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Posts posted by Artsu

  1. 1 minute ago, Arthur said:

    Green will come naturally when you exhaust Orange. Pursue Orange goals and interest fully and you will outgrow them. I don't know your background, but generally speaking, engage in the following:

    • Education - get a uni degree in some scientific field.
    • Get a good-paying job or build your own business. Become financially independent.
    • Get good with girls, get involved with pickup.
    • Work on your body, go to the gym, get buffed.
    • Get nice materialistic stuff - good house, cool car, sexy gf etc.
    • Learn about science and tech.
    • Revisit basic personal development - Tonny Robbins style.

    Those are healthy Orange activities, each item is a phase you have to fully go through. Without this, I don't see how you can progress to Green and beyond.

    None of that stuff is necessary. Much is just a distraction from what is important.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

    @Artsu Just curious what your MBTI personality is? :) You seem very knowledgeable about it.

    I'm an INFP-A. I only tested myself twice, but many months apart.



    I'm an INFJ. I read you just now as ISFJ and when i was speaking with you several weeks ago, i read you as ISFJ. So i think that is your type.

    There are quite a few Si dominants at this site from what i have seen...

  3. Just now, Tim R said:

    @Carl-Richard I feel that I still lack a bit of compassion, social interest (might actually just be part of yellow)  and a proper valuing of and connection to my emotions.  

    This could indeed be individual and humanity focus which i associate with green.

    Try a) understanding your life and who you are as a whole, seeing it all at once

    B) practicing deep empathy by attempting to mirror or read the inner constitution of another

    Also, look into the Feeling function (s) in MBTI. You are speaking as though you want to increase your F. If you want, i can read your personality and let you know how F fits into that personality, and what strategies you can impliment to improve it.

  4. 4 hours ago, soos_mite_ah said:

    I'm glad that you are also trying to allow yourself to be happy lately. Also what consists of more love will depend on a person and their circumstance but yes in general, everyone needs more love. I think you are always allowed to have good things for yourself and let yourself be happy regardless of moral grounding. However, when you don't have a moral grounding, it's easier to grasp on to things that you think you'll make you happy (like exploitation etc) rather than things that will actually make you happy. Developing a solid moral grounding is an act of love to increase your levels of happiness. That's how I see it. 

    I'm majoring in finance and international relations with a minor in human rights.  I already did a lot of my social science courses. I enjoyed all them immensely. If you ever want to talk about social sciences and policy let me know. I'm more than enthusiastic to discuss :D

    Thanks. I might be trying a different subject next semester. If i decide to have another go at it, i will definitely want to talk to you about it. Once i have the basic idea of something, i learn best through discussion.

    Yes i feel that my moral grounding is going to lead to me being very, very happy, but it won't happen until after i die. I can learn to be happier in this life, but i will be always suffering, until i cross over. Still, i have no intention on going anywhere for a while, there is much i can do while on earth and things have gotten so much better recently.

    Major sinners are often very happy, perhaps most of the time they are. But ultimately, they are the ones who suffer for their sins. Their victims will be repaid for their suffering. So ultimately the evil doer is doing evil to themself, but others are hurt in the meantime.

    If only people would change their ways, and learn to follow the law of love, even so much as the divine love.

  5. Heres a different suggestion: rather than integrating green directly, learn a complimentary system such as Maslow or 8 Circuits of Consciousness and integrate the stages from that.

    These models say very similar things to each other, so you will find a ton of new green aspects that SD doesnt cover.

    Start with 8 circuits of consciousness, circuit 5.

  6. Well i mean.. if youre yellow, you will look at green from a higher perspective, rather than a lower one. So it's different.

    Otherwise i dont know much about it. Ive never tried to intentionally integrate a lower stage from what i understand. Maybe i technically have.

    My view is that green actually corresponds to 2 stages, maybe even 3. Individualism, humanity focus, and gaia focus perhaps. I don't even know what yellow is exactly. Turquoise makes sense as cosmic focus.

    Anyway, im not sure what youre asking, so this post will only get messier.

    I'll think about the notion of integrating lower stages and maybe get back to you.

