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Posts posted by Artsu

  1. Actually, for something to relate to itself, it has to be aware of itself, so perhaps awareness is the better starting piece. Awareness is aware of itself, so it is aware of being aware. This produces a different state of awareness, by becoming increasingly aware that it is aware.

    Awareness could be seen as a universal in existence, since it precedes the question ever being raised.

  2. 1 hour ago, Anderz said:

    @Artsu Yes, but a relation can be complete by having a relation to itself. A difference on the other hand results in duality since a difference in relation to itself is no difference. I think that was what impressed me so much by Leo saying that reality is difference.

    The general formula applies to both. It starts with a single concept which then gets applied to itself, producing a different concept. One model produces unity first, the other produces nothingness and duality.

  3. @Anderz i did a similar universe construction from the principle of a relation. The relation has a certain relation to itself, and there is a relation between that relation and the initial one, ad infinitum.

    (The relation of something to itself is equality, so you start with a general relation, and then comes equals. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, An young being said:

    I am not sure. But when @Member was telling about illusion, I am just thinking it maybe related to my passion to differentiate reality from deception ( what I am currently doing now during most of my free time ), like the door in my dream may point to the door of truth and the owl ( illusion ) is trying to tell me something.

    In that case i would say that the snake is the deceiver. The owl can discern what creature it is and its behaviour.

    The owl itself may not represent deception. It may be a spirit guide for instance, in the form of an owl.

    The dream concerns dominance. The owl is asserting dominance, with some risk but not too much. This may suggest challenges in life that you will have to face, where some you need to back away from.

  5. 48 minutes ago, An young being said:

    I am the owl ! I am the dog ! I am the snake ! I am the dream as well.

    Yeah you are great! No, the owl didn't eat any of them, just drove them away. I can see that my mind is trying to tell me something or it may just be a mixture of random things, it's just a mystery!


    Yeah, you seem to be close, but as you said I must introspect how I consider these things to be personally, to have a more accurate prediction. You have given me great clues, though. Thank you!

    A dream like that quite definitely has symbolic significance. How did the dream feel to you? When reflecting back on it, what meaning easily comes to your mind about it?

  6. 4 minutes ago, An young being said:

    ? Advice taken! But I think that heavy food doesn't lead to funny dreams but it causes us to awake from a dream and hence we tend to remember it better 


    Yeah, in my conscious mind, I always consider them as a peaceful, lonely creature, although I don't know what was in my subconscious mind.

    Sounds interesting, but don't owls eat snakes? That's why in the dream I was thinking why it was not eating the snake, and I was kinda afraid of the snake a bit, although it was smaller like a big worm.

    Nice interpretation, will take the points! Although I don't blindly believe in dreams, I am starting to believe it's our deep buried unconscious mind trying to interact with the conscious mind and allow us to understand things we failed to understand consciously.

    Did the owl eat the locust? Perhaps it wanted to scare away the creatures, not kill them. Yes it can kill the snake for food, but it doesnt want to peck at it.

    I apologise if ive missed important details.

  7. I was inspired by a convo, in the thread that I'll call Kanye 4 president, to do an outline of where i think i am in SD stages and other systems.

    The highest stage that i have a wide exposure to is about 2 above turquoise. I only spend a minority of time in the post integral stages. I can often tell when i move from turquoise to post integral, because there is an intermediate stage with clear markers. Its difficult to sustain "being on the other side", so generally im in the green yellow turquoise zone.

    In Maslow i operate generally in the realm of self transcendence. I have a lower physiological, security, belonging, and esteem needs than most people, however i feel that esteem focus will rise considerably if i work full time, and belonging will be increased if i start a family. However for now i am more in Self zone.

    Of course we are operating at i suppose all levels at any time, and we do elevation rituals starting from the ego, the "seat of consciousness", through to t shadow, anima/animus, wise old man/woman, and hopefully landing at Self. So its not that the level we are at is all we are doing, but its where the focus is.

  8. Keep in mind that you are walking the path all throughout life. You dont need to use this or that resource, although resources can be useful.

    I would say perhaps the key ingredient is to have a mindset of wanting to advance higher and higher. Keep worry to a minimum, and dont be scared if things get weird. Acceptance of the changes that occur will help prevent you from getting stuck.

  9. The traversing of the 8 functions is ego consciousness. Youre not yet self actualised at that point because youre functioning in terms of components, not in unison. Ego is especially linked to the 1st function, and any other easy to access function, with the development of the harder to reach functions being more in terms of counterparts to the ego. Inregration of the 8th function represents the culmination of wise old man/woman, esteem, fu'masta, 4th circuit, and likely stage orange. Transcendence of the 8 function through their union represents self, self actualisation, shiny baby, 5th circuit, green, and perhaps awakening.

    I have speculated that each stage of actualisation may be about upgrading each of the 8 functions into a transcendent form, but im not sure if thats how it works, or if there is more of a similarity between different people as they uncover reality, or even greater differences due to transcendence and increasing complexity.

  10. 21 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

    One interpretation can be :

    The father - unmanifest infinite potential 

    Holy spirit - consciousness, both 'material' Manifestation and immaterial - (the mother) 

    The son - prefect marriage of consciousness and Manifestation. For all we know has only manifested in humanity. 

    Jesus -  was like leo of his time. Basically trying to explain all this. Was made to be a God in religion. 

    No offense to Leo, but Jesus was far above Leo. We have a spiritual community here, and that is a great service to mankind, but Jesus shaped the face of the planet as we know it. He represents the turning point in history, since the birth of man!

  11. 1 hour ago, Himanshu said:

    @Artsu No conflicting ideas here.



    Yes so that is how we tie in Jungian type with actualisation. What is happening before you actualise? Well, you are going from your 1st to 8th function. It is only when you integrate your weakest part that you can start functioning as a whole.