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Posts posted by Karmadhi

  1. 54 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Biden is not corrupt. He has a lot of integrity. Is he centrist, mainstream, and status quo? Sure, of course. But I would not confuse that with corruption proper. Trump is corrupt to the bone.

    People are so bad at appreciating Biden's leadership in our currently hyper-partisan times. Biden is demonstrating remarkable leadership. Of course he's not a bleeding-heart Green the way leftists want. But that's okay. You gotta appreciate Biden relative to our times and the rest of the possibilities. The key mistake is expecting him to be a Bernie Sanders. He never promised that. Biden's promise has always been common sense moderate positions. That's not a bad thing when many people are radicalized.

    I don't love Biden but I appreciate his steady and commonsense approach in wild times. People have utterly lost their appreciation of this quality.

    What about all the clips of him being unable to articulate normal sentences and looking like someone with dementia.

    Would you trust your country to someone that offers a handshake to pure air?

    There are dozens of clips of him doing such silly stuff, it is not something that happened a few times.

    Some people say he is not even leading, he is unable to and is just a front person.

    Even if he is taking all the decisions, having someone in that mental state lead a country to me seems ridiculous. 

  2. 35 minutes ago, something_else said:

    I think dating coaches and pickup people often have quite a warped idea of what femininity really is

    Most guys do not like to clean or cook. They prefer to outsource that to women and they pay for their meals and drinks, especially if they have money.

    In general roles are more divided in conservative societies and men prefer that because they get a better deal out of it.

    In feminist societies women get the better deal.

    Just selfishness 101.

  3. 15 minutes ago, something_else said:

    I mean guys frame it like this in their head but really I'm pretty sure it's just about taking the path of least resistance to getting laid. Especially if they struggle in their home country.

    There are no shortage of feminine women in Western countries, they're just pickier and won't be entirely powerless and dependent on you to exist which is what it sounds like you are looking for when you say things like 'getting away from feminism'. See @Lila9's post.

    It boils down to the idea that people do not want to do an insane amount of work for something which is considered a basic need.

    Basics needs now are so easy to get that people become entitled to them.

    Also it is getting harder for guys to get laid so when you have this basic need getting harder while the rest of basic needs are getting easier (food, shelter, water etc) the entitlement intensifies. 

    In the past all basics needs were relatively hard while today there is a huge disbalance in difficulty between getting laid and the rest of the basics needs.

    Because unlike other basics needs getting laid is a zero sum game, the rest are non-zero sum games.

    I am all for improving yourself but when I hear Leo say you need to do 5000 approaches or otherwise your dating life will suck is extremely demotivating to most guys.

    Imagine if I told you unless you went to the gym 6 times a week and had perfect diet for 15 years your body will look like shit. 

    Reality is not like this.

    If you want the dating life of a king then yeah you need to do 5000 approaches (or be famous) and if you want to look like a bodybuilder than yeah you need the 15 years of non stop training, however most people do not care about such insane results.

    They are happy with decent results.

    Wanting a non obese feminine girl is the equivalent of wanting not to be fat.


  4. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    That's like sitting down with someone for dinner and asking him to list 5 good things about Hitler.

    It's not hard to list 5 good things about Hitler, but the fact that you would demand it shows there's something wrong with your mind

    How is it that a well articulated developed person like Obama was involved in a lot more wars that killed a lot of innocent civilians compared to Trump.

    I read that he is the only president in a while that did not cause any wars.

    So from a matter of saving human lives was he better?

    I read Obama tried to improve relations with the Middle East but he also bullied Libya because of economic interest, ruined that country and also was very involved in Syria which also messed up that country.

    How is that such a wise president bullied a lot more than an idiot like Trump?

    Maybe Obama was a better president for the USA but not for other countries?

    I am not American not like Trump btw but every time I defend Obama the war argument gets started and I get told you cannot defend someone that killed innocent kids.

  5. I am not American so i am writting this from an outsider perspective (I live in Western Europe).

    I have seen so many blunder videos of Biden followed up with this cringe 

    Joe Biden: “I Love Kids Jumping On My Lap” - YouTube.

    It makes me think is this really how bad USA politics are? They cannot put a sane, mentally stable guy that knows in what planet he is and can articulate himself properly for 1 hour without saying dumb shit?

    No offense to Biden, he is old and age can do all sorts of things. I am sure he was capable when he was younger.

    But since the democratic party is huge, how hard is it to put a normal guy as President??

    I am not comparing him with Trump here, but with other political candidates the democratic party can bring.

    Personally I really really liked Sanders proposals but I assume he is too green for current America so he could not win. 

