said:

    Where do you study?

    German Jordanian University. In Jordan (middle east). I get to travel to Germany in my last year and apply for jobs. 

    with my enthusiastic personality and high levels of social skills. I'll easily get a job and stay in Germany. 

    PS: I have a whole year to find a job lol -- I can also use that time for internships.

  6. 9 hours ago, PepperBlossoms said:

    it can be beneficial to not only build up the strong areas, but to try to build up the weak areas too.

    this is philosophy. you're adopting other people's understanding and applying it to yourself and others.

    I have a completely different philosophy than all u and those people in the video.

    But if you want u can send me a message telling me about what you want from all these questions that u ask here. 

    What's your end goal? the point you're trying to reach? 

    If your asking how can I increase my emotional intelligence, my answer is simple; analyze every single experience that you have. 

    When someone yells ask urself why does he yell. Go google it and this way your wisdom will increase and so your emotional intelligence will increase as well

  7. 9 hours ago, PepperBlossoms said:

    @Yamak9889 True.  Then comes the question of - what is the key to unlock the door of the closed-minded person?  What sentence do I need to tell them to pry open the door?  What image do they need?  What story should I tell?  What documentary should I have them watch?

    I have tried with some people and have yet to make any dents.

    Oh deaar... I am afraid you still have much to learn :( did you actually experience non-duality? 

    it does not matter if you help them or not. caring isn't a thing. only the false self cares. only the false self has emotions. 

    The soul does not have emotions the soul is an (IS) you need to drop all your knowledge of right and wrong and I should do this and should not do that and start looking at everything as (IS) 

    I saw your profile you keep asking more and more questions. this will only guide you to a weird place of the false self.

    it's a trap. 

    The lives of others don't matter and neither does yours. That is a fact you'll understand once you kill your false self.

    I hope what i'm saying make any sense.

    Just for a couple of days forget everything you've been taught and only believe what you experience. go deep deep into meditation and breathwork and you'll kill the false self and recognize that you're god. From your own experience. not from what Leo says or What I say.

    study psychology as well. There is a ton of studies that show u that u shouldn't give advice to close-minded people however close they are.