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About imagineam1

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  1. Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise Examples Mega-Thread
    Hey, ya'll, I need your help!
    I want to create a comprehensive list of video examples of prototypical stage Turquoise thinking.
    This is meant to be an educational tool for people learning about Spiral Dynamics.
    So towards that end, scour Youtube and find all the videos you can which exhibit stage Turquoise thinking. Try to find videos which are short and sweet. The more diversity we can display here, the better. Try to find examples from various cultures.
    We will create a mega-thread like this for every stage in the Spiral, from Red to Turquoise. But here, let's just focus on Turquoise. Each week I will start a new mega-thread topic for the next stage.
    Do not start a political debate in this thread! It is not our goal here to defend our personal political positions or to judge any stage, but simply to compile examples.
    Thanks for your help! I'm excited to see what kind of juicy stuff you dig up. Try to be selective with your choices.
    This can turn into a really cool list.
    Stage Turquoise Values:
    Consciousness Elevating mankind’s consciousness Truth Deep metaphysical insight Wisdom, the wisdom of nature Mysticism, spirituality, nonduality God, divinity Holism, integration, synthesis vs analysis Integrating all religions & science Left & right brain synthesis Honesty, transparency, authenticity Being vs knowing, doing, having Simplicity, flowing with nature Minimalist sustainable living Collaborative synergy Human wellness Healing at all levels: physical, emotional, spiritual Exploring altered states of consciousness Intuition Channeling: direct downloads from infinite intelligence Supernatural creativity Spiritual purification Awakening, transcendence, liberation Unconditional love, compassion for all Emotional mastery Presence, mindfulness Paradox Esoteric teachings Gratitude Unity Deeper & deeper levels of interconnectedness Selfless living Sacrifice self for greater consciousness Meditation, yoga, contemplation, self-inquiry Not-knowing Humility Spontaneity, playfulness, self-amusement The really big picture Stage Turquoise Examples:
    Sadhguru, Shunyamurti, Thomas Campbell, Yoda, David Hawkins, Ken Wilber, Shinzen Young, Deepak Chopra, Stan Grof, Osho, Mooji, Ramaji, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, Yogananda, Martin Ball, Terence McKenna, Carl Jung, Sri Aurobindo, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Ervin Laszlo, David Loy, Alan Watts, Wim Hof, Matt Kahn, Dalai Lama, Sasha Shulgin, yoga, holotropic breathwork, The Holographic Universe, Akashic Records, noosphere, opening the 3rd eye, pineal gland, out of body experiences, samadhi experiences, siddhis, paranormal abilities, clairvoyants, channels, mediums, Bashar, Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, alternative healing systems, Maya, psychedelics, 5-MeO-DMT, StarTrek: The Q, Rupert Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields, Dean Radin’s paranormal research, Gandhi’s ideas of pluralistic harmony, Gaia, biocentrism, Monroe Institute, Esalen Institute, transpersonal psychology, Jung’s collective unconscious, quantum field theory, sacred geometry, reincarnation, opening chakras, saints, sages, mystics, prophets, etc.

  2. Conversations with god... the book
    Conversations with god... the book
    This. It's like a download, so to speak. Whatever you want to call it (God,Tao,Brahman,Infinite Awareness,Universal Intelligence etc.) "speaks" from that silent,timeless dimension beyond mind. All the mystical,religious teachings/ texts and poetic words from all around the world were spoken and/or written from, and point to, That. 
    Awakening is essential. Wars are waged based on one person or cultures belief over another.
    After awakening, one can pick anything,from nearly all cultures of the world. From the Native Americans to the Sufi mystics like Kabir or Rumi, To Mohammed,John of the Cross or Bodhidharma and Lao Tzu and see they are speaking of the same thing.

    Belief is personal. Truth is universal and belongs to no one, yet is available to all.
    Now that, is Love.

  3. Conversations with god... the book
    Conversations with god... the book
    If you eliminate much of the ego, God will speak to you all the time.
    The only obstacle to talking to God is you! Purify yourself first.

