Jacob Morres

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Everything posted by Jacob Morres

  1. @Leo Gura im confused bc the dude was normal asf lol, which is why i liked it I agree most of the pickup stuff on YouTube is kind of cringe. A lot of youtubers dont have game, ive seen a lot. But i thought this dude (who wasn't the youtuber, but the stranger) was pretty funny, confident and calibrated The girl is clearly trolling but the way the guy handled it, I was impressed at his calibration. Curious which part you thought was weird/awkward
  2. I love nahm
  3. The way I do it is when I'm in a stressful situation and think of the worst case scenario and be okay with that, my stress goes away. Bc I've found peace with the worst thing, so there's no struggle with it anymore
  4. Can I get a tldr on this pickup thing. What's the disagreement even about
  5. https://canyouzen.com/which-meditation-is-best-definitive-guide/ Overview of like a dozen meditation styles. Like visualization, vipassana, mantras. Decently informative in terms of breadth on meditation styles
  6. Love, vulnerability, integrity, boundaries, communicatation and a genuine intent for intimacy Disclaimer: Definition is a work in progress
  7. Same argument works w game bc how are you going to pick up girls if you don't have basic social skills Pua funnels some ppl into game too quickly
  8. Lmaooo omg I got a bad habit of skimming shit super quickly my b
  9. incels dont even necessarily need to be blaming or hating people to be an incel also using carl jung and shadow work, judgement + hate is also the ego projecting its own stuff onto others. so it seems like the feelings people have towards incels are partly a collective shadow
  10. @Gesundheit2 these topics require tons of sensitivity and wisdom. I don't think your taking the right approach Bc when ur a victim of it, it can be also traumatic to not be believed/victim blamed. But I'm not her so idk her exp
  11. yall will be ok lol on a side note im increasingly curious about what solipsism is now Lol . but gonna just not look into that
  12. i think move if it feels right for you. people will try to tell you to move without knowing u or situation but do what u want
  13. But I would say rather, 'what I'm looking for'. I wouldn't say I'm turned on
  14. For example: the other day a girl was telling me a close experience to her and i had no what to say and started getting really sweaty and anxious, say some sort of weird things and basically killed the vibe with my weird vibe. basically this happens whenever someone opens up, or says something i disagree with. i just have no idea how to respond sometimes this is the 2nd time i did this and the girl just leaves Lmao. I would really like to stop and be able to have normal healthy conversation without turning into a complete degenerate LMAO someone help pl
  15. Most def. The top nba players air ball free throws sometimes even though they practice like 300k shots a year. Simple shots. Near the rim with a very high shot rate. Yet sometimes they don't even get close lol Even the top ppl make the noobiest mistakes. It is comforting ^^ It's actually a mindset in sports performance to just see it as part of the process and not to judge it
  16. nice i did stronglifts for 3y and then coolcicadas ppl for 4
  17. Well that's some healthy comms
  18. @Nadosa good point it's paradoxical. Being okay with suffering reduces suffering
  19. “The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition.” ― Ryan Holiday
  20. I personally love his learning = videos so more of those
  21. How do you balance being good enough as you are but simultaneously not having yet what the opposite sex wants? It's a weird paradox I haven't solved yet
  22. to be non-judgmental and love all people i want everyone to be loved as they are, and create change through this place i don't like when people or groups or marginalized, and i also don't even like when people marginalize those that marginalize. radical empathy i suppose. help bring humanity closer to each other. sounds a bit hippie but whatever lol
  23. @Federico del pueblo confidence and a career i think (I'm in between careers rn)
  24. @Vision I found it on Facebook