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Everything posted by SamC

  1. Yes. But it's not neccesarily the case. My spiral dynamics stage green mum wasn't that pleased that I tried LSD lol. Be careful. Very few will understand why you do what you do.
  2. Lmao We have a word for that, it's called nofap
  3. You should lick your wounds and move on. I don't care what anyone says. Rejection from a girl you like fucking sucks and you as a man have to find a way to deal with it. Don't linger in the friendzone though. Be clear with what you want. If she is not interested, then move on to the next girl. I would rather get completly blown out then to be stuck in the friendzone. That doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't have female friends though, of course you should.. but don't befriend them just to befriend them after they have rejected you. If she is cool and you want to genuinely befriend her, then go for it but then you have to let go of every hope of getting with that girl or that hope will destroy you.
  4. I went out tonight and meet this girl that I actually liked. I really wanted to fuck her but the problem was that she couldn't come with me becuase she had work in the morning and needed to sleep at her friend's place. I'm sure I could have gotten her home otherwise. We made out and she was into me and I also made raport. Should I have tried fucking her in the bathroom at the bar/club? Is that a viable strategy or is it too risky? How do I suggest that if that's the case? Do I just say like " hey, wanna do it (; " Would love to hear some inspiration of what's possible. @Leo Gura
  5. Its not who they attract, it's what they attract. Devilry Is self destructive. They will not get away with it. It will cost more than it tastes. Watch what has happend and will happen to trump in the next upcoming years. He will not become the next president and he will spiral more and more down into his self created hell. Everything is not how it looks, the illusion will soon come to shatter.
  6. The act of devilry is its own punishment. What you radiate, you attract.
  7. Trust in yourself. Notice how you can't let yourself partake in social media because you belive you will fuck up if you do. Let go. This doesn't mean you should start watching youtube, it just means that you should aim to find ways to trust yourself and the universe. Awarness alone is curative. Fullfill your desirea consciously and you will naturally gravitate towards what feels good.
  8. Beyond ideas of right and wrong there is a field. I'll meet you there ~ Rumi
  9. I try to look inwards and see what I am seeking and desiring. For example, I want a lot of hot sex with a variety of girls + to experience a deep relationship with one. Therefor I let myself work towards that. At the same time, I see clearly that I will trancend it and discover that it won't fullfill me really quickly. Conciousness alone is curative. Do whatever you want to do.. sometimes it can be good to overindulge in stuff, if you do it consciously. God's Love and highest wish is whatever you want to experience. Trust that your desire and direction will lead you home
  10. Evil is love that you don't want to submit to. Everyone is doing good from their POW and from what they identify with. The only "Problem" is that we don't identify with everything but with "ourselves" which creates " Evil". Evil doesn't really exist in other words. It's just skewed love.
  11. I realized that I was God on the 5th of mars by taking around 100 microgram LSD. Since then I have felt a lot calmer and happier in general. Prior to my trip I was often overrun by anxiety but that does rarly happen now days. I still get anxiety and I am still insecure about certain stuff, like my relativly short height but its not nearly as bad as it was before. Before I was afraid just by going out shopping for example but nowadays I don't have anxiety over things like that. My relationship have transformed in so many beautiful ways. The people that don't belong disappear, the one's that do appear. Everything is realigning and starts to " fit" for my own best interests. Interestingly my love for animals have skyrocketed ( and other humanbeings aswell). I also have come to love the femenine so much more, girls are fucking awsome. What hasn't changed is me being insecure about being able to be enough for certain things and activitys. I still kind of feel a bit weird compared to others but what's different is that I trust myself more than before. I realized Love, and I know the truth - and I can now more than ever rest in that. It's fine - I am okey no matter what happens. Therefor I don't take these concerns as seriously as before. It's like.. I still have fear eventhough I am okey always because I have experienced that I am 100% perfect as I am. That sense is still there, somehow deep down, eventhough my ego doesn't always belive it. Lastly, I always struggled with girls before but after my trip I managed to get laid and make out with another girl. My awakening was the best thing that ever happend to me.. but I still have a long way to go and I am actually really thankful for that. It's fun to play the game
  12. Thanks for the tip, I'll definitely try that sometime I see, I simply need more experience to be able to make these distinctions Yeah I get it, thanks for drilling this in Leo. I need to expose myself to more experiences. Gonna rewatch your expose yourself to more experiences video tonight. Any more tips or insights that you think of?@Leo Gura
  13. Yeah I should have used the magic frase " can I come with you" Thanks a ton Leo! @Leo Gura how do you fuck in an elevator though? Don't the elevator go up and down to let people in? Lol How do you know this exactly? I know she was down for it yesterday but I don't now how to make the destinction between horny adventurous mode and horny mode.. any clues ? Who would have thought " airy fairy " self love would make me into a sexual MONSTER. I guess I'm a good demon? Self love > hamza