  4. Conversations with god... the book
    Conversations with god... the book
    Don't forget, you are God. So you can talk to yourself any time you like

  5. Enlightenment Jokes Here
    Enlightenment Jokes Here
    If you can live without caffeine,
    If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
    If you can resist complaining,
    If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,
    If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,
    If you can ignore a friend's limited education and never correct him or her,
    If you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend,
    If you can face the world without lies and deceit,
    If you can conquer tension without medical help,
    If you can relax without liquor,
    If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,
    If you can honestly say that deep in your heart you have no prejudice against creed, color, religion, gender preference, or politics,
    --Then you have almost reached the same level of spiritual development as your dog!

  6. Enlightenment Jokes Here
    Enlightenment Jokes Here

  7. Enlightenment Jokes Here
    Enlightenment Jokes Here
    On enlightenment path...  ( SO funny LOL) 

  8. Enlightenment Jokes Here
    Enlightenment Jokes Here
    Dr. Leo Gura awakening Kermit to the truth of his existence..

  9. The Void
    The Void
    There's nothing horrifying about a void. If you're experiencing horror, that's obviously an egoic emotional reaction and NOT void.
    The Void is meaningless. Which means it cannot be bad. And in fact, it is Love, since its a perfect Unity.

  10. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D
    David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D
    Muscle testing is not a reliable method. It's too prone to confirmation bias and self-deception.

  11. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D
    David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D
    Don't take his numerical scale too seriously. Big picture-wise it's good.
    God is Infinite Love. You will find nothing higher.

  12. Daniel Ingram: Psychedelics, Meditation and enlightenment
    Daniel Ingram: Psychedelics, Meditation and enlightenment
    Arising and passing away. Lol
    He's clueless of what consciousness is capable of. He is parroting Buddhist dogma.
    I swear, Buddhists are some of the dumbest people out there, precisely because they think they got it all figured out.

  13. Daniel Ingram: Psychedelics, Meditation and enlightenment
    Daniel Ingram: Psychedelics, Meditation and enlightenment
    It really don't. Your ego does.
    Consciousness is happy being a rock for 4 billion years.

  14. Are YOU Leo's new girlfriend? (serious)
    Are YOU Leo's new girlfriend? (serious)
    Pickup works of course, but:
    A) I don't really enjoy clubs and bars. I did that earlier in my life because it forced me to grow. I would rather be meditating. Chasing girls is not so appealing to me since my time is valuable. I am not a social person by temperment. I can be happy living in a cave. And one day I may just completely leave society behind and you may never hear from me again. Cause ya'll are fucking nuts
    B) Covid killed pickup

  15. Are YOU Leo's new girlfriend? (serious)
    Are YOU Leo's new girlfriend? (serious)
    It would be hilarious if Leo took all these years and hard work to build Actualized org and in the end it was all a ploy to get a girlfriend. 

  16. How to Become a Master of your Reality - LOA
    How to Become a Master of your Reality - LOA
    I will keep it short and simple, i see so many repetitive questions on the forums and i have a surge of energy to set it right once and for all.
    Start Behaving as if you already HAVE what you desire or ARE what you seek to be or KNOW what you seek to know or Understand. Behave as if you emit an infinitely strong electromagnetic force that the whole universe hears, sees and feels you, feel it deep in the core of your being, Fully and completely immerse yourself in your Beauty, your Love, your Passion, your Godliness even if you don't see and believe it yet, they key is to trick the mind/subconscious and the overall energetic matrix into believing and doing so. This is how you change yourself thus your reality.
    Keep doing this and repeating this, eventually you will trick your self into the belief that you are actually there already(which is ultimately true but you are just not aware of if yet) and in return, reality must comply with the vibration you are emitting because reality is absolutely, self-reflective.
    I always tell people, keep flooding the mind/body with thoughts and feelings that you prefer, at first it won't believe you but if you keep doing it and allow no gaps of your regular routine to take over again, your overall auric and cellular energetic matrix will start to behave and emit a vibration out into the universe that its already there thus the universe MUST and WILL comply because that's all you are feeding it, so to speak.
    Once you start getting the hang of this and hopefully mastering it, the focus on personal and small scale things naturally becomes obsolete as you will start to realize how powerful you actually are and you will naturally be lead to more global/universal/collective scale things. Don't worry about destroying the universe, creation has fail-safes that are unbreakable. Once you start becoming very powerful, Enlightenment takes over by nature, in turn you cannot destroy self.
    The Child that pretends and imagines creates and manipulates reality the same way the Master does. Do not be afraid to imagine, do not be afraid to pretend.
    You are absolutely and infinitely Loved, Blessed and Supported by Creation. Immerse yourself in the power of Love & Light and you will never be lead Astray!
    The Mirror will never smile first.
    Infinite Love!