    Fine. So maybe another less green mentally stable guy? How hard is that seriously!


  6. 7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    My diet is not clean right now. I eat anything I am able.

    Is your condition genetic or caused by specific foods you ate during your life? I remember you saying veggies caused you the most pain and it scares me whether I should eat veggies or not.

    I have done some research and many claim carnivore diet is better for human health since there are less toxins in meat and fruits than veggies. Your condition seems to be further proof of that (meat makes you feel way better than veggies).

    Did veggies cause your condition? Or fast food you ate when you were way younger?

    I have been made to believe all my life that veggies are good for heath but now I am unsure, especially for long term stuff which you cannot judge simply by telling how you feel in the moment.



  7. 52 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Haha. If that were true I'd be getting laid a lot more than I am.

    Women absolutely love immature men. Like flies on sh

    From my personal experience it matters a lot on the environment and age of the girl (obviously) 

    I would avoid 20 year old girls in clubs compared to a girl reading a book in a park or out during her day. 

    There is a direct correlation I find between depthless/maturity and being a club regular girl.

    Almost all wise mature girls I met rarely go to clubs (sometimes for fun or for an occasion) but not regularly.

    It makes no sense to me why going to a place where you move to music tends to attract immature shallow girls but it just does. Like shit attract flies as you say.

    Being shallow and dumb gets rewarded much more on such places. I have personally experienced it when trying to nightgame (bars are a lot more different, im talking clubs specifically) compared to meeting girls in other places.

    If you are going to a club to meet mature wise girls is the equivalent of going to a gym to meet spiritual people.

    It can happen of course but the center of gravity is the opposite.


  8. Of course, he has insane charisma and is very entertaining and funny.

    Why else would he have so much following and fans?

    It is not like he is inventing the wheel with self help advice, most of it is rehearsed except a few nuggets like "the only thing you have genioune control over is your mind", love that one. Really helps me.

    Why he has 100x more fame than other self help masculine orange guys? Because of charisma!

    It is really sad his good teachings are overlooked because of his bad actions.


  9. 2 hours ago, something_else said:

    The advice of being authentic works for the majority of women,

    It works because women are way pickier than guys. 

    2 hours ago, something_else said:

    When you say 'authenticity is the basis for attractiveness' what you mean is a very specific kind of authenticity which is more akin to confidence, leadership, and fearlessness.

    "Just be yourself bro".

    "Just be confident bro".


    2 hours ago, somegirl said:

    So authenticity matters a bunch and can make someone more beautiful

    What was his authentic personality like?

  10. 18 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

    Isn’t what is worth it the man you become from this process?

    Most of pickup I see is coercion when it comes to actually getting results (outside of simply approaching and having a good conversation).

    "I am not sure about this"

    "Yes it is ok no worries, all good, come along"

    "Hmmm not sure"

    "Yes all good, come come"

    This feels like high pressure sales, it works but it is based on you being super pushy.

    Also I am not saying personality is not important but not for attraction. Comfort, rapport, intimacy and love are personality based. However attraction is what most guys struggle with, including myself. And that is quite looks based.

    I have no issues with comfort rapport love etc.

  11. 10 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

    thinking you have to suffer to get a girl to like you

    Doing 400 approaches to get 1 girl is suffering.

    10 hours ago, somegirl said:

    By realizing your own freaking worth that you already have. Noone's gonna see your worth unless you do first. 

    All the stuff that makes a guy attractive is everything that is within his reach and everything he can work for. 

    Exit victim mindset and don't watch videos that make you feel powerless. 

    That does not make girls give me choosing signals, the video is over exaggeration obviously but I very rarely have girls be interested right off the bat when I talk to them. They are usually indifferent at first. Having to "win them over" with my "personality" makes me feel unattractive. Especially when I see lame af guys have girls interested in them just because of how they look. I am not saying crazy attention like you are a celebrity but more lowkey attention sometimes like "Oh who is your friend :p" type of thing.


    9 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

    Can you notice how somewhere deep down you actually love this shitty feeling? How it seems to serve you somehow in some weird twisted way

    In a masochistic way yes.


  12. Do social circle. It is more healthy and natural for most guys.

    Pickup is best for socially clueless people to learn how to socialize, ball=less guys to develop some courage and assertivness  or people with sex addiction to satisfy their low consciousness desire to only fuck hot girls in big quantities.

    If you do not find yourself in one of these groups, maybe look into online dating or social circle.

    By pickup I mean going out just to talk to girls and spam approach 30 girls.