  14. Happy birthday Leo! Your work is saving lives.
  15. Because we are afraid of being alone and the ego interpets it as you being alone, but this is not a survival issue.. The ego belives its better to be seperated and be "alone" that way, than to be united and be alone ( the only thing that exsists). We depend on not being alone, but being alone, seperated is only from this construction. In reality there is no seperation.
  16. You are awsome preety! Much love. So so happy for you? you go girl
  17. I think it boils down to conciousness and being able to understand and ground yourself in truth. If that's your goal, there is always love, there is always hope - eventhough you lose it, you somehow know that you will get thourgh the hardships becuase you can intuit there is something " higher" to reality and that eventually getting there is your leading star.
  18. Have a plan for when it happens and get amused by it while at the same time allowing yourself some space. I also like the laugh about it cause it's quite comical and funny. Here is this thing not wanting to be something, that it already is. That's hilarious. Try to not take it seriously. My go to plan is usally. 1: Go for a walk 2: meditate/ do wim hoff 3: Listen to Leo's ego backlash video. Have some things that you now make you feel better but also don't be afraid of sitting in your misery. I highly reccomend number 3 though, try making that your egobacklash ritual. This of course implies you notice it, which isn't always a given though.
  19. I underdstand that this is really hard for you bro. Me, nor anyone else can understand fully and in total what you've been through but we are here for you. One thing I can say though is that I relate so much to the feeling that no woman wants to be with you. I know that it seems more like a truth because of the countless rejections over and over over again. For you that's not a feeling, that's reality. Atleast that's how it felt for me. I know how painful it is to be rejected and totally humiliated and feel so devastatingly seperated from woman that it feels like no woman will ever want you. When it comes to this, ive experienced it all. I even visited what I thought was my twinflame while she was together with her boyfriend and sang an orginal love song I wrote to her while she made out with her BF. I ended that night by crying 3 hours strait while I headed back to my home in another town. I know how that feels bro! Another example is when I got rejected on my 18th birthday by my classmate and then having to pretend that I was fine to my parents, to then having to sneek up in the middle of the night to cry in the living room to not wake up my parents. What I want to tell by this is that eventhough we or I may not fully understand your struggle, you are not alone in feeling like that.. and even more so, there is hope.. I lost my virginity last weekend after years and years of failure, trials, blowouts and rejections. Eventhough you are where you are right now, it doesn't mean that you're gonna stay there. I was at the bottom litterly. No girl ever wanted me, they all just said eww, but now the reality is the reverse. It is possible man, you can do it.@Kid A I belive in you, don't give up. Counterintuitively, the way you solve this issue is by integrating your feminie side/ anima. You are right now projecting your feminity onto other girls. That's why you belive they will complete you! Investigate the term anima possession and how to integrate your feminity. Good luck man!
  20. I finally did it, I got laid at 21 years old and I am thrilled about it... but the experience was lame. I wasn't nervous, it was just that I wasn't that turned on by her. I am sure exsessive porn consumption is one of the reasons.. or that I fapped before the same morning cuz I didn't expect getting laid. I didn't cum but I got it up, eventhough I lost it once. I pulled her from a bar/club. It was like the illusion broke. When she was there naked, the spell of desire and anticipation was lost. I just had it - and it didn't fullfill me, and it couldn't. Since then I haven't been horny at all. I enjoyed her feminine precense and cuddeling with her after a lot more than the act itself. For your information, I am 100% attracted to girls. It's almost comical becuase I used to think that it would be impossible for me to not ejaculate if I ever would have sex but now when I did have it, it was like I discovered the truth which was the opposite of what I thought. Any ideas what's going on here? Any resources for great sex? Thanks @Leo Gura