  7. 7 hours ago, soos_mite_ah said:

    @Artsu i agree. It's good to have a lot of love and empathy but there needs to be a balance  with healthy sense self preservation. A healthy sense of self preservation is also a great act of love. The advice on which way one needs to lean towards relies on where one is in the spectrum and what one needs to do to return to an equilibrium.  

    Yes for me, accepting that i am allowed to be happy is a big thing lately. I guess i am taking a break from my hard work.

    For most people, they don't yet have the higher love, the divine love. So with the exception of things like pride based self sacrifice, which is a false way of being moral, most people need more love, and no one needs less love but a few need to allow good things for themselves as well.

    Probably i can allow myself to be happier now that i am secure in my moral grounding. I could have done it earlier but i didnt know which acts of self focus were good to engage in and which weren't. 


    Wow youre doing a lot of subjects. I was doing one subject recently and unenrolled because i got overwhelmed by the nature of the assessments.

    Doing a class on religion must be pretty good. The rest isnt that interesting to me but is in the ballpark of what i was planning on studying, which is social science and policy.

    I hope your studies continue to do well and that the job that you end up getting allows you to give benefit to the world through your love.

  8. 1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

    @Yog I was talking about the similarities between N and P, not Se and Ni. Or am I that confused?

    Se is a strong function of SPs, and Ni is a strong function of NJs.

    So contrasting Se and Ni contrasts NJ with SP, allowing the differences between the two dichotomies to be seen.

    The dilemma you've presented about N resembling P is something I've noticed, but it's not a big deal regarding the theory. Learn about the cognitive functions if you haven't already, and think of dichotomies and functions as saying the same thing from a different angle.

    N means that a top 2 function is intuition (Ni or Ne), P means that the top two functions consist of extroverted perception and introverted judgment.

    Ps get their openness from the way they absorb information from the environment through extroverted perception. Ns get their openness from the way they seek out new kinds of information, rather staying with what they know.

  9. 18 hours ago, Forza-Spirito said:

    Thank you for the answers! Do you think that these peak experiences, visions etc., are an important part of a spiritual practice (without psychedelics) or are they just very rare?

    I think... if you're not having spiritual experiences after spiritual practices, then why not?

    Perhaps one should focus on transforming one's inner self to be spiritual, rather than adopting this and that practice.

  10. Shame will come to you over mistakes. The shame should stop when you have fully repented of your actions. Of course you will continue to feel this way after realising past wrongs.

    Some of this you can deal with now though. You don't need to fear how people see you. Most people do bad things, and the ones who mostly don't aren't likely to judge you, are they? Or when they judge it will be done correctly, not against false criteria.

    Allow yourself to be punished, but don't feel that you need to add to it. Focus on being a better person.

  11. It can be hard having this love. Being more giving than others so that things are one-sided. Not advocating for opportunities for oneself, while others push their way ahead.

    But it is the best way to be. It means you have life. Most people don't, so it's about being patient with those who are learning, and knowing when to cut off those who are frustratingly negative...

    ...while remembering that all people are worthy of love, even the greatest evil doers. But the demons are treated differently than the angels, because while the latter embrace love, and love of a higher kind, the former reject even the love that is natural.

    Know that you are worthy of great honours and praise. It is also true, however, that there is still much to be improve.

    In one sense, the presence of this love means you are already whole and complete, but in a way you are not wholly whole (yet).

    But you are holy, from what I can see.

  12. On 28/08/2020 at 11:45 AM, Angelo D said:

    So maybe it is that there is an intrinsic beauty in all things, but to say that one thing is more beautiful than another is something like a judgment and therefor false. 

    So a pretty woman is not more beautiful, in truth, than a paperclip. 

    Tell me if I understand.

    Do you want to know if that's what Buddhists believe, or if it's true? Because it's not true.

    Beauty is a quality of perception, the subject perceiving qualities in the object.

    Perhaps the point is that appearances can be deceptive and you have to go deeper, realer, truer.

  13. You may have learnt something about yourself that is hard for you to accept. Be open to learning how you are. Remember you need to recognise a flaw before you can fix it.

    On the other hand, I've heard that Jung was a bad person with demonic involvement, so you may be absorbing his negativity. If you keep having bad emotions when reading his work, it may be best to put it down.

