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Everything posted by Frenk

  1. Man i wish i was 15 again...
  2. These are nothing compared to the danger of going insane or developing mental issues. (except the driving part, be careful there)
  3. @LastThursday don't scare me like that
  4. Amazing man! I still remember your experience of infinite love a year ago everyone should read this too
  5. I think it's better if you deeply acknowledge that you don't know shit rather than repeating meaningless words
  6. As always a joy to read you trip reports. Nice work
  7. Perfect brilliant stillness - David Carse
  8. I was like that a couple years ago. Scary thing is when i remember myself thinking how true this is and how wonderful i discovered something very few people know. Now I'm like wtf was i thinking xd.
  9. @Bojan V my man, you cannot judge mr.beast like that and not expect any kind of feedback. Your comment was simply pure hate towards the least person you can expect. So what that he is doing in on public? Should he hide in his basement? I swear some of you have your minds programmed to only see the negative in everything.
  10. @electroBeam you're one of the few people here which i enjoy reading to. Please don't stop sharing your insights.
  11. @electroBeam i'm very very curious what this truth is that were hiding. Also scared
  12. @Red-White-Light im suffering from derealization for two years because of a bad trip. And i cant meditate because it feels like it will only become worse. Should i start meditating again?