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Posts posted by NK13

  1. Hey everyone,

    If you ever took a business course, you probably have noticed, how most business gurus try to sneak in some of their right wing poison to the course. Whether anti abortion bs, climate change denial or some conspiracy theory, you name it.

    It's true, that biz is very related to capitalism, which naturally explains the conservative political views, but is there any way to learn the basics of business without having to endure their political propaganda? I'd be happy if you can provide any resources.

  2. Going through personal development journey, I'd assume most people would have to step outside their comfort zone and expose themselves to unpleasant experiences they fear, whatever their goal might be, it's necessary. Just like hitting the gym and intentionally damaging the muscle, solely for the reason they'll be stronger, we cause damage to the ego and peel off its layers and reconstruct stronger ones by exposing ourselves to such experiences. My question is how do you determine where it gets extreme and it might hurt you more than it actually helps? and where do you draw the line? I'd like to compare it with a soldier who gets back with ptsd from war. 

  3. @Matthew85

    55 minutes ago, Matthew85 said:

    In your states of Absolute Omniscience, how would you describe your desire to create what you are currently expericing versus an infinite number of other scenarios you could have written for yourself?

    Check out this trip report. It kinda helped me with such questions :)


  4. "The teachers of the purpose of existence. - Whether I regard human beings 
    with a good or with an evil eye, I always find them engaged in a single 
    task, each and every one of them: to do what benefits the preservation of 
    the human race. Not from a feeling of love for the race, but simply 
    because within them nothing is older, stronger, more inexorable and 
    invincible than this instinct - because this instinct constitutes the essence 
    of our species and herd. One might quickly enough, with the usual 
    myopia from five steps away, divide one's neighbours into useful and 
    harmful, good and evil; but on a large-scale assessment, upon further 
    reflection on the whole, one grows suspicious of this tidying and 
    separating and finally abandons it. Even the most harmful person may 
    actually be the most useful when it comes to the preservation of the 
    species; for he nurtures in himself or through his effects on others 
    drives without which humanity would long since have become feeble or 
    rotten. Hatred, delight in the misfortunes of others, the lust to rob and 
    rule, and whatever else is called evil: all belong to the amazing economy 
    of the preservation of the species, an economy which is certainly costly, 
    wasteful, and on the whole maybe foolish - but still proven to have 
    preserved our race so far. I no longer know whether you, my dear fellow 
    man and neighbour, are even capable of living in a way which is 
    damaging to the species, i.e. 'unreasonably' and 'badly'. What might 
    have harmed the species may have become extinct many thousands of 
    years ago and may by now belong to the things that are no longer 
    possible even for God. Pursue your hest or your worst desires, and 
    above all, perish! In both cases you are probably still in some way a 
    promoter and benefactor of humanity and are thus entitled to your 
    eulogists - as well as to your mockers! But you will never find someone 
    who could completely mock you, the individual, even in your hest 
    qualities, someone who could bring home to you as far as truth allows 
    your boundless, fly- and frog-like wretchedness! To laugh at oneself as 
    one would have to laugh in order to laugh.from the whole truth - for that, 
    not even the hest have had enough sense of truth, and the most gifted 
    have had far too little genius! " -Nietzsche, the gay science 

  5. 6 hours ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

    We for example don't call raindrops falling to the ground, a process of "falling in love with the ground out of their desire", we acknowledge it to be to the force of gravity due to the collected mass forming into raindrops.

    But what drives "gravity" to pull things down? Or what drives gravity to be the way it is? 

    6 hours ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

    I don't oppose the process of unity. I only opposing your lack of acknowledgement to how you arive at your understanding of the word unity. There is no unity outside of any prior separation. I think you can agree with that atleast.

    Unity by its own concept (regardless if you awakend to it or not) must include everything within itself—not even nothing can be outside it. One cannot have the whole or unity on one side, and the parts, forms, or differences on another. You see?

    To grasp a concept which contains everything in its full difference and contradiction in respect to itself, yet is not an empty abstraction like pure being or empty nothingness is not an easy task. 

    So unity is only unity by virtue of the parts and differences which make it up, and these differences only are differences insofar they find themselves in a united whole and their respective place to each other within the context of the whole. 

    This separation and these Differences, when looked at from a higher consciousness, they'll seem tautological. So they're differences that really aren't differences lol

  6. @Oeaohoo Thanks for the answers! Very helpful :)

    38 minutes ago, Oeaohoo said:

    How could you develop toward oneness? It already is what it is.