    Jung made great advances in our understanding of alchemy, personality, self actualisation, and so on, but much of this is better not taken too seriously.

    You may find yourself adrift a sea of confusion, thinking you have problems you don't have.

    That being said, I have read plenty of Jung's work, and I did feel that it helped me in understanding things, such as my status as a shaman.

    So yeah... Be willing to look at yourself clearly and honestly. And sometimes when you think there is a problem with you, it is actually someone else projecting negativity into you.

  14. On 26/08/2020 at 1:42 AM, PopoyeSailor said:

    Seems like a christian website, probably that's why they cannot accept reincarnation. So, they have to interpret it in ways that makes sense for them.

    How do you explain the reincarnation cases where birth marks and birth defects correspond to the injury in the previous life.

    It's Christian in the sense of being based around the people and events of the new testament (many of the letters are transmissions from Jesus), but it is not biblical. The letters could contain anything, whatever the spirit wants to transmit through the medium.

    There's no reason to say they are rejecting reincarnation out of dogma, because they reject the idea that Jesus is God, or that the bible is infallible, or the vicarious atonement.

    Trust that the letters are actual transmissions from spirits in the spirit world. That doesnt mean its always right. The knowledge of the spirit talking, and the ability of the medium to receive the messages are limiting factors.

    As for your example, i don't know how to explain that WITH reincarnation (it's the soul that reincarnates, not the body, so why would there be a birthmark anyway? There is more to the picture.), so it is irrelevant at this point.

  15. Those connections don't seem that strong to me. 

    For example, tentative speech, and complex/metaphorical speech are not that similar.

    There's going to be overlap in how dichotomies are described because we have limited language.

    Overall, there shouldn't be much similarity, so treat the dichotomies as completely separate, with maybe some interesting connections.

  16. On 27/08/2020 at 10:33 AM, soos_mite_ah said:

    From what I understood, sensors are people who focus more on the details while intuitives are more focused with the big picture. Like if you show them an abstract painting, a sensor will look at it and admire the colors and the brush strokes while intuitives will look for symbolism and deeper meaning. This dichotomy has to do with how information/ and experiences are processed

    When it comes to judging and perceiving, judgers are more plan oriented while perceivers are more spontaneous. This dichomy has to do with how you react to events and experiences. 


    You can be well planned out and be detail oriented. You could be well planned out and focused on big picture understanding. 

    Or you can be spontaneous and detail oriented. You can also be spontaneous with big picture understanding 

    Regardless of whether you are well planned out, spontaneous, detail oriented, or focused on the big picture, you can always be open to experience. 

    This is pretty much it, except that there is a correlation between being open to experience (in big 5) and focusing on the big picture, and somewhat with being spontaneous.

    (Big picture/intuiton/idea focus and spotaneity/perceiving/adaptiveness are not correlated, or not very significantly correlated at least)

  17. There is a metadichotomy of yin yang that applies to the other dichotomies. Intuition is yin and sensing is yang, perceiving is yin and judging is yang.

    When compared with each other, these two dichotomies have little in common besides openness, and they're open in different ways.

    J is goal focused, P adjusts to surroundings, thus taking in new information.

    S is focused on the concrete, N is focused on the abstract, conceptual, speculative, and has a preference for novelty and new approaches.

    So they are both open in the sense of preferring new information, but in Se, the new information is what's around you and what is concrete.

    Si and Ni are apperceptive, meaning they see the world through a subjective lens. Si has a preference for the known, Ni for the unknown.

    SPs will be drawn to physical experiences, NJs will conceive of new ways to see things. Both have a bit of the other.

    Hopefully that clears things up.

    Edit: also, SJs seek to improve the certainty of information and adherence to previous standards, thus running contrary to openness. NPs are drawn to new ideas and are the most open. Again, each has a bit of the other.

  18. George, your dad is right. You're being an idiot.

    You are telling us that your dad is below you in consciousness, when in reality he is likely much wiser than you.

    Think you're a fast developer? Ok, well he has many years on you with which to develop.

    I'm not saying that being older automatically makes someone higher in consciousness than someone else, but consciousness develops as you get older so clearly they are correlated.

    Anyway, your post makes it sound like you are in the wrong, so that is why i am saying that.