  17. David R Hawkins
    David R Hawkins
    Youre expecting too much security, you gotta try stuff out, if it works it works, dont expect some Jesus figure to tell you what is 100% tried and true.  
    If you knew it was 100% true, how would you know that is true? 

  18. Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise Examples Mega-Thread
    The trademark owners had it removed from YouTube by doing a trademark claim. "Spiral Dynamics" is their trademark and they will not allow any videos which teach it in a way they do not agree with it.
    Too much wokeness in that one
    The problem with the creators of SD is that they do not have a deep access of God-consciousness. So they hit a glass-ceiling around the Yellow-Turquoise stage. The scientific mind cannot reach beyond Turquoise, yet that's when things start to get most interesting.
    If you want to really understand SD you will have to eventually abandon SD.

  19. Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise Examples Mega-Thread
    At around 2:26 of Jay's clip, I do suspect that when he said,
    "We want to keep chasing love, but we don't actually want to fall into it,"
    I highly suspect that this is a pointer to the Satori. Fall into it refers to becoming the No-self and transforming and falling back into your ego, which of course is your body & the world. Then, there is this massive bliss for the ego, indicating to the ego that it is in the to love realm, which is earth. That means our purpose has to be aligned with love when we go through life. Life is the school. Hopefully, we will learn this lesson, apply it, and graduate from life.

  20. Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise Examples Mega-Thread
    Joe Vitale
    John Newton - health beyond belief
    Dr. John F. Demartini - The breaktrough experience (Dear Leo this might be your missing piece)
    "The meaning you give an event is how you attracted it" - Sindre Jakobsen 
    Eliphas Levi
    Benthino Masaro
    Matt Kahn
    Hermetic principals
    "Taking 100% responsibility for what shows up in your sphere of awareness"
    Gratitude - Is a state at which you experience the complimentary emotions, you then grow in consciousness and attract more light and in a sense enter a new field of possibilty and challenges.
    facebook dot com/groups/998469916986414/
    "Those who seek the most, lack the most" - Gummybear <3
    Teleology - Telos

  21. Spiral Dynamics Stage Purple Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Purple Examples Mega-Thread
    Is this true? Are our elders really that wise?

  22. Spiral Dynamics Stage Purple Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Purple Examples Mega-Thread
    Ayurveda and astrology are not purple. They are tools. 
    Saying ayurveda is purple is like saying a hammer is purple.
    You guys use spiral dynamics way too much to describe things. When you've got a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you're indoctrinated into spiral dynamics, everything has a colour. Including your penis apparently.
    Ayurveda, like all tools exist on all stages of the spiral. It exists in purple, but also in green with holistic medicines.
    Astrology exists in purple, but also exists in green with new age beliefs.
    @Artsu If you actually read spiral dynamics books, spiral dynamics has nothing to do with spirituality.
    Spiral dynamics is simply a model for describing how societies evolve. How people communicate and work together.
    it DOES NOT describe the inner workings of tools, or even people. If you use spiral dynamics to describe tools or to describe the psychology of a person, you're basically a clown, because that's got nothing to do with spiral dynamics. No human being is a colour. Only groups of people can be colours. 

  23. Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise Examples Mega-Thread
    He doesn't dress like a 'hippy', this appeals to the more orange western rational psyche. This is what made me first appeal to him and leo a few years ago because of the way they presented themselves. 

  24. What video led you to an existential crisis?
    What video led you to an existential crisis?
    This video started my trajectory into doubting everything I thought I knew.

  25. Will Science Ever be able to explain Consciousness?
    Will Science Ever be able to explain Consciousness?
    I feel like science is similar to that part of self inquiry when you ask yourself, Am I my body? : no....Am I my feelings? : no....Am I my thoughts? : I....
    Current science will keep asking: what is the smallest building block of the universe? how does material stuff exist? Science has been obsessed by this question in a similar way that I as a person am obsessed with "who/what am i?"
    I don´t think science is as blind to it´s own illusion as one might think cause it keeps asking these question and with quantum mechanics science understand that it´s not what it thought it was.
    When science has emptied it questions it will realize that itself does not exist, science does not exist, reality exists. Then science can start the journey of answering what is science and well be on track!