    Yeah I was trying to understand this. I think he claims it's and has always been Absolute Spirit but it's deceiving itself. My problem with his claim that the Absolute is a result, is by definition, nothing can precede the Absolute how could the finite possibly precede the Infinite.. but yeah

  7. @Oeaohoo You're kinda contradicting yourself tbh 

    6 hours ago, Oeaohoo said:

    They grow in separation simply because time itself is a movement away from the original manifestation of the world out of consciousness. As time goes on, the memory of this origin becomes more distant.

    At first you claim with time the separation grows 

    6 hours ago, Oeaohoo said:

    You don't have to take my word for it: what else did Plato mean when he said that all real understanding is remembering

    Then you say this which is quite the opposite?!

    Anyway the Platonic concept of anamnesis and of the Neoplatonic theory of emanation would be rather closer to Hegel's Idea of Progess. For Hegel, truth is not only, as 
    for Plato, something that does not change and is eternal, but truth is, on the contrary, a result. Which is my essential question. 

    Is oneness a result of historical development and all people would be involved in it or more like just YOU as an individual awaking? Maybe it's an overlap?! If it's the later what's the point of societal Progress anyway?

    On 23.8.2022 at 5:27 PM, Oeaohoo said:



  8. 1 hour ago, Oeaohoo said:

    at this point, consciousness realises itself once again and collapses into Oneness.

    So they grow ever more in seperation and suddenly at some point it happens? how does that happen? and how do you know? 

    and what's "end of time"?

    1 hour ago, Oeaohoo said:

    The rest go round and round in this fashion until they finally wake up...

    then what?

  9. 10 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

     Hegel's a decent philosopher, but don't get trapped into mental masturbation. Less philosophizing, more practicing being, like me.

    The problem with this kind attitude is that you end up with insights with no relation to the bigger picture if you don't put them in context. I see Hegel here making sense of consciousness development for society as a whole. Philosophy is not necessarily always mental gymnastics, you have to think about what you directly experience.

    16 hours ago, Oeaohoo said:

    He spoke about spirit without ever having seen it, he spoke about God without ever having been it.

    I guess you were buddies and you know a lot about him ;)

    So what's the point of Progress if not consciousness realizing itself and collapsing into Oneness? 

  10. So I was reading Hegel's lectures on the Philosophy of History and found these paragraphs interesting, where he proposes that the objective and Goal of Geist (Spirit) is ultimately to know itself. @Leo Gura it reminds of your claim that God will eventually awaken to itself but I'm kinda confused of whether it's a historical development of Nature/Mankind that takes millions of years or it's rather an individual awakening? I know you can say wake up for yourself now nevertheless I'm interested in your interpretation of history. 

    "The principle of Development involves also the existence of a latent germ of being — a capacity or potentiality striving to realize itself. This formal conception finds actual existence in Spirit; which has the History of the World for its theatre, its possession, and the sphere of its realization. It is not of such a nature as to be tossed to and for amid the superficial play of accidents, but is rather the absolute arbiter of things; entirely unmoved by contingencies, which, indeed, it applies and manages for its own purposes..."

    "Between the Idea and its realization — the essential constitution of the original germ and the conformity to it of the existence derived from it — no disturbing influence can intrude. But in relation to Spirit it is quite otherwise. The realization of its Idea is mediated by consciousness and will; these very faculties are, in the first instance, sunk in their primary merely natural life; the first object and goal of their striving is the realization of their merely natural destiny — but which, since it is Spirit that animates it, is possessed of vast attractions and displays great power and (moral) richness. Thus Spirit is at war with itself; it has to overcome itself as its most formidable obstacle. That development which in the sphere of Nature is a peaceful growth is, in that of spirit, a severe, a mighty conflict with itself. What Spirit really strives for is the realization of its Ideal being; but in doing so, it hides that goal from its own vision, and is proud and well satisfied in this alienation from it..."


  11. I was reading Nietzsche's La gaya scienza and found one of his aphorisms particularly interesting, maybe he had some mystical experiences before he went insane. 