  13. 3 minutes ago, something_else said:

    I agree. But it's better to suffer for a little bit for being picky than to end up with someone you're not really attracted to.

    It's a balancing act I suppose. From a guy's perspective, women being picky can make us feel insecure and unworthy. So we often have a desire to criticise women for being too picky. But from a woman's POV, being picky is likely pretty healthy

    It is about girls being picky about not important stuff rather than judging stuff that is actually relevant (wisdom, consciousness, love, kindness, integrity, independence etc). However girls ignore these mostly (with exceptions).

    3 minutes ago, somegirl said:

    Come on, I don't go that much into detail 😂 

    Well you mentioned abs, I mentioned big arms :) 

    3 minutes ago, somegirl said:

    Tbh just having an authentic energy around him is enough for me to fall for him. Even if he is not THAT handsome (with muscles and such). Like I got surprised when I found one guy who is totally not my type, attractive, just because he was so authentic and goofy

    This is more realistic :) 

  14. 1 minute ago, somegirl said:

    But I would rather suffer because of this, than to suffer because I lowered my standards and let someone in that I didn't want to let in. 

    So someone having 16 inch arms versus 14 inch would decrease the happiness of what you can build together?

    I am all for guys being in good shape (I am myself) but your back/arm size dictating how happy you are with someone is just absurd.

    Imagine a guy not dating a girl because her boobs are small. Ridiculous.

  15. @somegirl

    Just now, somegirl said:

    Kindness is a bare minimum, I don't even mention that. Writing kindness is as basic as writing "doesn't beat up women". Of course I want kindness and respect

    Many guys are quite selfish so it is a standard worth having. You would not like it if he cheats on you, would you? 

    1 minute ago, somegirl said:

    It also has to do with my reputation. 


    2 minutes ago, somegirl said:

    Of course someone with decent looking face is okay. I was talking more about muscles and abs when I said handsome.

    Muscles and abs you can build but face wise maybe 10 percent of guys are properly "handsome". So therefore asking for a handsome face is quite picky. If it is just muscles with a decent face then it is more realistic since you have way more built guys than handsome guys.

    3 minutes ago, somegirl said:

    Well ambitious as in, has goals, is passionate about something and is reaching for that goal. Does something every day to get to that goal. Adventurous as in, likes to travel cause I like to travel too.

    Makes sense and sounds good :) 

  16. 20 hours ago, somegirl said:

    it's that finding guys I would actually wanna be/sleep with happens not so often.  

    Lower your standards. You do not need to find the perfect guy to be happy, it is about what you build together that matters.

    14 hours ago, somegirl said:

    Handsome guy, who is adventurous, plays an instument and is ambitious and open-minded 🤣

    Way too picky. Also where is kindness here or is that irrelevant to you? c

    Why handsome? Why not decent looking? Most guys are not handsome but many are decent looking. Also how ambitious and adventures are you talking about? 

  17. On 11/27/2022 at 10:15 AM, Leo Gura said:

    Women rarely reward conscious men with sex. So why should men be better? I have to actively behave like a scumbag to get sex. It's funny. That's what hot women reward. It's similar to social media, you get rewarded the most for the dumbest, vilest behavior.

    I know conscious guys that get girls, the thing is that a conscious guy will not fuck a different girl every week and desire a 100+ laycount the way those sociopathic PUAs usually do.

    Yes being a sociopathic narcissists gets you girls but it is only important when it comes to being a player with big laycount.

    A conscious wise guy can get himself a girlfriend and stay with her for many years. I know such guys personally. 

    Desiring to have a harem of 9/10s is a low conscious mindset itself so of course you need to be low conscious person to achieve it.

    A conscious person will get himself a decent looking (not instagram model hot) looking girl and build a powerful relationship with her for years.

    You do not need to be a sociopathic narcissist to pull that off.

    Also it depends on the girl, some girls reward low conscious behavior more than others.


  18. @Leo Gura

    1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    It's very simple:

    A woman and her children's survival depends enormously on good leadership from a man.

    What a woman is looking for is a good leader to lead her.

    A leadher ;)

    That is who she will be attracted to, get wet for, and fall in love with. The rest is monkey games.

    Then why is this demonized so much in Western World and called toxic, controlling etc?

    Just saying a guy leads and the girls follows his lead will get you labeled as a mysogonistic toxic man and canceled.

    You have no idea how much inner work I had to do and still do to unwire the idea that leading and being dominant assertive regarding dating stuff does not make me a bad person or toxic or an asshole etc.  Basically correcting meekness imposed by society to "fit in" and be a "good boy".

    It is sad really.