    "The Heaviest Burden. What if a demon crept after you into your loneliest loneliness some day or night, and said to you: "This life, as you live it at present, and have lived it, you must live it once more, and also innumerable times; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and every sigh, and all the unspeakably small and great in thy life must come to you again, and all in the same series and sequence - and similarly this spider and this moonlight among the trees, and similarly this moment, and I myself. The eternal sand-glass of existence will ever be turned once more, and you with it, you speck of dust!" - Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth, and curse the demon that so spoke? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment in which you would answer him: "You are a God, and never did I hear anything so divine!" If that thought acquired power over you as you are, it would transform you, and perhaps crush you; the question with regard to all and everything: "Do you want this once more, and also for innumerable times?" would lie as the heaviest burden upon your activity! Or, how would you have to become favourably inclined to yourself and to life, so as to long for nothing more ardently than for this last eternal sanctioning and sealing?" §341 

  12. I agree. The capacity of animals to be more satisfied than we by mere existence is often abused by egotistic and heartless man, and is often exploited to such an extent that he allows them absolutely nothing but bare existence. For example, the bird that is organized to roam through half the world, is confined to a cubic foot of space where it slowly pines to death and cries and the highly intelligent dog, man's truest and most faithful friend, is put on a chain by him. I never see such a dog without feelings of the deepest sympathy for him and of indignation against his master.

  13. On 7.3.2021 at 11:24 PM, Onecirrus said:

    I hate that I have these impulses. I hate myself for acting on them, anger almost always follows an orgasm.

    “Directly after copulation, the devil’s laughter is heard.” - Schopenhauer 

    Schopenhauer called the sadness or melancholia that follows an orgasm "devil's laughter". Directly afterwards, we realize that we pursue procreation irrationally and unwillingly, without our own happiness in mind. We stare at the abyss of meaninglessness momentarily. It is the realization that we are all slaves to the will of life, no matter how rational we think we are.  

    Interestingly, Schopenhauer thought that such drive is necessary because unless it exists, we have to be crazy to want to reproduce. ? 

  14. It seems like our diversity and heterogeneity destroy unity. Moreover diversity is now celebrated as uniqueness, regardless of how much mimicry is involved within  every individual's existence. The more diversity, the more insensitivity there is towards unity, until the actions towards unification actually become discouraged altogether, which is why there is even competition at all. Competition cannot exist without an adjudicative comparison which is laid upon a foundation of fear and contempt, This contempt manifests the envelopment of disrespect towards everything sacred. 


  15. Obviously there is an infinite set of beliefs one can believe in, but most would be nearly as useless as having no belief system at all. As belief systems grow in complexity, beyond simple common sense generalizations, these systems attempt to also explain and understand. Belief systems can be classified into two basic flavors: science and religion.

    What are the distinctions between a science and a religion? At first glance one might be inclined to state that a science is a system where beliefs are derived from objective methodologies and that a religion is a system of beliefs based on faith. However, a conscious entity practicing science can only draw on its subjective experiences to form beliefs. This means that no matter how objective science appears to be, there are generally two assumptions which musty be taken entirely on faith.

           1) There exists an external objective reality
           2) There exists some sort of uniformity through time
           So, the universe has a structure also predictions and generalizations are possible.

    Even though these assumptions exist in science it should be noted that as stated before, there is no way around them if we are to attempt to function without difficulty in this universe. Other than those assumptions which are absolutely necessary, science rejects assumptions of faith. Science is a belief system which aims to minimize faith. Religion, on the other hand, is a belief system based completely on faith.

    It is worth noting that all of humankinds myriad diverged lines of inquiry in Science and Theology are really asking after the same mystery and all the seemingly separate puzzles are really different aspects of the same puzzle. So that one answer contains all the answers and one key unlocks all the doors. Science long seen as the antagonist and adversary of Religion, all along was its friend and helper; encouraging the abandonment of nonsensical doctrines and leading Religion closer to the truth about God. The full unification of Science and Religion will produce better Religion and a more complete Science. True Religion is completely reasonable and it was always the destiny of Science to be made Sacred.

    I believe that the ultimate destiny of all the Worlds Religions is for them to be finally reconciled with one another and unified into a single whole. The necessary key for the realization of this difficult process is the propogation and wide spread acceptance of the original truth behind all Religion, namely the eternally recurring idea that Everyone is God. or let's hope so.

  16. Is true passion something I'm born with (to be found within) or rather something I've chosen and developed through the years? No matter what you do, you still have a feeling that you should be following a different, more ambitious/ meaningful path. I know it might be some tricks the ego is playing on me to never be satisfied. Of course, on a metaphysical level none of this is true nor does it matter, but still you have to survive ;) . I wonder if I found what I believed would make me happy (life purpose) would I still have the misery that drove me to seek? And so the search starts again. It's like a never ending cycle.